
Fort Dawnguard

The next day Mina and Vincent left Riften and see Grelod hanging from the wall with a piece of paper hanging under her that could be read 'The punishment for slandering the High King.'.

They pass it and continue on their Chocobos towards the Dawnguard Headquarter. On their way, they find some Vampires that were fighting each other. Some had blood on their mouth from the victims that were laying on the ground while others were defending some travelers.

Vincent and Mina enter this battle fighting against the Vampires that were attacking killing them quite fast with Vincent piercing them while Mina used her bow to take them down from the distance.

After the fight, they approach the Vampires that were still alive and the travelers when Vincent asks, "Everything alright?"

"We are fine, just need to recover," says one of the Vampire as they tried to recover using magic.

"It seems I was right and not all of them want the prophecy to happen," says Vincent as he sees them recovering using magic instead of drinking blood.

"Not everyone is crazy like Harkon," says another Vampire before being shushed by the leader of the group.

"Vermont that's enough we need to leave before the Dawnguard or the fanatics return," says the Leader.

"You don't really need to leave but just need to hide. If it's really like that you can go to Riften and head to the Ratway. If you arrive at the Ragged Flagon say that the High King sent you to help in his Spy Network," says Vincent when suddenly the travelers, as well as the Vampires, kneel in front of Vincent.

"I'm sorry for not recognizing you my King, I'm Vlad. I and the other lived near the Dawnguard before everything started and we needed to flee before we got caught," says Vlad before looking up and asks, "Are you going to stop the crazy Vampire Prophecy?"

"That's the plan. I have to keep my kingdom safe but if you vampires want to work for me you won't drink blood from the innocent and only from murderers and traitors. Do we have a deal?" says Vincent as he stretches his hand out towards Vlad who seemed to be the leader of the vampires.

"Deal," says Vlad without thinking since his people would be safe under Vincent's protection.

"Good, you will be the Leader of the Interrogation unit. Do as told and reunite as many vampires that can live with those rules. Recruit them they will be in the Interrogation, Information or the Assassination Unit depending on their forte. Now go and protect those travelers until arriving Riften," says Vincent as the group stands up and travels towards Riften after giving a bow.

"You sure about them?" asks Mina worried about the Vampires.

"Yes, I read about them in a book before and with their innate power to hypnotizes people they are perfect to get information out of people. They also can melt with the shadows making it easy to infiltrate to get information or even assassinate people," says Vincent explaining why he wanted them in his spy network.

'Now I only need the Merchant Guild, Bard Guild and that Dark Brotherhood under my Network and everything would be perfect,' thinks Vincent as he mounts Behemoth again.

They continue the journey after burning the deads and they arrive at the Dawnguard Headquarter. They see Durak training with the crossbow, both approach him and Vincent says, "Durak, it's been long."

"Ah, Vincent nice to meet you again. Maybe I should call you your majesty now," says Durak as he puts a knee down to show respect to Vincent.

"Now now stand up. I'm here as Vincent Highwind not as the High King. I heard some rumors that can put Skyrim in danger and that means I have to take action to secure my land," says Vincent as he informs Durak.

"The Vampire Prophecy, we heard about it. We still don't know much but a Vigilant of Stendarr entered Fort Dawnguard last night completely exhausted. He said he was lucky meeting some travelers that helped him last night against Vampires," says Durak worried.

"Did something serious happen?" asks Vincent worried now.

"The Vigilant was saying that vampires attacked their base near Dawnstar by surprise. They were lucky and only a small number died at the Hall of the Vigilant but the building burned down it seems. They are now traveling towards here to Stendarr's Beacon if I'm not wrong," says Durak informing both about the actual situation.

"I will now enter the Fort to talk to your leader, any tip you can give me on him," says Vincent.

"Just be honest. Isran will find out sooner or later who you are. Even more so with Beleval around," says Durak as they walk towards the Fort before getting stopped by the gates by Celann.

"Stop, who are you and what do you want?" asks Celann.

"Those two are the people Beleval and I talked about. They helped us in Morthal against the vampire master there," says Durak.

"Are they here to join us?" asks Celann curiously.

"We are here to help. Joining is secondary since I just want to stop the current vampire crisis," says Vincent honestly.

"That is good enough for me. Isran is inside talking to the Vigilant right now maybe you can help him," says Celann as he makes way for both.

"I will wait for you both out here. I need to practice my aim a bit more," says Durak giving a light bow to Vincent and Mina before returning to the practice ground.

They enter and find a bald man with a beard in Dawnguard armor talking with a Vigilant of Stendarr. They listened to their conversation about what happened near Dawnstar until the Dawnguard man says, "And what do you two want here? Are you here to join us or just listen to us talking."

"We are here to help," says Vincent honestly.

The Dawnguard man didn't recognize Vincent but the other one did and knees fast while saying, "My High King, what brings you here?"

"And I thought, I could pass as a normal warrior right now," says Vincent when Isran does the same a little late and Vincent says, "You both can stand up. I'm here to help against this vampire crisis since my people are suffering. So don't await from me to join your order. Once this crisis is over I have other things I need to attend."

"A King isn't good to fight against vampires," says Isran ignorantly not knowing who Vincent really is since he doesn't follow any information that hasn't anything to do with vampires.

"Are you dumb or just playing it?" asks Mina seriously while thinking that Isran was hit on the head one time too much.

The Vigilant of Stendarr turns to Isran with the same thing in his mind as Mina as he sees that Isran really didn't know who Vincent is and says, "You really don't know. The High King of Skyrim is also known as the Dragonking as he commands the Dragons in Skyrim. He killed the previous Dragonking to become it. Or at least that's what the rumors say."

Isran was now nervous. Killing Vampires was already difficult but killing Dragons and even more so the Dragonking was a task too big for him and he says, "If you put it that way. Well, we won't refuse helping hands, but don't expect me to go easy on you because you are a King."

"I'm here to finish the crisis as fast as possible," says Vincent.

"Good then here is your first task. Go with Tolan and investigate why the vampires attacked the Hall of the Vigilant. Return after finding it out," says Isran giving Vincent an order.

"That should be easy. Talon you should travel with us that will make it easier and we won't need to wait for you once we arrive there since we are quite fast on our mounts," says Vincent as he offers Talon to go with them.

"It would be an honor," says Talon as he prepares to leave.

"We will meet in two weeks or you will hear from us from a messenger if I'm needed somewhere else before returning here," says Vincent as the group leaves the Fort and meet with the Chocobos that were outside the Fort drinking.

They mount and begin their travel towards the Hall of the Vigilant. They stopped at Riften to rest there again renting two rooms one for the couple and one for Talon.

Vincent left in the middle of the night and entered the old thieves guild and finds the vampires and thieves together discussing on how to find the person that Vincent wanted to find.

"It seems you are already working together. That is quite good and gives me hope that you will be a great Network once everyone I want is part of it," says Vincent as he sees Brynjolf and Vlad overlooking the map while planning his to find that woman in all that land effectively.

"I wasn't awaiting you this fast. What can I do for you," says Brynjolf worried since he was working with vampires now.

"Just wanted to see how the newcomers are doing. But it seems I worried about nothing since you are working already together in finding Karliah. I will leave then since tomorrow will be a long day for me," says Vincent as he leaves them and returns to the inn.

"Is everything alright?" asks Mina as she sees Vincent return.

"Yes, it seems they are already working together. I was worried over nothing," says Vincent as he lies beside Mina and hugs her.

"Good don't want to find out we are hosting traitors that won't follow your rule. That would be hard to explain later on," says Mina as she kisses Vincent and they begin to make out.

Two hours later Mina and Vincent were sleeping when someone enters their room. She was in black and red clothes. She thought it was safe what she didn't know is that a Carbuncle was in the corner and sounded the alarm waking both Mina and Vincent when she was in the middle of the room.

Vincent stands up and his armor was magically on him in a second as he points his spear at her as he looks her up and down before saying, "You must be from the Dark Brotherhood."

"Someone really wants to see you dead," says Mina as she puts her armor on.

"Speak who wants me dead?" asks Vincent as his spear gets nearer to the neck.

"No one wants you. We just wanted to scare you for killing one of our objectives," says the woman fearing that today might be her last day.

"I killed many people. You should know what your crime is right," says Vincent as he looks at the nervous woman and continues, "And you know the punishment for it too. But I will look away from what you wanted to do if you tell me where to find the Dark Brotherhood and their bases in Skyrim. They could be useful to me."

"What do you mean useful?" asks the woman confused about how the situation got to this point.

"Let me explain it to you," says Vincent as he explains to her what he was building.

I'm back. Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts