
Thieves Guild

Vincent and Mina were in their room. Mina was sleeping while Vincent was pretending since he felt someone outside the door. He waited for the person to enter while his Ruby Carbuncle was waiting in hiding for the person to enter.

A man enters the room he was wearing a grey light armor with a hood and a mask that hides the face except for the eyes. The Carbuncle attacks the man, who was surprised by the attack of the little guy. Not paying attention to the bed that only one person was now on it while a spear was pointing at the back of the man while the Carbuncle was on the shoulder of Vincent.

"Who are you and what do you want?" asks Vincent as he presses the spear against the man's back.

The man holds his hands up and says, "Brynjolf, my name is Brynjolf. I wanted your bag that's all."

"You are a poor thief. Even the rookies I met in Limsa Lominsa can do better. They erase their aura completely when they try to steal things from others. You can count yourself unlucky since I met someone that could be called an expert in this before," says Vincent as he presses the spear a little more against the back of Brynjolf touching some skin.

"Wait wait wait. Don't kill me just yet. It's a crime to kill after all," says Brynjolf not knowing from who he was going to steal.

"Really? I think they will overlook it since you entered the bedroom of the High King and tried to steal from him," says Vincent when he suddenly gets an idea and asks, "Are there more people like you in Skyrim like a guild?"

Brynjolf was now sweating after hearing who he wanted to steal from and answers fast, "No, I usually work alone."

"Bullshit, by Halone if you don't tell me the truth I will purge this city until your guild isn't any longer," says Vincent in a serious tone that made clear he would do it.

"We live in the Ratway. It's under the city. Why are you asking," says Brynjolf still fearing for his life.

"I need people that have mastery in stealth and your people fit quite in. Now tell me about your guild," says Vincent and Brynjolf tells him everything that the thieves guild does and that it's quite rundown as if a curse has fallen over them and Vincent says, "Bring me there I want to talk to your leader. And if you try something funny I will show you why I'm called the Dragonking."

Brynjolf brings Vincent to the Ragged Flagon and from there to the Headquarter and Vincent felt comfortable than facing a dragon when he entered the thieves den.

"Who are you bringing Brynjolf," says a man in similar clothes than Brynjolf.

Brynjolf was a little nervous to respond to that when Vincent says, "I'm here to scout competent people. It seems I went to the wrong place. They follow a traitor that brought them their bad luck after all."

Everyone was shocked to hear that even Brynjolf that knew Mercer for a long time now. He had his rough parts but he would never betray the thieves guild.

Vincent sees the thieves gossiping and Vincent says, "What you don't believe how about we call the one that told me about it."

Now Mercer had a black face thinking of a dark elf that he didn't kill. But Vincent only says, "Time to come out of my shadow don't you think Nocturnal."

Some hours ago in the inn room. Vincent was preparing to take his armor off when he felt shadows creeping behind and he turns around and sees a woman in light robes.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to harm you. If I really wanted to I wouldn't have shown myself. I heard from Sheogorath that you can solve trouble. I'm here because there is someone that doesn't want to reflect on what he did. I want you to reform him or if he is not able to be saved to kill him," says Nocturnal as she floats in front of Vincent.

"And what do I gain from this?" asks Vincent since he never does something that doesn't benefit him somehow.

"I'm the Night Mistress. I govern over Night and Darkness. I think there will be many benefits having me as an ally," says Nocturnal explaining some of the benefits.

"So you say you can make someone invisible for the trained eyes in the Shadows. That could be useful later on," says Vincent thinking about all the benefits Nocturnal told him.

"What do you say?" asks Nocturnal wanting to know if Vincent was going to help or if she had to find another person to solve this problem.

"Alright, what do I have to do?" asks Vincent wanting to know what he has to do.

"Nothing, the man that was eyeing you up before will come here to steal from you. You need to catch him it will be quite easy since he hasn't my blessing and your senses are quite high. Whatever you do don't kill him since you will need him to get to the thieves guild. Just scare him a bit that should help to make him talk," says Nocturnal explaining the first phase of the plan.

"That's fine by me but can I dissolve the thieves guild and make a spy network out of them?" asks Vincent curious what the patron of thieves would say.

"That's fine by me as long as you make them better than the Blades. I'm also interested in those Ninjas you were talking about with your woman. They seem to be one with the Shadows if what you said is true," says Nocturnal being curious about Ninjas now.

"What do I do after arriving there?" asks Vincent wanting to know what he needs to do then.

"I want you to confront the traitor. He killed his guild master and comrade. And more importantly, he betrayed me by stealing something that was mine. He is the actual guild master Mercer Frey. Just tell out loud that he is a traitor and I will show myself to state the truth about the misfortune of the thieves guild and possibly the end of it too," says Nocturnal explaining the middle part of the plan.

"And the last part?" asks Vincent wanting to know how everything would end.

"He either returns what he took or you take his life," says Nocturnal with a smile on her face.

"Where will you hide?" asks Vincent curious to know.

"In your shadow," says Nocturnal as she disappears inside Vincent's shadow.

Now back to the present, Nocturnal appears and says, "I want back what you have stolen from my sanctuary. I won't ask twice."

Mercer tries to flee by turning invisible when Nocturnal only waves her hand and Mercer appears again in front of everyone.

"He didn't want to hear you know what to do," says Nocturnal as Vincent jumps towards Mercer and pierces straight through Mercer's chest leaving a hole in it.

"Look into his pocket he should be carrying the Skeleton Key," says Nocturnal as Vincent goes through the pockets and takes the key out that he thought it would be.

"A finally reunited," says Nocturnal as she sees the key and Vincent hands it over. Then she says, "Do as you want with the rest of the guild. They are all yours. If you need a guild master I recommend the boy by your side or a Dark Elf that lives near Winterhold her name is Karliah."

What does she mean?" asks Brynjolf not knowing what is going on.

"You are now under me and will give up your lives as thieves. From now on you are going to be spies for Skyrim and later on Tamriel. I will dismantle all the thieves guilds once we expand from here," says Vincent already planning in getting the throne in Cyrodiil.

"And why should we," says a woman with blond hair angry.

"She is right. Why should we help you," says a bald man not knowing who Vincent was.

"Either you do or you all die and I will train new ones from scratch. It might take time but they will be loyal since they will be orphans and beggars that will take your post. You will also have a secured payment," says Vincent with a smile while the Carbuncle was sleeping on his shoulders.

"Now choose either join me or die," says Vincent showing his aura of the twins that appeared behind him making the thieves fear him.

Some of the younger ones surrendered fast like Rune and Sapphire while the senior members we're a bit stubborn.

"It seems more than half are willing to join my Spy Network. Only the two of you don't want to join. Why is that? Do you think I won't kill you because you are important? How about we find out," says Vincent as his spear points in the direction of the bald man and the blond woman.

Vincent's aura becomes tighter making them kneel while the two hear him approach. He stands in front of them and says, "Since you won't serve your King you can die."

"Wait!" says the bald man ad Vincent was about to kill the woman.

"What did you change your mind," says Vincent looking at the man while his spear was in front of the woman's chest.

"What do you mean with King?" asks the man.

"I men with King, the High King of Skyrim. That's who I'm. I want competent people like you and the Dark Brotherhood to reform them and make them into one my Spy Network. You will be responsible for stealing information and resources as well as infiltration and assassination. No one will escape your information since I will make you better than the Blades could ever be. You will be feared in the light because once in the shadows your enemy will know that they would be dead if you wanted them dead," says Vincent explaining what he wants from them.

"Do we really need to kill?" asks the woman.

"Yes, you will if it could prevent a war from breaking out. Think about it. If Torygg had someone like that he would never fear Ulfric since Ulfric would be dead and he alive. This will be your Headquarter for now. You will still play thieves guild from outside but inside you are mine. If you disappear I will hunt you down until the end of the world as traitors of Skyrim," says Vincent seriously making an invisible leash on them.

Then he walks back to the group and says, "Brynjolf will be your leader for now until you find that Karliah and convince her to return. Then I will see who is better for the post. I give you a month to find her and bring her to me to New Haven. If you can't do that I will eliminate you for your incompetence."

"Aren't you too harsh on them?" asks Nocturnal seeing Vincent giving commands and threatening to kill them the whole time.

"It's the best medicine. I still remember that this was the best motivation back then in Ishgard. It shall give them enough motivation to become better," says Vincent as he wants to leave and Nocturnal disappears.

"Wait there is a better way out," says Brynjolf stopping Vincent showing him their hidden entrance they leave and are at the graveyard now.

"Why go all the way around than before," says Vincent wanting to strangle Brynjolf to make him walk that much when there was such a simple way to enter.

They part from there and Vincent returns to the inn to sleep.

Hope you like it.

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