
The Devil Bride Reappear

After living in Wild forest and experiencing life with different Wild animals for 20 years, Luciana grew the urge to explore the outside forest. even when she was told that outside the forest is very dangerous, she still insist on going. "I promise, I won't cause trouble, please let me go". she finds some words to convince her mother and even promise to make vow with that. the vow is not a easy something and her mother forbid her from doing it.she told her somethings about the vow and in the end she was allowed to go. ..... getting to the outside forest, she is used to destroying things. in school, she was forced to make the second vow which turned her body to blue colour. I swear I will give her the same fate. that was her promise. she was angry, very angry because she was forced to disobey her mother. she was hiding the fact from her mother but how long will she hide it? what will her mother do if she finds out?.

Lovegold · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 26:Am I the dumb One or you?.

Early in the morning.

Luciana wake up and do her things as usual. Dorny have a show today and for this reason, she did not accompany Luciana today. Luciana was left alone on her own.


Hello. "Luciana put her phone on her ear and listen to the familiar voice".

You have class today?. "Leon asked".

Nope..am free..I suppose to have Mr Albert class today but he is still in jail. Those people did not put my request into action. "Luciana reply".

"Leon remain silent for a while before saying". Should I help?

Is it not too much?

I don't think so.

Alright. Help me if you want.

Mm. I happen to be free, I will come over to pick you up. Just wait an hour more.

And you happened to be free. "Luciana teased".

Just wait an hour more. "Leon reply".

Alright Dad.

Good daughter. "Leon laugh".

Luciana smile before disconnecting the call. She have nothing to do and start exploring around. She walk for some minutes and suddenly, her ear flip and she heard a low sobbing. She frown and take the direction of the sob until she Saw mercy, sobbing in between her laps. She frown lightly and decide to ignore her but mercy happened to raise her head and saw the about to leave Luciana. She immediately run to her and grab one of her leg as she cry loudly.

Lucy.. Lucy.. please.. please."she cry loudly".

Luciana just stand on the same spot coldly and listening to mercy endless words.

Lucy.. please forgive me..I..I know you must have known that I am part of their plan.. please forgive me. "She begged with a painful and sincere heart".

You are begging me now.. what is your purpose?. "Luciana finally speak but her voice did not forget to carry along chill".

Mercy was shocked and she unconsciously raise and stare at Luciana dumbly. It was as if she did not expect Luciana to have the ability to speak.

Luciana raise her brows and a mocking smile appear on her lips. "What?..Suprise because I knew about you guys doing or perhaps.. you are suprise because of my ability to speak". Her smile widen. "What a dummy".

Mercy try to supress her surprised expression but she couldn't help herself from asking. "You can speak..then..then why did you pretend to be dumb".

Luciana smile at mercy foolishness then she said."no wonder you are nothing but a tool for someone". She shake her head. "Am I pretending to be dumb or your friend deliberately announced it?".

Mercy face flush red in embarrassment. Luciana was right. If she is not a fool, there's no way she will be treated like One. "Am sorry". She bow, feeling guilty.

Luciana only stare at her before turning back to leave but then.. Mercy words trap her in one spot. "Am a fool, I agree. But please can you allow a fool like me to be one of your friends?".

Luciana frown and turn to look at mercy. "Don't understimate me. Just because you were spared doesn't mean that I have no guards against you. Grab your luck and stay away from me before I changed my mind against you". She warned coldly.

Mercy heart twist in pain but refuse to speak. Luciana harsh words only boost her brain more. She did not want to be abandoned by Luciana. It seems like Luciana is the only person that understand her . She is also the only person she can trust. She was determined, no matter how Luciana treat her, wether it is fair or unfair , she will still be willing to be with her.

Luciana frown deeply when she somehow, in a strange and un - noticable to herself way, guessed mercy determined thought. She was about to speak when fakelon clap was heard. Vibrating throughout the silent garden.

I see..., turns out that you are working with this dumb fellow.

Fakelon body was no longer a skeleton and Mary seems fine as well. It seems like dorny has lift the curse. Fakelon have regain her body but she is not as charming as before. A closer look and you will think that she is an old woman. Same goes to Mary who was not cheerful like her usual self.

In just a night, you Carry out science test on me. look, I get back my flesh but what did you turn me to? You make me a old woman and I become a laughing stuck among my admirers. I swear I will be your death. "Fakelon speak in anger".

Mercy was just staring at fakelon. Saying nothing.

What? You became dumb? Dumb like your master?. "Fakelon mock and shift her gaze at Luciana". Trust me.. this is your last day in school. No other school will ever allow you because I have ruined you everywhere. This is just the beginning, you haven't see anything.


A Loud thunderous slap followed fakelon silent, making her lost balance and fall on the ground. She was shocked and her hand grab her almost torn cheek. "You...".

Sorry! I help you chase the mosquito away. It will be bad if it suck the blood in your already aged face. You will look older than normal if I let it suck. "Luciana speak calmly and raise her both hands like a innocent Lamb". It doesn't hurt does it?.

Mercy hold back her laughter with great difficulties.

Mary watch fakelon before looking at Luciana, Completely in awe.

Fakelon was the most terrified. She ignore her hurting cheek and stammered. "You.. are.. not.. dumb?".

Luciana smile and fold her arms together across her chest. "I believe am not dumb since I was born. You make me dumb temporary with words". She reply with a smile on her face.

Fakelon refuse to believe it. "You.. you seduce George.. you pretend to be dumb and chat with him secretly. You are the one that made him turn his back against me".

Holy Devil under the earth. "Luciana recited and roll her eyes at fakelon". Even at this time, you still think about someone who did not even for a second think or care for you. Am I the dumb One or you?. Oh..I get it, love turn you to what you are now. Crazy and unmannered".

Shut up! Shut up!. "Fakelon scream". Another word from you and you will see your tongue being cut off!. "She threatened".

Luciana shake her head. "As if you can. I will become the devil bride if you succeed. Fool". She scoff.

You..."fakelon did not complete her statement when Luciana phone rang out.. cutting off her words".

Luciana pick it and put it in her ear. "Alright..I will be there". She said and disconnect the call. She look at fakelon and said. "Enjoy the bed.. bye for now". Then she left.

Luciana last sentence make fakelon realize that she was still laying on the ground and she quickly stand up. She was very embarrassed that she ran away immediately. Leaving Mary and mercy behind.

Mercy look at Mary coldly and she was about to leave when she heard Mary voice.


Please!."Mercy immediately interrupt her. Ever since they have being together, this is the first time Mary address her as her younger sister. It pained her but she have made up her mind. She will no longer be a tool for people again". I don't think I have a sister. We have abandoned each other a day behind. "She said and left. Not waiting for her reply".

Mary watch as mercy disappear out of her view and two drop of tears escape her eyes. "I should have known..I should have known". She murmur to herself and cry.