
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · ファンタジー
67 Chs

Chapter 36 - Carl, Rodox and Cern

"Without a doubt, he'll pass through this gate," Rodox declared, pointing out its proximity to Lumera Ancient City.

Cern regretted his failure to capture Elion during their pursuit. It felt his animosity towards him intensify, fuelling his thirst for vengeance.

Meanwhile, Elion and Camille, unaware of the looming threat, approached the gate nonchalantly, convinced they had evaded any repercussions from Elion's actions. To Elion, reclaiming his rightful inheritance, despite the means, was justified.

Their serene walk was abruptly disrupted when Elion collided with a teenager. 

The teenager's reaction was swift and aggressive. 

"Are you blind? How dare you bump into me without apologizing?" he demanded, exuding a sense of superiority.

Camille was startled by this aggressive encounter, seeing it as an unnecessary escalation over a minor incident yet indicative of the elite's haughtiness.

Elion, however, met the teenager's rudeness with a cold, unsettling smile.

"Carl, my 'beloved' cousin. It seems it's been a while since our paths last crossed," Elion responded, his voice calm despite the tension. 

Carl was his cousin, whose father now led the Hayes Family, had unjustly taken control of Elion's family estate and possessions.

"Elion!" Carl's exclamation echoed loud enough to draw attention, including that of Rodox and his associates.

"Is that Young Master Carl?" Cern inquired, turning to Rodox as they watched the unfolding scene with great interest.

"I believe I heard an even more intriguing name," Rodox commented, his smile widening in anticipation.

For Rodox, this confrontation was more than just a moment of conflict; it represented the peak of a long-standing vendetta. Working for Carl of the Hayes Family, to which Elion had once belonged, Rodox found his role in protecting their estate straightforward and fulfilling.

Yet destiny had other plans, abruptly turning Carl's world upside down. As Rodox and Cern advanced toward Carl, their approach only inflamed Carl's arrogance further.

"How dare you steal from my house?" Carl exclaimed, his voice dripping with disdain. "You disgrace the Hayes Family!"

Elion's smile widened, further inciting Carl's rage. "Your house?" he countered boldly. "Perhaps you've forgotten that your 'Hayes Family' took everything from me. That house and everything in it rightfully belongs to me and Alexa."

Standing beside Carl, Rodox, and Cern quickly joined in the verbal assault. 

"Scum like you has no place in that house," Cern sneered contemptuously. "It rightfully belongs to Young Master Carl."

"You're the epitome of trash," Rodox said, his anger unmistakable.

"I remember you…and you," Elion retorted, his voice laced with sarcasm. 

"The so-called Elementalists, yet you failed to capture 'trash' like me." Elion boldly confessed to everything, having sensed their presence upon their arrival.

Rodox, a formidable Level 22 Elemental Knight, wielded a massive axe. In contrast, Cern, a Level 22 Elemental Knight, was armed with a sharp dagger. Once, the mere presence of Elementalists would have intimidated Elion, but now he stood fearless.

Overcome with rage, Rodox lunged at Elion with his axe, only to swing at empty air. Elion and Camille had disappeared right before their eyes.

"Who exactly are you trying to attack?" Elion's taunt echoed.

As the crowd dispersed, fleeing the scene, only the Elementalists remained, watching the unfolding drama with calm detachment. It had been some time since they had witnessed such a spectacle.

Rodox was taken aback. How could his attack have been missed so completely? He spun around to see Elion standing there, with Camille a short distance from the fray. Fueled by anger, Rodox swung his axe backward, his movements brimming with fury.

Utilizing his Phoenix Combat Arts, Elion dodged, maintaining just a hair's breadth from the blade, a deliberate choice. He pivoted, keeping his balance effortlessly.

As Rodox's axe completed its arc, Elion returned to his original stance, leaving Rodox dumbfounded. Their intelligence had not indicated Elion to be an Elementalist, making his agility all the more perplexing.

Undeterred, Rodox continued his fierce onslaught, each axe swing aimed with deadly precision. Yet, Elion's exceptional agility allowed him to evade each attack narrowly, much to Rodox's mounting frustration.

"Why are you hesitating? Help me out here!" Rodox snapped at Cern, who had been momentarily stunned by Elion's movements. 

Without a moment's delay, Cern sprang into action, his movements a blur as he drew both daggers from their sheaths at his waist.

With a fluid grace that belied his unlikely affiliations, Cern executed the Dagger Dance with impressive precision. His tall, slender frame and long arms turned what might have been a disadvantage into a distinct advantage, making his skill with the short daggers something that would have been prized in any empire's army.

Cern's hands moved swiftly, aiming for Elion's vital points. Rodox and Cern worked in perfect tandem. Rodox delivered powerful strikes, while Cern chose swift ones. Despite Cern's strategic targeting of Elion's blind spots, Elion skillfully parried or evaded every attack.

Carl, watching the scene unfold, hadn't anticipated his estranged cousin to be such a formidable opponent for the renowned duo.

"Impossible. Wasn't he just a bookworm all this while? He was expelled right before he could connect with the element. Impossible for him to get his hand on Elemental Orb," Carl murmured.

As the gravity of their situation became apparent, Rodox made a decisive move. Ignoring the prohibition against public use of elemental power in Estola City, he began tapping into his elemental energy. In Rodox's mind, the rules were now irrelevant; the teenager before them had to be dealt with decisively today.

Red Elemental Circles materialized on Rodox's palms and feet, imbuing his movements with elemental energy, making him move with an unexpected swiftness that matched Cern's.

Sensing the escalation, Elion merely grinned, relishing the challenge. It had been too long since he'd been in a real fight for his life. Cern, not to be outdone, also tapped into his fire elemental power, adding a new level of destructive force to his attacks.

Despite their enhanced abilities, Elion managed to keep up, but the margin of error was now reduced to mere inches. The fight intensified, with Cern seamlessly blending his Dagger Dance with basic Fire Elemental Combat Arts. 

Anticipating Cern's fiery spiral, Elion evaded, but he had no room to dodge the following kick. But it wasn't just any kick. Fire enveloped it, igniting Elion's hands upon contact and intensifying as it spread.

Elion was sent flying toward Rodox who was readied with his massive axe, now swirling with fire elemental power. Observing from afar, Camille was torn between intervening and trusting Elion's capabilities.

Meanwhile, Elion braced for Rodox's axe and prepared to counter with his elemental power. Golden Elemental Circles surrounded his fist, charging it with a radiant golden fire.

The moment their powers collided was marked by a thunderous clash. Rodox, who had underestimated Elion, was now gripped by panic as his axe shattered upon impact, the brilliance of Elion's golden fire undimmed by his wind elemental power.

Rodox's face was etched with disbelief as he stammered, "This can't be possible..."

Seizing the moment, Elion delivered a decisive blow directly to Rodox's sternum, unleashing a golden fire upon impact. The flames engulfed Rodox's chest, scorching him fiercely.

Yet, Elion, with deliberate restraint, aimed only to incapacitate, not to kill. He was unwilling to spill blood needlessly in their conflict, which lacked justification for such extreme measures.

With a resounding thud, Rodox's imposing figure crumpled to the ground, felled by a teenager whose aura just reached Level 12 Elemental Soldier.

The anomaly of Elion's golden aura and flames caught the attention of the observers, sparking curiosity among them. Some even harbored ill intentions towards him.

"Boss!" Cern dashed frantically to Rodox's side, his blood staining the earth.

Despite Rodox's harshness, Cern owed him a deep debt of gratitude. Rodox had rescued him from the Waste District, giving him a new purpose in life.

Alongside Rodox and his companions, they had trained and supported each other, creating a bond that negated any hatred within their violent world—as long as they stood united. 

"Wake up, Boss!" Cern's voice cracked with desperation and piercing the stillness as he frantically shook Rodox's lifeless body.

"It's your fault!" His accusation sliced through the air, heavy with blame.

Elion braced himself, half-expecting Cern's anger to whirl towards him next. Instead, it was Carl who found himself in the eye of the storm. Trembling, Carl locked eyes with Cern, whose gaze was ablaze with murderous intent.

"People like you, who deceive us with promises of wealth, don't deserve to live!" Cern's fury was palpable, his words a cascade of venom.

"You assured us our targets had no elemental affinity. Yet look at Rodox now, barely clinging to life!" Cern's voice was sharp, his words like daggers.

Carl's gaze flickered around, desperate for an escape. His eyes landed on Camille, knowing she had arrived with Elion. In a swift move driven by panic, he lunged towards her, his palm crackling with Elemental Fire.

"Elion! Eliminate this scumbag!" Carl's command echoed, desperation coloring his tone.

But Elion remained unmoved, his resolve as firm as ever. 

"I won't comply," he stated clearly, his refusal underscored by his raised hands.

"Are you daring me? I'll end this here," Carl threatened, his Elemental Circle alight with threatening flames.

Cern stood by, dagger at the ready, his expression a mixture of worry and determination, prepared for any outcome.

"Do you...dare?" A soft voice whispered into Carl's ear, startling him. 

As he prepared to launch his attack, he quickly realized that his target was a woman hidden behind a cloak, which momentarily left him bewildered.

But she swiftly grabbed and twisted his hand before he could react, sending him tumbling to the ground. Her agility and skill were remarkable, leaving Carl stunned and unable to retaliate. Before he could regain his bearings, a forceful kick landed in his groin, eliciting a sharp cry of pain.

The agony Carl experienced was palpable, his scream echoing through the air as he doubled over, coughing up blood. Camille wasn't satisfied with the damage she had caused. She delivered a powerful slap to Carl's cheek, sending him sprawling several meters away, unconscious.

She stood over him, her eyes flickering with satisfaction. Her anger was fueled by the knowledge of Carl's family's transgressions against Elion.

"Now, do you think your threats amounted to anything?" Elion asked, his voice tinged with amusement as a wry smile played on his lips.

Despite Carl's actions, Elion harbored no ill will towards Cern. He recognized Cern's exceptional combat and elemental skills, seeing potential for greatness within him.

Cern's earlier display of loyalty had struck a chord with Elion, further deepening his admiration for the youth. As he approached Cern and Rodox, Elion found himself contemplating the path ahead for them all.

"Calm down," Elion's voice, soothing despite the circumstances, cut through the tension. 

"I don't want to hurt him. I want to help him," he added, his words imbued with a genuine desire to reconcile their conflict. In truth, there was no deep-seated animosity between them. They were merely following orders, working alongside Carl.

Cern blinked in surprise at Elion's words. Hadn't it been him who had fiercely fought Boss earlier? Why this sudden change of heart? Despite his suspicions, Cern remained silent, allowing Elion to approach. Still, he was unable to detect any malice in his intentions.

"Move aside," Elion continued, his voice firm as he placed his hand on Rodox's severely injured chest.

Intrigued, Cern watched as a golden aura radiated from Elion's hand, the wounds on Rodox's chest visibly healing. The other Elementalists observing the scene were equally stunned.

They had never witnessed such a display of power, and Elion's actions now surpassed anything they had imagined. Luckily, Elion's face was concealed by his cloak, shielding him from condemnation except by Carl, Rodox, and Cern.

Suddenly, the shrill sound of whistles pierced the air, breaking the tense atmosphere. In the distance, a group of Estola City's guards dashed towards them, their silver armor gleaming under the sun, emblazoned with the Aeloria Empire's emblem—a symbol of their authority.

"Stop and surrender!" commanded one of the guards from afar. 

Sensing trouble brewing, Camille swiftly activated a jade, conjuring a large Elemental Circle that enveloped Elion, Cern, Rodox, and herself.

This Circle was different—it pulsated with a rare hue: purple. Owned only by the Supreme and Ancient Families of Solara, it represented the elusive element of space. Among its many abilities, teleportation reigned supreme.

Those within the Circle vanished, destined for a new location chosen by Camille's command or left to the whims of chance. Usually, the teleportation range depended on the user's energy and Elemental Mastery. With a flash, the quartet disappeared, leaving Carl behind, battered and bloodied.


They emerged from a space-time crack, landing in the forest. Camille, ever prepared, landed gracefully. Elion, Cern, and Rodox stumbled but emerged unscathed, their falls cushioned by the forest floor.

Cern quickly checked on Rodox, relieved to find him unharmed. Turning to Camille and Elion, he bowed deeply. 

"Thank you. You've averted further conflict and saved us."

Cern's gratitude was genuine, a rare display of humility from one not accustomed to such deference, especially towards a younger individual.

"It's alright. No hard feelings between us. We're all just trying to survive," Elion reassured, extending his hand to Cern. 

"I'm Elion. And you?"

"Cern... And this is Rodox," Cern replied, gesturing towards his companion.

"You're quite talented. Is your combat skill with the dagger nearing perfect mastery?" Elion inquired. 

A spark of joy and pride flickered in Cern's eyes as he nodded, rarely receiving such praise.

"You should refine your skills further and join the Hunter or Adventurer teams. Your potential is undeniable," Elion suggested.

What Cern had demonstrated in their recent battle was genuinely remarkable. He would have invited Cern to join his group if the opportunity arose. However, Elion knew his journey was far from over. He still had personal goals to achieve before establishing his own team.

Cern agreed with Elion's advice, nodding. "Alright. I'll give it a shot, and pursue a better path."

"You're remarkable yourself. What's the story behind that golden aura of yours?" Cern inquired.

"Well, actually…it's a mystery to me as well," Elion admitted with a chuckle. "I'm on a journey to uncover its secrets and unleash its full potential."

Cern understood that Elion wasn't holding back information. It could be seen from his face. Plus, each person had their path and secrets to unravel. "Good luck to both of you. I'm sure your names will be known throughout Solara one day," Cern replied with a warm smile.

Grateful for the encounter, Cern and Rodox left, ready to embark on a new chapter of their lives in a different place. Returning to Estola City wasn't an option; the Hayes Family would hunt them down. Elion and Camille continued their journey, aware of the challenges ahead.

Little did they know, their meeting and conversation that day would begin a new chapter in Solara's elemental history.