
The Devil of One Piece

A descendant of the devil is taken in by Silvers Rayleigh. eventually he sets out to get revenge for his ancestor against the Celestial Dragons and their leader Im. to get his revenge he will change the world and fight against those who oppose him. ( Disclaimer: I don't own one piece or any of its characters only the OC. I do not own the book cover)

Draeko · アニメ·コミックス
27 Chs

The Devil's Treasure Hunt

---------------Flashback after fight-------------

Boa Hancock is sitting on the throne coughing up blood " even though that boy is 10 years old he's very dangerous"

her sisters completely agree with after seeing the fight earlier * when was the last time someone hurt our sister like that*.

Elder Nyon has been silent since the fight not knowing what to say until Rayleigh popped out of nowhere " whats wrong Nyon you've been awfully quiet since the fight hahaha".

The three sisters took notice of this especially Hancock because Elder Nyon always gave her opinion on everything even when it wasn't wanted. They waited for her to answer " that boy Rayleigh who is he really?" this confuses the sisters so Hancock asks " what do you mean Nyon".

Elder Nyon strides up next to the throne " that boy is able to fight and even inflict damage on someone who most people can't even touch. Then if we're to believe his story from earlier he went into a secure place broke out prisoners and even won against the marines when there was one against 30. The one thing that I find surprising is he knew that attacking the slave auction house was an indirect attack on the Celestial Dragons and wasn't afraid of the consequences."

All three sisters are shocked because they know first hand the punishment for attacking Celestial Dragons yet the boy who they mocked earlier did it anyway without fear.

Hancock turns to Rayleigh " really Rayleigh just what is he to have that much strength so early in life and to have no fear of the Celestial Dragons". They all look at Rayleigh expecting for him to joke like usual but his face shows he's in no joking mood.

Rayleigh moves forward into the front of the throne " I found him 6 years ago in the woods of Saboady Archipelago in the arms of his dead mother who was killed by marines for refusing to be a slave to the Celestial Dragons. Watching him grow up I've always noticed he's able to accomplish things no kid should possibly hope to. I'm not going to tell you everything because that's for him to tell but I'll tell you this, his entire existence is a direct threat to the Celestial Dragons who will hunt him down without mercy out from fear of what he will do to them in the future"

The sisters are feeling regretful about their premature judgement of the boy who's been through similar torment as they have. Hancock felt respect for the boy now because even though most people would just accept their fate but he's fighting against it.

------------------flashback ends--------------------

We had a great party where everyone was singing and laughing. I made a few friends during the party like Marguerite who was warm and friendly, Sweat pea who was honourable and quirky with her weird jokes and there was aphelandera who was timid and kind.

I also got to know Sandersonia and Marigold who are Hancock's sisters, we were able to have chats about our favourite fights. After Rayleigh told them about some of my past they were more friendly. I also talked with Elder Nyon and found out she was the empress before Hancock.

Shortly before me and Rayleigh left for Rusukaina Hancock wanted to have a talk in the throne room. I walked into the throne room " what's up Hancock what did you want to talk about".

Hancock stood up off her throne and walked up to me " what's the real reason you want to train on Rusukaina". I just smile at her straight forwardness she doesn't bother trying to butter me up so that I'm more inclined to answer her.

"well seeing as you've been nothing but kind since I got here I will tell you. while it's true I want to train there because the harsh climate will teach me to survive in most extreme weather situations, there's also the animals that according to Rayleigh will be good to fight against. The real reason is there's a devil fruit on the island that is sort of a family heirloom".

I stare into her eyes to prove I'm telling the truth. Hancock then motions to me to follow her outside to the balcony overlooking the town.

When we reach the balcony she turns around "you don't have to answer me but why are you trying to gain so much strength". From the look in her eyes she's a little sad about me because I must remind her of her younger self when she was enslaved.

I look out to the town " because of your past I'll tell you, the reason I'm trying to gain so much strength is that I plan on killing all the celestial Dragons but in order to kill them I'll have to go through the world government".

from the sudden gasp behind me I must have surprised her " it was nice meeting and talking to you Hancock but it is time for me to go"

Before I can leave Hancock grabs my shoulder " wait, your goal is insane but I admire it and after our fight then spending time talking to you I wanted to give you this " she hands me a transponder snail " this transponder snail is only connected to my transponder snail I'm giving you this because you've piqued my interest more and more during the time you've been here. So I'm giving you this to keep in contact because I would like to talk to you more in the future"

I graciously accept the transponder snail but before I left I said " thanks Little Boa but if you wanted to be friends why didn't you just say so and yes of course I'll be your friend hahahah"

Hancock gets embarrassed and forms a massive red blush in her cheeks " dammit leave before I kill you"

I met up with Rayleigh who has resupplied our stock " ready to go kid " I just nod " lets go old man before your age catches up with you hahaha".

Shortly after that we set sail for Rusukaina which took 6 hours to reach. When we arrived we made camp because it was starting to get dark and it would be stupid to search in the dark . After spending an hour to set everything up me and Rayleigh made plans to get up early in the morning and start our search of the devil fruit.

after 7 hours sleep we woke up to the sunrise. We had breakfast courtesy of the food we got from Amazon Lily before we left. Rayleigh decided it was time to go on our search " first we should head to the tallest volcano as it was mentioned in the marine's report".

Agreeing with his reasoning we headed to the tallest volcano but we were not alone on the island so we were constantly battling with animals. at one point we were crossing a river but what we didn't know was a crocodile nest was in the centre.

so when we were crossing he saw us trying to cross so it swam straight up towards us. Me and Rayleigh sensed him coming using observation haki so we dodge his bite when he came up. I decided I would take him on alone.

I baited him to attack me so when he went to grab me for his death roll I pulled out one of his teeth from his mouth then proceeded to stab him in his eyes so he couldn't see me. When he was splashing about from pain I picked up a nearby boulder and dropped it with force on his head killing him.

I turned around to Rayleigh smirking "I would have beaten quicker gua hahaha". After another 4 hours of similar situations we finally reached the tallest volcano on the island.

We took our time climbing the volcano to make sure not to lose our grip on ledges and reached the top. When we looked over the edge into the volcano all we saw was deep lava brimming with heat that we could feel even from the top.

Now that we reached the top we used observation haki to see if we could find any further clues to find the devil fruit but there were too many auras radiating from different animals. I was thinking back to Lucifer's earlier hint about my blood will lead the way.

I turned towards the volcano and released my "devil aura " and used my observation haki to see if anything responded which nothing did until I noticed a faint crimson glimmer under the lava. Rayleigh noticed it as well when he used observation haki " old man you saw that didn't that glimmer".

Rayleigh started to stroke his goatee " yes I did so it must be underground". we decided to see if we could find a way down closer to the lava to see if there was a passage near it which we did in the form of a series of ledges.

We slowly climbed down hope not to break the ledges. Once we reached the final ledge we notice a natural tunnel leading away from lava we followed it until it descended deeper into the earth until it finally levelled out.

When we reached the end of the tunnel we saw a sea of magma but on the other side we saw something small until we realised it was the devil fruit. Just like the marines report it was shaped like a skull with horns but what it didn't include was the fact that the colour was crimson red mixed with black swirls.

I was stumped on how to get across because there was no clear way so I turned to Rayleigh " any ideas old man on how to get across the sea of death". he steps close to the edge of the magma " yeah it's a technique combining both secrets arts of the marines called geppo and soru that are from their rokushiki which is a martial art style used by the marines. I've created my own variant that allows me to run in the air so hop on my back and hold tight"

I did as he instructed and true to his word it was like he was running through the air reaching the other side where the devil fruit was. I got off Rayleigh's back and walk towards the devil fruit.

When I reached it I could already feel the familiar power radiating from it " so thats the Devil fruit we've been looking for" I nod yes at Rayleigh's question but before I touched it Rayleigh warned me " be sure that you want to eat it because once you do you'll never be able to swim or even touch seawater without collapsing"

I reach for the devil fruit and eat it all in one. After nearly choking and vomiting from the awful taste I digested it " don't worry old man I don't think that will be the case" before he could respond a sudden burst power erupts from me which must be thanks to traces of Lucifer in my blood reacting with the fruit.

Now me and Rayleigh have a problem which is the volcano is starting to erupt thanks to the burst of power from me earlier disturbing its slumber.

I turn to Rayleigh " it looks like I get to test my new powers sooner than I thought".