
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · ファンタジー
67 Chs

Chapter 63 - The New Fire Elemental Guardian

Blazefire Temple

23th Aquember, Year 10840

There was something that Azurion told. The scroll containing the complete legacy of the Fire Elemental Guardian was securely held within the Blazefire Temple—a sanctuary constructed by the followers of Solandar.

Elion and his companions were taken aback. Previously shrouded in obscurity, this temple was brought to their attention through Elion's meticulous research.

Among the latest information, Elion unearthed a legend foretold that the Blazefire Temple was destined to prepare an altar and a vessel for the prophesied return of Solandar.

This revelation filled Elion with unease as it resonated with the ominous warnings previously imparted by Azurion.

The journey from Lumera had spanned ten days, during which Lisandra ascended to a Level 35 Elemental General. At the same time, Camille, Rowan, and Andre each achieved the rank of Level 38 Elemental Generals.

Elion, however, remained at Level 35 without any advancement. Their expedition had led them across diverse landscapes—forests, rivers, deserts, and mountains—yet they encountered no traces of demonic activity. 

Ahead of the group, Andre charged with an exuberance that seemed to eclipse any concern. "Wow! We finally made it here!" he declared, his excitement palpable.

The rest of the group couldn't help but share Andre's joy, his light-hearted spirit acting as a beacon of positivity. Before embarking on this journey days ago, Elion had made sure to inform Alexa and his comrades back in Estola, even arranging a group video chat to introduce the new allies they had met along the way.

They were all astonished and excited when they discovered the truth about Elion's story and mission. The unfolding events mirrored the heroic tales they had grown up reading about in books, watching in dramas, and seeing in films.

Seizing the moment, Kael playfully nudged Elion, suggesting he marry Camille soon. He pointed out that most heroes were too engrossed in their adventures to find time for romance.

Wendy, joining in on the banter, lightly knocked Kael on the head, eliciting laughter from everyone. Kael and Andre found an instant connection, sharing similar personalities that brought the group a lively and cheerful vibe.

However, their spirits dampened upon learning about Elion's intention to venture into the Blazefire Temple. Despite Azurion telling them the location, they all saw Elion's actions as recklessly brave. Nonetheless, Elion had made it to the Blazefire Temple, ready for whatever lay ahead.


They were halted by a commanding voice as they approached the temple entrance. Looking toward the voice's direction, they saw a tall, shirtless figure striding towards them.

Clad in monk-like pants adorned with fire motifs, he was clearly a follower of Solandar, the deity revered in this temple. Despite the absence of any visible aura, the group sensed his formidable presence. 

"What is your purpose here?" he questioned Elion and his companions in a stern voice.

Elion stepped forward, confidently meeting the tall man's gaze. "We seek to understand more about Solandar Solhart and his role as the Fire Elemental Guardian," he declared.

The tall man, Aruz, scrutinized Elion and his group thoughtfully. After a brief moment, he seemed to make a decision. "Alright. Follow me," he said, leading them into the temple.

As they walked, Aruz shared insights into how the temple's workings. He revealed that he had served as one of the Protectors of the Blazefire Temple for over three thousand years.

The temple, he explained, was governed by the Grand Elementalist and safeguarded by seven Protectors, all of whom wielded power far beyond that of the esteemed Hayes Family in Estola.

When they arrived, Aruz welcomed them into a waiting room where a lavish meal was spread across a grand dining table. He asked them to sit tight momentarily, excusing himself to fetch the Temple's Head. Both Rowan and Camille had been on high alert since their arrival.

"Rowan, why the long face?" Andre joked.

"Did you not catch the look on Aruz's face earlier?" Rowan countered.

"What about it? Is something amiss?" Andre questioned, puzzled.

With a hint of seriousness, Camille said, "It appears they were expecting us."

"Are you referring to when Elion spoke to Aruz at the entrance?" Lisandra inquired.

Camille and Rowan exchanged knowing glances and nodded. Elion, however, chose to stay quiet. He, too, felt that something was not quite right, but he was confident in their purpose for being there.

He had received several gifts from Azurion that could save them if things took a dangerous turn. Among these were three protective jades capable of deflecting attacks from Elemental Emperors, three teleportation jades for emergency escapes over vast distances, and a few other valuable items.

This arsenal gave Elion the courage to venture here. However, he had kept this ace a secret from his companions, planning to use it only if necessary.

Noticing Elion's silence, Camille voiced her concern, "Elion? Are you alright?"

Elion surveyed his friends with a grave expression. "Yes I am. I just want to thank all of you for joining me on this journey and for the risks you've taken in coming here," he said.

"I understand your concerns, and I believe I've pieced together the dire situation Azurion hoped to avoid by not confronting it directly," Elion continued.

His words cast a shadow of tension over the group. The door swung open before they could delve any deeper into the conversation.

Aruz stepped in, before followed by a striking figure clad in red. Her hair and eyes, a matching shade of fiery red, captivated everyone, especially Andre, who found himself utterly enchanted by her appearance.

The woman assumed the head position at the dining table and said, "My name is Sonna. I am the Head of the Blazefire Temple."

This revelation surprised everyone; they had pictured the Head as an elderly, bald man, not a beautiful woman. 

Aruz stepped forward, "I've briefed the Head on your visit, and she's willing to share insights about Solandar with us. You—"

Before Aruz could continue, Sonna interjected, raising her hand for pause: "Aruz, let's allow our guests some time to relax first."

Aruz looked puzzled at Sonna, to which she responded with a gentle chuckle. "Why the rush, Aruz?"

"Are you concerned about that old man? Our guests deserve our attention first." Sonna lightly pouted and then smiled at Elion and the others.

"It's impressive how young you are yet have achieved such advanced elemental levels. No wonder Grandpa has been so eager for your arrival," Sonna noted.


"They've been expecting us?"

Rowan and Andre were notably taken aback, not expecting the Blazefire Temple to have awaited their arrival so eagerly. 

Lisandra queried, "What do you mean by that?"

Sonna leaned back, sighing deeply before explaining, "I'm merely the acting Head of this temple. The true Head is Grandpa, whose health has seen better days. He's waiting for you in the Grand Hall, by the altar where Solandar's return is foretold."

"Sonna!" Aruz exclaimed, visibly upset by the revelations shared with their guests.

"What's the issue, Aruz? I'm merely speaking the truth. No need for anger," Sonna retorted.

Elion, intrigued, asked, "What about Solandar's return?"

"Oh, that's based on a prophecy from five thousand years ago, which led to the creation of the Blazefire Temple. Grandpa was a devoted follower of Solandar, fighting alongside him and the other Elemental Guardians of Solara," Sonna elucidated.

Aruz grew increasingly uncomfortable with Sonna divulging so much about their temple's secrets. Still, a stern look from Sonna silenced him. "However, Grandpa's health and strength have waned over the last ten thousand years, which is why I was appointed as the head of this temple; I'm the third strongest here."

Rowan's curiosity was piqued by Sonna's declaration of strength. If the Old Head was second in strength and Sonna was third, who was the strongest? They needed to understand the temple's hierarchy sooner rather than later.

Sonna, noticing Rowan's bewildered expression, couldn't help but laugh, "Curious about who's stronger, aren't you?" She managed to say through her laughter.

"I'm the third strongest. Grandpa, although currently the second, will soon be surpassed by me. And the strongest among us is, of course..."

"Solandar?" Elion interjected with his assumption.


Sonna gazed into Elion's handsome features, her cheeks blooming with a soft red. "You're not just handsome but intelligent too. I find that very appealing."

Hearing Sonna's frank admiration, Camille couldn't help feeling a twinge of jealousy, struggling to maintain her composure. Sonna's directness was hard for her to stomach.

With a playful laugh, Sonna teased Elion, saying, "If you're still single, maybe you should consider me because I…" Pausing momentarily, Sonna then dropped a bombshell, "I am the new Fire Elemental Guardian."

The revelation left everyone in shock. Sonna, the new Fire Elemental Guardian? The title was expected to go to Elion or, at the very least, not be claimed by anybody yet. What was really going on?

"Sonna!" Aruz couldn't contain himself any longer. Sonna had revealed too much in front of their guests. He attempted to suppress Sonna with his aura, only to be met with a stronger force.

Sonna's aura was overpowering, far surpassing the might of the Grand Families' Patriarch. "Why? What harm is there in me sharing this, Aruz?"

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