
Chapter 6

The breeze continued to blow, but now it felt gentle and soothing, almost as if it were guiding him on his journey. As he prepared to take the next step on his adventure, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and support of those around him. Sylvia's hug, her kind words, and her constant encouragement had helped him feel ready for anything that lay ahead. And with the wind at his back and the sun on his face, Kenji set off towards the beautiful place that he went to. As he stood at the edge of the cliff, taking in the breathtaking views before him, he felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the life he had been given. He had always believed that everything in the world was beautiful, from the majestic mountains in the distance to the colorful wildflowers that dotted the ground at his feet.

And it was this belief that drove him to create the world as we know it today. But his sense of purpose was not just to create a beautiful world for himself to enjoy. He had a deep desire to share this beauty with others and to help them find happiness in their lives. He knew all too well the pain of loneliness and isolation, as he had experienced it himself before he created the world. As he contemplated these thoughts, his mind wandered to a conversation he had with a woman named Sylvia earlier that day. At the time, he had struggled to understand what she meant when she spoke of love and the importance of human connections.

But now, standing alone on the cliff's edge, he realized the truth in her words. For the first time in his life, he felt his heart racing at the thought of someone else. A woman named Hatsune, whom he had only just met the day before, tried to deny his feelings for her, telling himself that it was too soon to know if he was in love. But as he reflected on the conversation he had overheard between the two teenagers, he began to see the value in taking a chance on love. He knew that love wasn't always easy, but he had seen firsthand the power it could have in people's lives. And he realized that he wanted to experience that power for himself—to find someone he could share his beautiful world with and build a meaningful connection that would stand the test of time.

At that moment, as the sun began to set on the horizon, he made a promise to himself to embrace the beauty of the world around him and to never stop searching for happiness and love in his life. It was a hard decision, but he finally decided to stop denying his emotions and start pursuing his feelings for Hatsune. He couldn't deny it anymore; he knew he had to do something to capture her heart. It wasn't an easy decision, and he knew he needed someone to guide him. He went to Sylvia, seeking advice on how to proceed with his plan. Sylvia listened patiently as he poured out his heart, explaining the extent of his feelings for Hatsune.

She gave him invaluable advice on how to capture Hatsune's heart, from the things that he should do to the places that she might love. He was determined to succeed in his efforts, and he absorbed everything that Sylvia told him. After days of preparation, he set out on his mission. He went to the neighborhood where Hatsune lived and waited patiently for her to come out of her apartment. Finally, when he saw her, he walked up to her and asked her to join him for lunch. She carefully agreed, and they started eating together. Over time, this became a routine, and they continued to eat lunch together for many months. During that time, they talked and got to know each other better.

It wasn't easy for him, but he remained persistent in his efforts to win Hatsune over. He understood that they had to start as friends before they could develop a more romantic relationship. Over the course of two years, they shared numerous experiences and eventually became very close friends. As their bond grew stronger, it became apparent that their relationship had blossomed into something deeper. Eventually, they both confessed their love for each other, and it was a beautiful moment between them. It was a defining moment in their lives, and from that point on, they were officially a couple. It's not a secret that it was not an easy journey, but it was worth it.

He overcame his fears and uncertainties and was rewarded with a loving relationship with the woman he cherished. The patience and effort he put into winning Hatsune's heart ultimately paid off, and he knew that they were meant to be together. It was a testament to the power of love and the importance of never giving up on those things that we hold dear. Kenji had been waiting for the right moment to introduce his girlfriend, Hatsune, to his sister, Sylvia, whom he knew would get along well with Hatsune. Hatsune and Sylvia had been together for a long time and hung out together often, but he wasn't always around due to commitments.

A few days after Kenji's introduction, Hatsune invited Sylvia to hang out with her and some of their friends, and they hit it off right away. As their relationship grew, Hatsune felt comfortable enough to introduce Kenji to her family. It was a big step for her because her family was very traditional and conservative, and she wasn't sure how they would react to her dating someone that they didn't know. But all of her worries disappeared when she saw how well Kenji clicked with her family. They accepted him with open arms and even invited him over for a family dinner. A month after they started dating, Kenji knew it was time to reveal his true identity to Hatsune.

He knew that he was a dragon and the creator of the world, and he feared that she might not accept him once she found out the truth. When he finally told her, Hatsune was understandably shocked and doubtful. As the days passed, she realized that Kenji was still the same person she had fallen in love with, dragon or not. She was amazed by his bravery to confess who he is and how much he cares for her, and she thanked him for trusting her enough to reveal his identity. There are times when the both of them are talking about their relationship, which started with a simple introduction but grew into something deeper and more meaningful.

They introduced each other to their families and accepted each other for who they were—quirks and all. Kenji's revelation about his identity took their relationship to a whole new level, but it only made their bond stronger. In the end, it's trust and acceptance that define any relationship, and Kenji and Hatsune had it in spades. After their continuous courtship that lasted over a year, Kenji and Hatsune finally decided to get married. The newlyweds decided to settle down in a peaceful neighborhood close to Hatsune's family home. The couple had always dreamed of starting a family and raising children together.

After a year of marriage, they eagerly welcomed the arrival of their firstborns, a daughter named Abigail and a son named Aiden, into their lives. Their family lived a contented and comfortable life, with Hatsune devoting herself wholeheartedly to her duties as a mother and wife. Kenji, who worked for his family while he was still keeping his true identity hidden from the world, provided decently for his family. They spent their happy days together, making precious memories and cherishing each other's company. But their wonderful lives were soon disrupted by unforeseeable tragic events. Hatsune fell gravely ill and was diagnosed with a terminal disease, leaving Kenji shattered and helpless.

Kenji tried to help Hatsune get better with his power, but she still refused what her husband wanted to do, as she said that if destiny has brought her into her sickness and it gets worse, it means she is destined to leave her family behind. In the following months, her condition slowly got worse, and soon she passed away, leaving Kenji struggling to come to terms with the imminent loss of his beloved wife. While Hatsune was still alive, she summoned all her strength to make the most of her remaining time with her family. Despite the heartache and misfortune that they faced, the couple's love and commitment never disappeared.

They remained by each other's sides until the very end, sharing tender moments and cherished memories. Even after Hatsune's passing, Kenji continued to honor her memory and raise their children with the same love and devotion as before. Kenji and Hatsune's love story was one that blossomed into a family, filled with joys and challenges. Though their time together may have been brief, their love will endure forever.

~The End~