
Chapter 5

He was now in his dragon form, free to fly through the skies once again. However, he knew that he had to be careful not to attract any unwanted attention. With that in mind, Kenji takes off through the waiting skies, making sure to remain low and out of sight. He flew through valleys and over hills, taking the most hidden route back to his home. After a few minutes of soaring, he was finally back at his lair, nestled in the mountains. He didn't want to risk anyone spotting him, so he flew and flew in the sky until he reached the void, where he reached his home and transformed back into his human form before he landed gently on the ground. As soon as Kenji arrived back in his lair, he was greeted by Sylvia.

She had been expecting him and was happy to see him return home safely. Kenji felt a sense of relief wash over him, knowing he was surrounded by his loved ones. After a while, he settled down, and as he closed his eyes, he felt grateful for having the chance to spend time with Hatsune. It was a day he would remember for a long time. As Sylvia questioned Kenji about his late arrival back home, she couldn't help but wonder what happened to him to have taken up so much time. When Kenji started to speak, Sylvia noticed the smile on his cheeks that never seemed to wane. She was intrigued by this and couldn't help but give a smile of her own, one that had a hidden meaning behind it.

Sylvia thought to herself, 'It looks like someone's in love.' Kenji began to recount his adventures in the constellation, detailing every moment from the time he needed some space to think to the moment he met Hatsune. His voice was filled with excitement as he shared his experiences, and his eyes sparkled with joy. Sylvia listened attentively as Kenji described the beauty of the stars and the feeling of peace and serenity that he experienced while wandering around. She could feel the happiness radiating off of him, and it was infectious.

As Kenji continued to share his story, Sylvia couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth in her heart. She was happy for Kenji and the fact that he had found something that filled him with so much joy. She couldn't help but give him a smile of encouragement, silently telling him to pursue this newfound love for exploring the cosmos. Sylvia and Kenji's conversation about his late arrival home was more than just a simple question and answer. It was an opportunity for Kenji to share his adventures and for Sylvia to witness his joy and happiness. It was a moment that brought the two closer together and strengthened their bond.

After listening intently to Kenji's story, the kindhearted woman before him couldn't help but feel a sense of compassion and understanding towards him. She held him tightly, enveloping him in a warm embrace, and whispered assuring words in his ear as though he were a child seeking comfort from a mother.You have finally found your happiness," she murmured with a gentle smile. Her words echoed in his mind, and yet he couldn't fathom what she meant. He realized that he had never truly considered what 'happiness' meant to him. As Kenji pondered over Sylvia's words and tried to decipher their meaning, he couldn't help but lose track of time as he found himself in deep thought.

But the woman had already disappeared into thin air, leaving a lingering sense of comfort and understanding in his heart. He knew in his gut that she understood him, and that thought itself felt like a weight off his shoulders. That night, he stepped out of his house and allowed the cool breeze to wash over him, finding solace in the void as if it were his fortress of solitude. A sense of happiness slowly crept up on him, enveloping him in peace and serenity. As he gazed up at the null sky, he knew he had found something special. Something for which he had longed for a very long time. It wasn't until he stepped inside his home for the first time that he realized he could sleep without any problems.

The weight of the world had seemingly lifted off his shoulders, and for what felt like the first time, he was at peace with himself. The feeling of happiness was amplified, and he knew that whatever the future held, he would be ready to face it head-on. In hindsight, Sylvia's words had helped him uncover his true happiness, a sense of peace and contentment that he had been searching for for so long. And he knew that despite the struggles he may face in the future, he would always have that sense of happiness to guide him through. On this particular morning, Kenji woke up well before the sun had even begun to rise.

He knew he had a big day ahead of him, a journey that he had been eagerly anticipating for weeks. Excitement bubbled up inside of him as he got out of bed and began getting ready for the day. He carefully selected his things, making sure he had everything he needed to make the journey as smooth as possible. He double-checked his backpack and his things, ensuring that everything was ready to go. As he made his way to the kitchen, the aroma of breakfast wafted through the air. Sylvia, his kind and thoughtful sister, was already up and preparing a hearty meal to fuel him for the day ahead. When he saw her, he couldn't help but smile, silently thanking her for her constant support and care.

He is approaching her quietly and has wrapped his arms around her in a loving hug. Sylvia hugged him back affectionately, the warmth of her embrace filling his heart with love and gratitude. After a moment, they separated, and Kenji looked at Sylvia with a deep sense of appreciation. He leaned in, planting a kiss on her forehead as he quietly thanked her for the words of encouragement she had shared with him the previous evening. Sylvia nodded in response, a small smile playing at the corner of her lips as she watched him get ready for his trip. And so, with his heart full of love and excitement, Kenji set off on his journey.

His destination was in the constellation. As he walked, the scenery around him began to shift and change, with soft rays of the early morning sun illuminating the path ahead of him. The wind picked up too, sending a slight chill down his spine. Kenji welcomed the cool air, taking in deep breaths of the fresh morning breeze as he walked. Finally, he arrived at the same place where he and Hatsune had met the day before. Standing at the edge, he looked out at the breathtaking views that surrounded him, taking in the sheer beauty of the landscape. The sun was now fully visible in the sky, casting a golden glow over the land.