
The Elite Royals

Keira Adams, a moderately wealthy new girl moves from New York City to London, where she attends a new prestigious private school in which only the richest kids in the world attend. There, she meets children of billionaires and millionaires. How would she cope when the Royals, a group of pompous kids want to relate with her by all means.

violet_armstrong · 若者
3 Chs


Keira Adams was not happy today, she had a bad fight with her mother last night. No matter how hard she tried to change her parents mind from moving back to London, they did not listen. They always did this, forced their decisions on her, she wasn't exactly happy in America, but at least she was more happy than she was when she was in England, at least the bullying that seemed endless stopped. Not only did they have to fly in late last night, she now has to attend a school that only seems fit for pompous rich kids, because her mother says and she quotes "I tried so hard to get you into that school, if they say you are starting tomorrow, then you are starting tomorrow". As if she isn't tired already.

Keira walked down the stairs and was about to fetch some breakfast when her mother approached her.

"Did you forget your manners upstairs, you can't even greet"

"Rebecca, we are going to be late for the meeting" Mr Adams hollered as he also came downstairs, he grabbed his wife's hand, while his other hand held his briefcase and they made their way to the door.

"Good day at school sweetheart" the man yelled as he entered his Lexus and drove off.

Keira let out a small sigh of happiness when they left, she had spent so much time on eating that she forgot to check the time.

"shit" she whispered when she saw she was running late, she quickly got into her car and backed out of the garage.

As she was driving, she started to over think this new school and how it would be for her, would she get bullied for not having some things the other kids have, she needs to learn not to be so self conscious.

Remembering her older brother's words to remain contented, she walked out of her car and made her way into Cherwell College, the school where only the wealthiest children go to. Nervously picking at her uniform, which for some reason had started to feel itchy, it looked really good on her, she must admit but she felt out of place when she saw how attractive other girls looked in it.

"Hello, good morning, are you Keira Adams" A girl who looked liked she had her bath in diamonds, walked up to her, she looked so beautiful.

"Yes i am, how did you know that"

"Well you're the only one looking confused in the hallway, and I'm a good guesser" The girl chuckled and shook Keira's hand.

"My name is Melissa Davis and i am your assigned tour guide"

"I didn't know i would get an assigned tour guide"

"Well every new student does, i know it can be hard getting settled at a new school, but don't worry, its not all that bad, you won't be the new girl forever"

"Thanks, i guess"

"Great, now walk with me" Melissa said and started to walk away, Keira had to keep up with her long strides, she was quite tall.

"Now i could tell you where classrooms are, and all that, but we both have class in 20 minutes and that would be a waste of both of our times"

"What do you mean by 20 minutes"

"Well, i believe you have Organic Chemistry, oh, i must have forgotten to give you your schedule, well, here you go, do well to keep it safe as you won't be getting another one"

She said and handed her a small piece of paper that surprisingly managed to contain all of her courses for the year, she quickly took a picture of it and saved it on het phone.

"Now, moving on to more important matters, there is a level of hierarchy in this school which is the most helpful thing you need to survive here"

"I don't understand"

"Okay, you see those group of sad looking teenagers" Melissa said pointing to people who were wearing oversized uniforms and thick glasses, they made the school looked poor, which it wasn't. Well she was one to judge, that was her a few years ago.

"We call them the "unprivileged". They are the bottom of the food chain, they are either scholarship kids or sponsored by the government or someone kind enough to take interest in them"

"Wow" Keira was really surprised at how easily  insulted people were.

"Yes, you definitely do not want to associate with them, they will basically add you to their outcast life. Next up on the food chain, we have the "under the radar" guys, they do not talk to anyone, and no one talks to them, they rarely get bullied and are usually on their own, they claim they just want a normal high school life but we all know the truth"

"The truth?"

"That they crave popularity like everyone else, seems like a fit for you actually. Anyways, there are the "nobles" which is a category i belong to"

Melissa says as she waved to a bunch of people whose shoes probably cost more than her kitchen.

"We are the important group, we're basically the foundation of this school" she says smiling to herself.

"Then who are those?" Keira asked as she saw a group of six attractive people who looked like royalty, the way the looked was not humanly possible, they looked like gods, like people you would respect without even meeting them. If she thought Melissa and her posse looked expensive before, well these people looked like they could buy her parents advertising company twice.

"They are the ROYALS" Melissa said with disgut


"Yes, Prince Raheem El Khein, prince and heir to the throne of Saudi Arabia. Olivia Adenuga, daughter of the Nigerian Billionaire, Michael Adenuga, he is also the third richest man in Africa, that's a huge deal, she is basically the queen of this school. Everyone either wants her, hate her or want to be her"

Melissa pointed to Olivia, the prettiest girl in the group, who was laughing hard at something Raheem had said.

"Next, we have Yasmin Herrera, a spanish girl whose parents own chains of hotels across the world, she and Olivia have been best friends for a very long time now. After her, we have the two siblings, Prince Alexander and Princess Leia Windsor, yes, i said Windsor, as in the children of Arthur George Windsor, King George VII, the present King of the United Kingdom, Alexander is dating Olivia by the way, they are practically meant to be. Finally, we have Sebastian Keen, his parents are prestigious lawyers who have won many cases for many huge people in the society. The first initials of their names spells out ROYALS. Everyone started calling them that as soon as they figured it out"

"Wow, they all sound and look very rich" Keira said letting out a breath.

"They are, they have all been friends since they were born, they look nice but don't be fooled. They are vile and manipulative people"

"Why do you say so"

"They get bored, easily and once they do, another student becomes their victim".


"Just stay away, keep a low profile, you are an easy target for them, just so we're clear, i am not your friend and i won't help you out if you are in trouble"

"Okay, noted, how am i an easy target?"

"you're new, confused and already interested in them also--"

Melissa didn't get to finish her sentence because that was the time Sebastian Keen chose to interrupt their conversation and speak to Melissa, and he looked incredibly handsome upfront

"Lisa, i hope you had a good night" he said charmingly

"yes i did, thank you Sebastian, did you need me?"

"I just felt like coming to talk to you, and who is this" Sebastian shifted his attention from Melissa to Keira

"This is K--"

"I trust she can speak for herself" He said and Melissa reeled back her tongue.

"Hi, I'm Keira Adams"

"Are you new?"

"Yes, i just moved here from New York"

"Well i hope you like our school" He smiled at her

"i hope i do too" Keira smiled back, and it felt like her first mistake.

"Enjoy your day, i will see you around Melissa" He waved at her and walked away

"I warned you" Melissa whispered into Keira's ear as she left her standing there alone.

Out of the corner of her eye, Keira could see how the rest of the royals were staring at her and making her feel observed. They welcomed Sebastian with smiles, as if he had accomplished something. And maybe he has, maybe this is the start of how they break the new girl.