
the diary of a nobody

Richard was just your average nobody with shitty parents, just the usual sob story. He just wanted a simple life with no trouble.once he turned 18 he would leave but..fate being a prude little bitch denied him that simple wish. The apocalypse happened. Zombies happened. Was he destined to watch as the world crumbled infront of him? Or will he rise to the challenge? His response to that was "another Monday huh..Great just great this sounds as stupid as giving physcopath a gun..let's just do this.." author's note: text me for queries folks The book has been paused. Better content will be produced! discord name: _invidiadeor

deor_invidia · ファンタジー
9 Chs


Hello to all. my name is deor (weird name I know). this novel is the prequel to the actual novel. Think of it as the protagonist's backstory, alright? I am an absolute newbie, so productive advice is gold for me. this prequel will not have harem but the main one will. the novel's main point is about the mc developing, who isn't anyone special, and no, he isn't connected to any supreme entity he is just a normal guy like you and me. it will take a while for him to grow. novel will have losses and twists and turns (incoming nuke detected). I am a brokie too, so paid art is a big no-no for me. but ai exists and I will use it feel free please donate good arts and nudity is allowed (all hail the legion of degenerates). i will start a discord server at around chapter 80 and also let's be civilized alright? we all have opinions and please respect them.(nazis can go to hell). lastly this prequel will be on earth the main will be an isekai. Thank you for your time.