
The Duke And I {(Sweet duchess in my house)}

Bethany Debrrieve a Baron Daughter Her only dream is to have a family full of love and happiness. But when Bethany start to think that her life will change, Something big incident will happen, her twin brother will need her help!. Bethany has no choice but to ask help from the duke of west, Duke Willbert Lawrence The black dragon of west, fighting and protecting the west territory of Kingdom of Grindol. Brethany has a vision it was a Man and his aide conversing. “You’re highness, the Senior’s is doing this to pressure you to produce an heir” “It’s irritating, they only know how to whine!” ……….. a year later Bethany almost forgot that odd vision, Bethany can’t believe that this odd vision is a key for her to receive a help from the terrifying Duke! First day “Duke i can help you to produce an heir” “Get lost” Second day “Duke i will produce an heir for you! I just need one help” This scene happen up to the eleventh day! “Fine! Sign this contract!” Bethany read the words written in the contract “Marriage with no divorce” Bethany look at the duke with her big amber eyes, while griping the pen tightly she lowered her hand and start writing her name, While sitting opposite her, the duke of west look at Bethany and smiled wickedly. ‘there is no turning back’ ……….. A/N : Hello My Dears! There will be no Major Misunderstanding No rape, (oh i really hate that) This story is bubbly and warm, Hope you enjoy my dears!

Jwrayt2424 · 歴史
20 Chs

Chapter Ten: Year end celebration (1)

A Lively atmosphere that surround's the entire capital,

Colorful carriages carrying emblem of different household could be seen entering the capital gates,

This time of every year, nobles and commoners living outside the capital are specially coming to celebrates the year end celebration, Nobles will have a ball's inside the palace for three nights, while the commoners will receive free foods and sweets from the king's grace, the year end celebration are well anticipated by all citizens of Grindol.

Meanwhile not far away from the capital gates, a brown simple carriage are rapidly moving toward capital,

"Young master, if we will keep up this is speed, i think we will reach the capital, before the party start"

Eric, look at the man sitting infront of him,

Anthony who is looking at the carriage window, keep silent, he furrowed his brow and pursed his lips, tch, he did not expect that ordering some trendy accessories for his sister will take time,

(well not only trendy, but the best trendy accessories!) if the jeweler will know what is in this young master mind surely he will puke some blood!

Anthony shot deathly glare to his secretary,

"Eric i told you to find me a famous jewelers, what you brought me is.. tch!" Anthony glared and complained, he subconsciously throw all the blame to his secretary,

Eric widen his eyes in shock, he open and close his mouth, but words cant come out, 'poor me, poor jeweler'

Two days before they will depart his master order him to find a jeweler for young lady, but he suggests that its better to look in the capital, finding jeweler is a piece of cake, but ordering, and buying will take time, he know his master is very..very picky, he only want the best for young miss…

but his master insist, now they are behind the schedule, and his master is blaming him, oh my! the poor secretary's shoulder droop, while eric is placating his aching heart, he heard his master voice that bring him out of his trance.

"How much time we need to reach to the capital?"

Anthony asked his secretary, who is silently sitting in front of him.

"Three more hours, young master"

"Hhm. Three hours, so we will pass the capital gates five in the afternoon, and another hour to the palace, and the ball will start at six thirty? Am i correct Eric?"

Anthony squint his eyes, he put his elbow at window,

"Yes young master, you are right"

the secretary reply, he nervously gripped all the parchment papers in his hand.

Right at this moment the poor secretary decide that the next time they will travel, its will be better to save his lowly life by riding a horse than sit in the same carriage of his master, 'i will surely die in young age,…cause heart attack'

"Tell the coachman to go directly to the palace, we dont have time to pass by the house"

After anthony gave his order to eric, he return to look outside the carriage window, maybe when he arrived in the palace his sister Bethany will be there already, anyway nobles has great punctuality so Anthony decided to just calm himself and enjoy the outside view.


"Call Bethany! Hurry!"

Mellisa order her maid,

"Sister, why do you even need that wench?" Brett asked his sister while sitting on one of the sofa inside mellisa's room, he is waiting for his sister to get ready, so they can depart early, knowing that too much nobles will enter the palace, and there will be a long line of carriages waiting to enter.

Mellisa who is feeling nervous looked at her older brother

"you dont understand brother, that bitch, has some power,….. no skills in this!" She pointed her dress and box of jewels back and forth with trembling hands.

Brett was confused he look at his sister who looks like going to get mad.

" i dont think there is something wrong with your dress, it looks lovely on you"

"No! This is NOT ENOUGH!!"

Mellisa shouted loudly., no her dress it not enough, she's afraid, and uneasy,

'Bethany will attend too! What i will do!' Mellisa muttered inwardly, she clenched her first hard, her knuckles are starting to get white.

Brett who is watching Mellisa, was shocked, what's going on?' Brett who has no knowledge about women's beauty struggles cannot relate,but he dont have choice but to comfort his agitated younger sister.

"Hey! Take a deep breath, hhm,…. Just follow me…..

Yeah, like that…." He watch his sister who is breathing in and out slowly, and now looked a bit calmer,

Mellisa closed her eyes and asked her brother,

"Brother, are you certain that I'm look beautiful in this dress?, are you sure?"

"Ofcourse! I told you, you look lovely in this dress" Brett answer his sister wholeheartedly, out of the young man's knowledge the reason why his sister is acting like this, becaused Bethany will also attend the ball, and if you compare the two, Ofcourse, it will be a different story,

'Tch, poor Mellisa'

Hello my loves! I will update two chapters today!

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thank you again!

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