
The Devil Bride Reappear

After living in Wild forest and experiencing life with different Wild animals for 20 years, Luciana grew the urge to explore the outside forest. even when she was told that outside the forest is very dangerous, she still insist on going. "I promise, I won't cause trouble, please let me go". she finds some words to convince her mother and even promise to make vow with that. the vow is not a easy something and her mother forbid her from doing it.she told her somethings about the vow and in the end she was allowed to go. ..... getting to the outside forest, she is used to destroying things. in school, she was forced to make the second vow which turned her body to blue colour. I swear I will give her the same fate. that was her promise. she was angry, very angry because she was forced to disobey her mother. she was hiding the fact from her mother but how long will she hide it? what will her mother do if she finds out?.

Lovegold · ファンタジー
33 Chs

familiar cloth.

Do you fight with someone?. "Leon asked as he opened the car door for Luciana. He enter the driver seat and start driving".

Just deal with a annoying girl. "She replied".

Leon check Luciana through the front mirror but saw no expression on her face. He shake his head lightly and smile."where should we go?". He asked.

Let go and eat something. "She suggested".

Leon continue driving.

Luciana frown her brows and suddenly asked. "You are not alright, do you want to ask me something?". She stare at Leon fixly.

Leon smile. "I say... you are really good at guessing someone mind".

Am I?. "Luciana asked innocently and think about it but she couldn't get how she understand what was in Leon mind and for this reason, she thought that Leon was just killing the atmosphere with words". So...will you tell me?, After all, I still don't know what you want to ask me.

I will tell you at the end of the day. "Leon reply and speed up the car".


Angeles Clothes Mall.

Luciana and Leon accompanied each other selecting clothes. It is fun and make people envious. Leon became the assistant, selecting different types of suitable clothes for Luciana. Their way of roaming and selecting make them look like a new wed couple, making people stop and pay full attention to them with praises coming out of their mouth.

The selection of clothes finally end. Luciana and Leon exit the Mall is not their plan is to go find something to eat as Luciana firstly suggested. They were served and both of them eat silently.

Suddenly, Luciana head ached. She drop the spoon in her hand and hold her head.

Leon witness this and quickly stood beside her. "Do have a headache? Should I drive you home?". He asked worriedly.

Luciana was silent. she calmly stood up and walk outside like a possessed Gost. By the time she regained herself, she found herself in front of a strange cloth shop. The outside was so rough that people will feel disgust seeing it. The shop is simple made and was very large but it look like it was abandoned for more than 30 years. Luciana studied the surrounding very well and notice a single dead black coloured rose at the corridor of the entrance.As a lady who loves black roses, Luciana felt sad for the dead rose". She walk closer to it and touch it, trying to uproot and bury it but to her greatest suprise, the dead Rose regain life as soon as she made contact with it. Luciana was shocked and she watch as the flower dance with full of joy. It seems to be screaming "thank you.. thank you". Luciana shook her head. How can a flower communicate with her. She dismiss the weird imagination immediately. Suddenly, the entrance door opened and Luciana was surprised by what she saw inside." The inside was decorated beautifully, it is hard to take just a glance at it. Luciana entered the first floor of clothes with a strange urge to know what was inside. She checked every clothes in the first floor but non of it raise her spirit. She checked the second and third floor, everything was still the same. Her thought was to give up if the last floor was also the same. Shockingly, only one cloth was hang respectfully on a hanger in the hanging rod. The dress was shining black in colour. Armless and floorkiss. It gives out majestic Aura, making Luciana rub her hand against it to feel it softness. Just as Luciana touched it, she found it familiar. Very familiar. The familiarity that is hard to shake off. But Luciana was sure that she haven't seen or wear a cloth like this before. Why did she found it familiar?. Luciana remove the cloth from the hanger and explore it more. The familiarity only grew stronger but she was sure that she have never seen cloth like this before. She look around, looking for the shop owner but found non. "Hello! Is anybody here?". She asked but no response. She decided to return the cloth and come back for it, maybe the shop owner must have arrived by that time. But, how could a person left his shop unlocked and went away for something else?. Luciana shake her head lightly and was about to return it when everything disappear and when next she opened her eyes, she found herself staring at the anxious Leon. She looked around only to find herself in a hospital. She frowned her brows together and give Leon a questioning gaze. "What am I doing here?". She asked.

You seems to have a head ach and you fainted so I rushed you here. Are you fine now? How is your head?". Leon asked worriedly.

"Luciana thought to herself". Fainted? How come I fainted? I definitely walk out when I feel dizzy and headache and then...."she suddenly did not remember what happened next. She tries to remember but she couldn't. One thing was certain and that is what she believe. She did not faint but if she did not faint, how did she end up in the hospital and also, she did not even remember where she went. This thought was driving Luciana crazy and she has started suspecting herself".

Lucy! Lucy.

Huh. "Luciana was driven back to reality by Leon repeatedly called her name".

What is wrong with you? What are you thinking?."Leon asked".

No-nothing, I was.. just.. thinking about what you wanted to tell me. "She twist it immediately. She herself did not understand what was wrong with her, if she informs Leon, it is possible that he will think she is crazy. So for now, she better keep it to herself".

How curious. "Leon smile". Well..I just want to ask about your relationship with the famous lady called Dorny. "He fix his gaze on Luciana".

Luciana frown. "Oh". She think for a while and give Leon a suspicious gaze before replying. "She is my sister". She reply.

Leon did not notice Luciana's suspicious gaze and nod his head in reply. "I see". He murmur to himself.

You don't know her? "She asked".

I know her now. "Leon reply".

Luciana stare at him before nodding her head in reply.

I don't like this place.

I will arrange your leave but..are you better now?.

Much more.

That's good. "Leon reply and exit the room".

After Leon left, Luciana tried to remember what she forgot, but it was all in vain. She gave up with the belief that she would remember as time passed."