
5. Serious Matter

The meeting commenced. Captain Will took center stage, his voice resonating throughout the grand chamber of the Divine Blade Society headquarters.

"Captains of the Divine Blades Society," he began, his tone commanding attention. "I trust you all understand the gravity of the situation we face."

He gestured towards the select three captains present in the room, acknowledging their presence before continuing.

"Some captains couldn't make it today," Captain Will explained. "But rest assured, they have been briefed on the situation and will be sent out on their missions to combat the growing threat of the Senodokidatsu."

A hushed silence fell over the room as Captain Will's words sank in, the duty which they had as the Divine Blade Captainswas pressing down upon them like a heavy burden on their shoulders.

"The Senodokidatsu outbreak has escalated dramatically in the past year," Captain Will continued. "They have taken over an entire forest, transforming what was once known as the Ivory Forest into the Senodokidatsu Forest."

Murmurs of concern rippled through the assembled captains, their brows furrowed with worry as they absorbed the dire news.

"But what is most concerning is the rate of growth. The Senodokidatsu are becoming stronger at an alarming pace, their once-green forms now turning red."

Before Captain Will could finish his statement, Soujin interrupted.

"I fought a yellow Senodokidatsu Dragon the other day with Muffet," Soujin interjected, his eyes wide with concern. "Does that mean...?"

Captain Will nodded solemnly.

"That was an Average-classed Senodokidatsu," he confirmed.

"This rate of growth can only mean one thing," Captain Will declared with a tone low and ominous. "He is on the move."

The mention of 'He' sent a shiver down the spines of the captains, each one silently acknowledging the threat that loomed over them.

"Senodokidatsu, when left to their own devices, do not typically behave in such an organized and strategic manner," Captain Will explained. "This level of coordination can only mean one thing: they are under the orders of their Ruler."

Soujin's brows furrowed in confusion as he looked around the room, his gaze settling on Muffet and Miko for guidance.

"Who is this 'Him'?" Soujin questioned

Muffet and Miko exchanged knowing glances before Miko spoke up, her tone serious and stern.

"We already discussed this in the last Captains meeting, dumbass. If you can't remember, then what's the point of telling you again?"

Soujin rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks.

"Sorry, I must have...forgotten," Soujin admitted while trailing off as he thought 'being reincarnated like this is such a pain!'

Miko's glare intensified, her frustration evident as she fixed Soujin with a stern gaze. "If you're going to be this forgetful, then perhaps you should start taking these meetings more seriously. Just go on Captain Will."

"Chillax Miko." Muffet said in a Casual tone." Don't forget he's just a 'Rookie' Captain. Your words."

Miko's face softened slightly at Muffet's reminder of her own words, but a hint of annoyance still lingered in her eyes. "Fine, but this guy needs to start paying more attention."

"I promise I'll do better, Captain Miko," Soujin replied earnestly with his hands together.

Captain Will intervened with his gaze shifting between Soujin and Miko with a hint of sternness. "Let's focus on the matter at hand," he interjected. "The leader of the Senodokidatsu is Trom."

"Trom is a formidable opponent," Captain Will continued. "He has proven himself capable of besting even our most skilled captains. He is dangerous, cunning, and will stop at nothing to achieve victory."

Captain Will's gaze swept across the room.

"Miko, I need you and your squad to continue guarding the Divine Blade Society as usual. We cannot afford any breaches in our defenses."

Miko nodded sharply. "Understood, sir," she replied crisply, her tone resolute.

Captain Will then turned his attention to Muffet,

"Muffet, I need you to investigate an area that has been flagged as a potential location for a Divine Blade. The Senodokidatsu cannot be allowed to claim it."

Soujin gave a puzzled look on his face. "Yeah, hey Head Captain Will sir, Excuse my lack of knowledge today, but what's a Divine Blade?" he echoed, his tone curious yet clueless.

A collective groan filled the room. Miko face palmed, shaking her head in disbelief. "Did he 'REALLY' just ask that?" she muttered under her breath, her frustration evident.

Muffet stifled a laugh, shooting Soujin a playful grin. "You've really got some catching up to do, Captain," she teased, her tone light and airy.

Captain Will sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "We don't have time for this..."

Captain Will's gaze settled on Soujin.

"Soujin, your mission is to lead your squad into the Senodokidatsu forest and clear out any threats you encounter. Your prime objective is to lure out whoever is leading the Senodokidatsu army and gather intelligence on their movements."

Soujin listened intently to Captain Will's instructions, his mind racing with the weight of his new responsibilities. But as the assignment sank in, a wave of nervousness washed over him.

Panic gnawed at his insides as he realized he hadn't even met his own squad yet, let alone formed any sort of rapport with them.

"Um, Captain Will," Soujin spoke up tentatively. "I-I was wondering if I could be assigned with Muffet for this mission."

Captain Will's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Soujin's request, his expression turning incredulous. "Absolutely not! When a mission is assigned, it's to a captain and their squad. And considering yesterday's...surprise activities between you and Muffet, I have to admit, it's raised some suspicions. I need to keep a close eye on the both of you."

Soujin's heart sank at Captain Will's refusal, a sense of disappointment becoming heavy on his shoulders.

"Captains, you will embark on your missions in the next three days. Make sure your squads are prepared and equipped for combat against the Senodokidatsu. Dismissed."

With a crisp salute the captains dispersed from the meeting room. Soujin in particular made his way out of the meeting room with his thoughts consumed by the new mission he gained but before he could dwell on it further, he was approached by Muffet.

"So, Captain," Muffet began, her tone casual yet tinged with a hint of mischief. "Care to explain what that was all about in the meeting room?"

Soujin's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he struggled to find the right words. "I-I just thought...maybe we could work together, you know?"

Muffet studied him for a moment before saying gently, "Hey, no need to be nervous. After all, I'm the only one who knows you haven't been spouting nonsense when you said you were reincarnated."

Soujin let out a nervous chuckle, relieved by Muffet's understanding response. "Yeah, that's true," he admitted sheepishly, his embarrassment easing slightly.

After a brief pause, Soujin gathered his courage and decided to turn the tables. "But speaking of strange behavior, what was up with you in the Captains Room? One moment you were all serious, and then when Will patted your head, you did a complete 180."

Muffet tilted her head to the side, studying Soujin with a playful glint in her eyes. "But seriously, you should get to meet your Squad members and start building relationships and 'connections' with them. Isn't that something you wanted to have?"

Soujin raised an eyebrow. "Ah, I see you're avoiding my question," he remarked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Muffet's face momentarily became a stone statue.

"But don't worry, we'll circle back to that later. Right now, I need to focus on meeting my squad."

Muffet suddenly gave Soujin a Creepy smile. "You can always try to find and ask me about that later of course... you also have that sack of cash on you now from Captain Will don't you? I will count how much you spend today."

Soujin's eyes widened in surprise. "How will you do that? If i'm meeting me squad we will be like...3 blocks apart..."

Muffet chuckled at Soujin's puzzled look. "Oh, you'll see."

With a grin, she turned on her heel and sauntered off down the corridor, leaving Soujin to ponder her cryptic words.

As Soujin approached the Squad 3 building, his heart sank at the sight before him. The building was in a terrible state to compare to others with paint peeling off the walls and the sign nearly falling off its hinges. Two young men who were wearing the tattered remnants of a uniform in a divine bluish color, were attempting to repair the damage. They held faces etched with frustration and exhaustion.

"Hey, what in the hell happened over here?" Soujin asked.

The two men looked up from their work, their faces wary as they eyed Soujin with suspicion. They seemed to relax slightly upon recognizing him as their captain, but a tension still lingered in the air.

"Ayo, listen up, Cap" one man grumbled, his voice heavy with annoyance. "Cera and Ballar straight-up wrecked the joint with their brawl. Now we're hustlin' to scrape together enough cash to fix this mess."

Soujin scowled at the mention of Cera and Ballar, his mind scrambling to place the names. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't recall ever running into them.

"Cera and Ballar?" Soujin echoed, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Who are they?"

The dudes exchanged a glance, one of them sighing with resignation. "They're two fools from our squad," he explained. "Always beefin' and causin' chaos wherever they roll."

"Alright, let's bounce back and get this spot fixed," Soujin declared. "I'll help you guys out. We're going to make this squad the best it can be!"

As Soujin began working alongside the two men, he was startled by the sudden appearance of two girls stepping out of the squad building. One of them had wacky yet colorful hair that defied gravity while the other had long flowing locks that cascaded down her back.

The girl with the wacky hair grinned mischievously as she recognized Soujin's voice. "Knew I heard my captain's voice," she chirped. "So, you bringin' the cash, boss?"

Soujin suddenly remembered the task he had been assigned when he first arrived in this world. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of coins, his movements uncertain yet determined.

The girl with the wild hair lit up like fireworks when she saw the loot, letting out a loud "Booyah!" that bounced off the walls. "You're the MVP, Captain!" she hollered, snatching the coins from Soujin's hand like it was her payday.

Soujin watched in bewilderment as the girl and her companion disappeared back into the squad building.

The two young men began shaking their heads in dissaproval.

Seeing the two young men shaking their heads, Soujin became confused.

"What's wrong?" Soujin asked, his brow furrowing with concern. "Did I do something... wrong?"

"Nah, Cap, it ain't on you," one of them said, his tone heavy. "It's just... them two you just saw? That's Cera and Ballar..."

Soujin's shifted from confusion to realization as he processed the significance of the names he hadn't fully grasped the extent of their reputation until now.

"Oh..." Soujin muttered. "What do they intend to do with the money?"

"They ain't thinkin' 'bout the squad, that's for damn sure."one of the men replied. "They're selfish bitches man. Bet they're blowin' it all on themselves, not givin' a damn 'bout the rest of us..."

Soujin's heart sank at the realization, a sense of frustration welling up within him. He had hoped that by providing the money, he could contribute to improving the conditions of the squad building and fostering a sense of unity among his team. But now, it seemed that his efforts had been in vain.

"Damn it...it looks like I have to do something here... It seems that I have to establish my Leadership in the Squad once again..(Well actually for the first time…). This time, i'll make it clear that this type of thing is not a part of my connected line."