
The Elementals: Dawn of A New Era

Sian knelt frozen in fear. Her entire family has just been murdered in front of her and her village was ablaze. There was so much violence before her eyes and she was just nine. Blood and tears flowed from her eyes as she stared in horror at the lifeless body of her younger sister. The man who had killed her was walking away and she couldn't do anything. She knew all this was partially her fault. This was happening because of people like her. But her sister was innocent. She had nothing to do with this she thought to herself. She stood up weakly and made slow advances towards her sisters murderer with clenched fists. She could still hear her sisters innocent laughter and it made her blood boil. More tears flowed down from her already swollen eyes as images of her sister flashed through her memory. She could feel her self being overwhelmed with anger and hate as she hastened her pace towards her sisters killer and soon enough she was running towards him. She wouldn't do Much harm to him, this she knew, but she was going to avenge her sister in the smallest possible way. He heard soft footsteps approach him from behind. Taking a quick glance backwards he saw the frail little girl whose sister he had just murdered her making her way towards him. Her eyes were clouded with anger and an unnatural taste for vengeance. 'Insolent child' he thought as he drew his sword and raised it to decapitate her once she was within arm's reach. She could see the man draw his sword but she still advanced towards him this way he would give her rest from this miserable world and she would be with her family. Thoughts of her happy reunion made her run forward, loosing all fear of death and instead choosing to embrace it. His outline loomed over her like a large shadow. This was it for her. The silver metal had already begun it's downward motion towards her when she felt herself being drawn backwards. ***** Sian is crippled with fear, anger and thirst for revenge after the massacre of her clan. She spends the rest of her life in hiding and preparation to avenge her clan. But fate had an entirely different plan for her. Her life begins to change when she meets other Elementals and people who had changed her reasoning of the world. How will Sian fight the odds that are stacked against her? How will the remaining Elementals survive in a world that completely despises them? *Book cover is mine, don't use without permission* Reach out to me on Instagram @chi_buike_Martins Discord @Martins#1843

Aniagboso_Martins · ファンタジー
49 Chs


Aaron and Edmund walked side by side, getting to know each other better while they walked home. Aaron was beginning to understand his new uncle better, the man was a social house unlike himself. He had barely contributed to the conversation they were having, but the man beside him didn't seem to care.

He had just learnt that this man used to lead his Uncle Harold's team and that could only mean that he was a powerful Elemental.

They had finally reached home and the second they entered the building, Edmund had launched forward a fireball towards an escaping man while Aaron rushed out of the house hoping to see if they were any signs of invaders.

The man had instantly built up an earth wall, shielding himself from the flames while doing his best to escape. However Edmund was far faster than he was, Edmund reached his target in a blink and slammed his head into his own defense shattering what was left of the earth wall. The man jumped up from the ground kicking pointed rocks towards the approaching Edmund who easily dodged and countered everything he did.

Things were getting seriously out of hands in this town, he didn't know why other elementals were turning against each other even to the extent of breaking into their homes. He didn't want to overthink right now but he could notice they were damages and proof of a fight scene all over the place, and he couldn't hear any sounds from the children that were supposed to be home. He really hoped that they had gotten a little careless with their play and had gone outside to further their activities instead of bringing down the house.

He reached the man once more, blocked a punch with one of his hands and sent the invader flying backwards with a blow to the stomach. He then proceeded to send a blade of fire towards his enemy whilst he was still in flight. The invader recovered mid air and had once again shielded himself from the flames. Edmund was being mild on this invader, he didn't want to kill him or wound him seriously. He still needed him in good shape for questioning but this man was constantly getting on his nerves with his petty defenses.

Edmund broke down the earth wall with a single kick, before grabbing the man who hid behind it by the neck. He lifted the man without difficulty before slamming him into the hard ground. He then proceeded to redecorate his face with punches not giving him any chance of recovery at all.

When he had done enough damage to the man's face and nearly beaten him halfway to death, he pulled him up by the neck, while his free hand burnt with flames that were ready to strike if the man tried any funny business.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Edmund asked yanking the man up even more so he could read the seriousness in his face.

The invader only smiled mischievously at the question, stuck out his tongue and took into his mouth a portion of the blood that flowed from the side of his mouth before replying. "Be Cleansed" A loud laughter followed after he had vocalized the two words forcing Edmund to add more blows to the man's face.

"Answer me!" He coerced but the man had said all he had to say.

"You'll all be purified, they will be Cleansed" The battered man said amidst a wild laughter that grew louder every passing second.

Edmund slammed the unyielding man into the earth, he raised his flaming hand up to scare his captive, but his the man before him didn't feel any iota of fear or intimidation. Something was wrong somewhere and it was obvious these Elementals had been brainwashed by whoever that was spreading this virus called "The cleansing"

He slammed the invader into the earth harder this time hoping the pain would make him crack but it seemed he had had enough of the torture. Before Edmund could make anymore moves, spikes grew from the floor and impaled the man through the chest. The tip of the pointed stalagmite had scratched his flesh as it drove through the man on the floor.

With his last breathe he could still hear the man mutter the same words "Be Cleansed" He had chosen suicide over revealing any information. He could already sense the evil in the air. Something much more worse than Alexander was here and it was speedily spreading throughout the town.


Aaron chased after an escaping cart while hurling spikes of ice towards the fleeing men, but his attacks were countered by a fire Elemental on board the moving cart. They were faster than he was but did his best to slow them down by damaging one of the carts wheels. It swerved off balance, throwing everyone on board sideways towards the falling side.

Just as it was about to crash, an air Elemental had intervened and balanced the cart once more by constantly rotating air around the damaged wheel. In that brief moment the cart had tipped over, he had caught sight of two familiar figures, his twin brother Nathaniel and his little cousin sister Violet.

Adrenaline had suddenly surged through him and in that instant, Aaron poured his energy into creating gigantic ice spears from the atmosphere and sorrounded the entire cart, He was forced to minimize the strength of the attack since people he cared for were onboard.

The spikes struck, pushing the cart off balance once more but the wind Elemental seemed to be a pro. He had instantly stabilized the falling cart and now the fire Elemental had jumped down from the cart and rushed running towards their attacker with intentions to slow him down while the others escaped.

The streets cleared in an instant with the normal humans scampering away to safety while few elementals stood by trying to understand why their clan members were trying to kill themselves.

Aaron countered a fire ball, without stopping his chase for once. He stopped another attack and closed in on the fire Elemental. He knocked a young fireball out of the man's hand, pushed another attack out of range before kneeing the man in the torso. He proceeded to elbow him in the jaw, slapped him down to the ground before proceeding his chase. He didn't have time to waste on anyone.

The cart had already gone farther than he could keep up with but he was relentless with his chase. He wasn't going to stop until his body failed him.

He pushed himself sideways to successfully avoid a flame ball. He spun around, ducked low to avoid a flame blade before flushing the attacker down with a wave of water. He turned only to discover that the cart had disappeared out of sight.

Aaron turned in rage, screaming as he did so. He rushed towards the man who had delayed him, the look in his eyes those that promised death on anyone they fell on. He froze the liquid that the man was suspended in stopping him from making any movements at all before walking up to the man who struggled without progress. He tightened the grip of the ice, breaking some of the powerless man's bones and at the same time exposing him to frost bites.

He reached the frozen man and began pounding him into the ice, every punch carrying the rage he wished to dispatch but it seemed it didn't comfort him. He had punched the man into unconsciousness without even realizing it. His fists were covered with both his blood and his victims also. He finally unfroze the bastard before dragging himself lazily back to his home. This man was going to tell him everything and anything he knew about those abductors.


Edmund had rushed into the house only to find his godson lying on the floor. He was heavily injured and was bleeding, but he was still consious. He rushed to the boys aid helping him off the ground to the cushion.

"Shhh" he stopped the boy from speaking. He was the only one left in the entire building and he was just beginning to realize that he was the only non elemental who had been in the building. He didn't want to believe it but everything was pointing towards the fact that those people worked for their serial killer which even made him more dangerous.

Aaron walked in barely keeping his body on his feet. Nothing was alright, if only he had stayed back, then they might have defeated who ever it was that had attacked them, but his selfishness had gotten the better of him. And now his twin brother, and cousin had been abducted and even the new girl Flora wasn't anywhere to be seen. She had also been abducted but for some reason, Robert wasn't. He had also realized that only Elementals were abducted and he began to worry even more.