

Bound by fate across many lifetimes, inescapable destiny. She is the incarnation of chaos, born against the will of the heavens. A great battle left her gravely wounded, cast into the mortal world, where she faced the unjust scorn of humanity. Everyone wanted her dead. Reborn through cycles of reincarnation, she endured endless coldness, but he remained the warmth in her heart. At their first parting, he asked, "What is your name, miss?" "May I call you Nian? A'Nian!" "When I fulfill my duties to the emperor, I will return to marry you." At their first encounter, he asked, "Are you... an immortal?" "Me? Ha, listen carefully. My name is Zi Sang, daughter of the King of All Demons, princess of the demon clan." ...

Paienier · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Chapter Seventy-One: Rebirth

Watching Mo Xuan stare in disbelief at his own tail, Tianjun leisurely crossed his arms, looking more like a spectator than someone involved.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten what you are," Junfeng said lazily. He seemed genuine, but why had he lost his memory?

Junfeng's typically smiling eyes now bore a serious expression. There was only one explanation: the Heavenly Emperor must have erased Mo Xuan's memory. But why?

"Who are you?" Wuchen's eagle-like eyes bore into Junfeng, his tone seeming angry yet secretly scrutinizing the man before him. Despite meeting for the first time, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if they had met long ago. This only heightened his fear and suspicion.

If they were strangers, he might stand a chance if a fight broke out. But if they knew each other, it could be disastrous. With his mind blank and no memory, if this man knew his weaknesses, he would be doomed.

Ignoring the confusion on Wuchen's face, Junfeng responded candidly, "Me? I am Tianjun, son of the mighty War God."

Junfeng confidently crossed his arms, lifting his head in a proud, almost smug manner.

Wuchen, not satisfied, pressed on, "Then who am I? Who am I really?"


"I can't remember who I am, but my instincts tell me you know."

Some words were stuck in his throat. He couldn't just say, "You're the Heavenly Emperor's son, the noblest being in the immortal realm next to the Emperor himself." That would shatter his image of superiority. Acting all high and mighty one moment and being humbled the next would be humiliating.

Sigh, life is tough!

"Hey!" Junfeng began earnestly. "Listen carefully. I don't know why you've lost your memory, but there are things you need to know. Your name is Mo Xuan, the only son of the Heavenly Emperor."

"Some things you've forgotten, but that doesn't mean others have. I can't cover up all your past sins. Even though I saved you at the Heavenly Emperor's behest, it doesn't erase the fact that you were once the weapon of the Demon Lord and an enemy of the celestial realm."

"The immortals of the heavenly realm loathe evil. They would never accept that the Demon Lord's agent, Wuchen, is actually their esteemed Mo Xuan. They wouldn't even agree to the Heavenly Emperor saving you."

"Now, you are Mo Xuan, the Heavenly Emperor's son. You've forgotten your past and your sins, but others haven't. There will be those who hate you forever because of it."

"You've forgotten the past, but that's okay. Live with your current identity, change the minds of those who once hated you, and make them acknowledge your existence."

"Hey! Are you even listening?"

After his lengthy speech, Junfeng realized Wuchen hadn't been paying attention at all, his mind wandering the entire time. Junfeng shook his head in exasperation, maintaining a facade of composure but unable to suppress a rueful smile.

Seeing him like this, it seemed he'd need a few days to recover.

As Junfeng turned to leave, Wuchen suddenly lunged at him. Tianjun, quick and agile, dodged and in the next moment, restrained Wuchen's outstretched hand.

Mo Xuan didn't make any further moves, nor did he retract his hand. He stared fixedly, but not at Junfeng—his gaze was directed elsewhere. Following his line of sight, Tianjun saw it.

... It was a glass orb!

Tianjun's eyes narrowed to slits. His gaze at Mo Xuan turned colder, his voice taking on a chill.

"Do you remember it?"

It... or rather, her...

At this moment, Tianjun's eyes seemed capable of murder, though the anger in his eyes went unnoticed. Mo Xuan shook his head, despair filling his eyes. In that instant, he felt a sudden, sharp pain, like a knife twisting in his heart. The hand holding the glass orb gradually clenched into a fist.

Tianjun's partially fallen hair obscured his face, making it hard to discern his expression. However, the grip on Mo Xuan's wrist tightened.

After a moment, Tianjun released Wuchen's hand and quickly turned away, striding off. He stopped just before reaching the cave entrance, not turning back, his face shadowed. After a pause, he said in a low voice, "If you like it, you can keep it."

With those words, he stood motionless for a while before leaving.

Mo Xuan stared blankly at the glass orb in his hand, completely entranced. Suddenly, in a swift motion, the orb was snatched from his hand.

Junfeng carefully retrieved the glass orb, cradling it like a precious treasure, then straightened his posture with a righteous air.

"Even if you like it, you can't take it by force. This glass orb... is mine."

From afar, the sound of a qin resonated, fluctuating in pitch, echoing plaintively. The music was melancholic, like rain on a dark night, evoking a deep sense of sorrow. As the melody ended, it left a lingering silence.

With a flick of his finger, the glass orb emitted a clear "ding" sound. Junfeng, fascinated, realized for the first time that it could produce such a sound. Memories of Zisang began to surface in his mind. He flicked the orb again, producing another clear ring, the sound lingering in the air...

Meanwhile, in the Demon Realm:

"We pay our respects to the Demon Emperor!"

King Hengsong sat on the throne, looking down at the officials who once oppressed him. Now they bowed before him, fueling his rampant, triumphant smile.

"Long ago, the demon kings of various clans proposed that whoever obtained the Ten Thousand Demon Command would become the ruler of the Demon Realm. Now that the Ten Thousand Demon Command is in my possession, I am the ruler of the Demon Realm, the Demon Emperor! I trust the elders of each clan have no objections?"

King Hengsong confidently held up the Ten Thousand Demon Command, his eyes firm and sincere, commanding respect.

However, beneath this facade of respect, many were discontented, especially those who had always disliked King Hengsong's temperament. They remained silent only out of fear of the Ten Thousand Demon Command's power.

The true extent of the Ten Thousand Demon Command's power was unknown, though rumors spoke of its ability to destroy heaven and earth. No one had ever witnessed its full power, but the legends alone were enough to deter anyone from challenging it.

"Demon Emperor, you are the chosen one, a blessing to our realm. We will fully support you!"

"Excellent! Hahaha~"

After returning to his study, King Hengsong closed the door behind him. For the next seven days, he did not emerge.

"... How can this be? Ahhh~~~ I followed the manual precisely, where did I go wrong? Ah!!!!"

"...How could this be? Ahhh~~~, I clearly cultivated according to the instructions in the manual, where did I go wrong? Ah!!!!"

In the secluded chamber, King Hengsong sat alone, slumped on the ground, feeling a splitting headache washing over him, as if boiling blood surged through his brain.

With one hand clutching his head, he cried out in agony, while unbelievably scouring through a yellowed book in his hand. Despite the throbbing pain, he meticulously scanned the text, fearing he might miss a single word.

"...Who... who's there?"

At his weakest moment, the empty chamber echoed with the sound of footsteps, rubbing against the floor. His already unsettled mind heightened its alertness to the utmost.

After all, this was a place known only to him.

"Who are you? Stop playing tricks and show yourself!"

The scratching footsteps persisted, growing more frantic and echoing from all directions, penetrating his senses.

"Do you know what will happen if you dare deceive the Demon Emperor?" King Hengsong took a deep breath, trying to calm himself despite the throbbing pain.

"King Hengsong indeed has courage. Even at this critical moment, you can still reprimand others without changing your expression? Hehe! Impressive, impressive!"

A gentle male voice suddenly sounded, carrying a hint of sternness despite its mild tone.

In the dim corner of the chamber, a green shadow gradually took shape, forming into the figure of a man. Bathed in the light, the man wore a loose green robe, giving him an appearance of scholarly refinement. Yet, there was an underlying chill that emanated from him, causing King Hengsong to shudder involuntarily, his legs trembling as he scooted back.

With every movement, the severe headache intensified, spreading like tendrils into his neck, as if a rope were tightly constricting his throat.

"Who... who are you? Why... are you here..."

Each word felt like a struggle to utter.

"Heh! King Hengsong, you truly have a short memory! You've already forgotten me so quickly!" The man's voice remained gentle, yet it carried a hint of menace. As he shed his robe, the image of a seemingly frail scholar emerged.

"...How... is it you? Aren't you dead?" King Hengsong stared dumbfoundedly at the figure before him, his eyes filled with countless questions.

"Don't worry about me, King Hengsong. I'm doing just fine, aren't I?"

The smile in Lu Yan's eyes grew colder, as if it could kill. As he absentmindedly adjusted his robe, his face, which should have appeared refined, instead seemed eerie and terrifying due to the smile.

"It was you... who swapped my manual, wasn't it?"

"King Hengsong's cunning is unmatched, yet you fell for such a trivial trick. Such a person isn't fit to be the ruler of the Demon Realm, don't you think? Perhaps you should consider finding a replacement?"

With his mesmerizing phoenix eyes narrowed to slits, a smile still playing on his lips, Lu Yan moved gracefully until he was crouched before King Hengsong. Taking advantage of his powerless state, he snatched the white jade token from his waist.

In the center of the token was engraved a large character: "Demon."

The smile on Lu Yan's lips deepened noticeably. He casually remarked, "Even if it's a counterfeit, it's done so convincingly. No wonder those demon kings believed it. I bet even the Demon Emperor wouldn't be able to tell its authenticity!"

The smile on his lips curved even more prominently as he casually remarked, "Even if it's a counterfeit, it's crafted so convincingly. No wonder those demon kings believed it. I bet even the Demon Emperor wouldn't be able to discern its authenticity!"

"However, a counterfeit is still a counterfeit. No matter how similar it appears, it can never exhibit the true power it should possess!"

With those words, he clenched his fist, and the jade token shattered into pieces.

"You... urgh..."

As if a rope were tightly constricting his throat, he felt a sudden surge of blood rushing to his brain, causing the blood vessels on his face to bulge and swell.


With a 'pu' sound, his head exploded like a burst blood bag, blood splattering everywhere.

In an instant, the air was thick with the scent of blood...

"This is what you owe Sang'er!"

The smile faded from Lu Yan's face as he gently wiped the bloodstains from his face with a handkerchief, revealing a handsome countenance.

While he managed to clean the blood from his face, the stains on his clothes were harder to conceal. The bloodstains on his green robe were glaringly obvious, making them stand out.

The green figure disappeared into the darkness once again, leaving behind only two trails of bloody footprints in the empty passage...

The next day, with the power of the Demon Token, Lu Yan reclaimed the throne of the Demon Emperor, fulfilling the late Demon Emperor's wish, and won the heart of Zisang, becoming the new ruler of the Demon Realm.

The melodious sound of the qin emanated from the courtyard, adding a touch of softness to the tranquil and beautiful scenery. Birds and beasts joined in harmony, flowers bloomed in competition, and even the butterflies refused to be left out, dancing alongside.

Beneath the wisteria waterfall, a man played the zither while women danced gracefully in flowing robes, creating a scene of unparalleled beauty.

On the other hand, the man in white, despite his skillful playing, lacked a certain emotional depth, turning the beautiful melody into a hollow shell.

As his fingers brushed the strings, the music ceased, and the flowers withered.

"No need to continue dancing."

The man's cold face betrayed signs of irritation as he collected his zither, ignoring everything else.

"If Immortal finds my dance unsatisfactory, I can perform another."

The white crane appeared quite aggrieved. She couldn't understand what had gotten into Immortal today. Although his expression differed from usual, it still exuded an oppressive aura.

"No need. I'm feeling a bit tired today. Perhaps another time!" Jun Feng slowly wiped the strings of his zither without even looking up once from his task. When he did turn to look at the direction of the white crane, his face remained as sharp as ever.

With his high nose bridge, he looked even more imposing. His long eyelashes hung low like feather fans, and his cold demeanor made him seem aloof and unapproachable, instilling fear in those who dared to draw near.

"I was just a young crane who had just become human after cultivating in the mountains. I never expected to meet Immortal."

Seeing that the Immortal was about to leave, the white crane suddenly spoke up.

"At that time, Immortal appreciated my dance and bestowed me with an immortal title, allowing me to stay by Immortal's side."

"If I can't even perform a dance properly now, then I truly don't deserve Immortal's favor!"

The white crane forced herself to say these words, and Jun Feng paused, turning his head slightly. In that moment, a powerful aura emanated from him, causing the white crane to step back two paces in fear.

"I've seen almost all of your dances. Do you have any others?"

"Yes." The white crane's eyes lit up instantly, and she explained excitedly, "This dance was taught to me by my princess back then. It was performed to celebrate the late Demon Emperor's birthday, and I haven't danced it since."

The white crane dutifully recounted everything.

"Your princess?" His refined ink-black eyebrows twitched slightly. Although it was just a subtle movement, various emotions flickered in his eyes.

There was a hint of surprise, a hint of joy, and a hint of doubt...

After a moment of contemplation, he asked, "Your princess is Zisang?"

"You know my princess?" The white crane felt secretly delighted. If they knew each other, that would be great. Then she could rely on Princess Zisang's backing. Otherwise, with her insignificant immortal status, she didn't know when she would have a chance to rise.

"I do! But we're not close, just acquaintances."

"We're acquainted! But not intimately, just a passing encounter."

"Just a passing encounter..." The expression on White Crane's face was noticeably crestfallen, yet she dared not show it too clearly in front of Jun Feng.

"Why don't you... tell me her story?" Jun Feng casually plucked at the strings of his zither, feigning indifference.

He didn't want to concern himself with that fox; their past had become nothing more than a memory, or perhaps something he preferred not to dwell on.

Yet, for some reason, whenever he encountered people or matters related to her, he couldn't help but want to understand, remember, and speculate.

It had been days since he left the mortal realm, yet he hadn't heard a word about her. And he found himself struggling to suppress thoughts of her, repeatedly reminding himself that the person who fell in love with the fox demon Zisang was Nan Xianyi of the mortal realm, not him, Jun Feng!

Although Jun Feng's words puzzled White Crane, she didn't want to appear too clueless by asking directly. So, she began narrating without further ado.

That day, White Crane was dancing by the stream when someone tapped her shoulder, and she fainted shortly after.

In her dazed state, she vaguely heard the voices of a man and a woman. They seemed to be saying something...

"...She's a girl after all. You went too hard on her!"

"I only used thirty percent of my strength. Who knew she'd be so fragile?"

"Your thirty percent of strength could kill a glutton. Besides, she just turned human not long ago. What if she reverts back after being hit by your strength?"

"Oh, stop teasing me. I just wanted to give Father a good birthday!"

"Oh, she's waking up! You better explain yourself properly to her."

White Crane slowly opened her eyes, and her blurry vision gradually cleared. The first thing she saw was a woman in a purple robe and a man in green clothes, both looking at her with a hint of curiosity and perhaps even suspicion in their eyes, though she couldn't quite pinpoint what was odd about them. But instinctively, she felt that something bad was about to happen.

Zisang and Lu Yan were initially relieved to see her awake. After all, surviving a blow from Zisang was a rarity. Their excitement was palpable, but they failed to realize that their current gaze resembled hungry wolves eyeing prey, with only the glint of greed missing.

For White Crane, who had just awakened, it was undeniably terrifying. She was petrified, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong? Can you speak?" Zisang became anxious when he noticed White Crane's lack of response, and he reached out to shake her in front of her eyes, urgently asking.

"You see! You've scared her witless! It's all because you hit her head!" Lu Yan chimed in, fanning the flames and accusing her.

"That's impossible! I remember hitting her head accurately. It couldn't have hit her!" Zisang scratched his head, trying to recall whether he had injured White Crane.

"How could you have conducted a thorough examination with your impulsive nature? I couldn't even call out to you at the time!"

"When did you call out to me? I didn't hear anything."

"I called out before you left. How could you not have heard?"

"Not hearing is not hearing!"

The two of them argued back and forth, completely ignoring White Crane. It seemed they might even start fighting at any moment.

"Who... who are you? Why am I here?" White Crane asked plaintively, her voice trembling.

Dragging someone here without saying anything and then quarreling among themselves without a care in the world, not knowing whether to leave or stay—what exactly did they want?

"Oh, sorry about that. I'm Lu Yan, the Demon Emperor's adopted son. And this here is Princess Zisang of our demon clan."

"Oh, I apologize for the oversight. I am Lu Yan, the adopted son of the Demon Emperor, and this lady here is our demon clan's princess, Zisang."

"I've brought the young lady here to request a favor, and I hope she can forgive the intrusion."

One moment, he was arguing vehemently with Zisang, and the next, he was putting on a show of righteousness, deliberately wearing a sincere expression. Zisang found it utterly laughable; who would have thought that this gentlemanly facade was the instigator of everything that had transpired?

Lu Yan's appearance was indeed remarkable; his deep phoenix eyes were captivating when he smiled, enough to enchant even White Crane, who couldn't help but gaze at him spellbound.

As their eyes met, there was a silent communication between them...

Wait a second, something seems to be missing here! But what exactly? Why can't I seem to remember? Oh well, it doesn't matter! The only thing that matters now is the beauty before me!

"What are you doing in front of me? Am I invisible?" Zisang's voice suddenly exploded, finally jolting Lu Yan back to reality!

Darn it! I knew I forgot something! I forgot that Zisang was standing right there!

"What are you standing around for? Am I not supposed to be here?" Zisang's outburst prompted Lu Yan to hastily step aside, silently observing Zisang's next move.

White Crane was now sitting on the ground, looking fragile and helpless. The contrast between her and Zisang, who stood tall and imposing, was stark, resembling a village bully about to prey on a defenseless girl, evoking a strong protective instinct in the onlookers.

However, Lu Yan couldn't intervene at this moment. He knew how terrifying Zisang could be when angered, and he wasn't foolish enough to step into the line of fire.

"I think you should..." Lu Yan began tentatively.


Fine! I really did walk right into that one, only to end up empty-handed and humiliated.

Seemingly realizing her own mistake, Zisang finally crouched down, meeting White Crane's gaze with a "harmonious" smile.

"I apologize for the abruptness of this request, but... the mastermind behind all this is him," Zisang shot a venomous glare at Lu Yan, who shivered in response.

"But everything is in preparation for the grand celebration of the Demon King's birthday in ten days. I wish to invite you to dance at the demon clan's palace as a gift to my father."

White Crane looked from Lu Yan's "smiling" face to Zisang's "kind" expression. Did you both misunderstand the word "invitation"? This is clearly a kidnapping! Don't you get it?

However, White Crane dared only curse inwardly; she didn't dare to speak up directly. After all, she was facing two smiling tigers!

"But... but I'm not good at dancing," White Crane stammered.

"That's okay! I can teach you!" Zisang's smile grew even brighter, but... why did it send shivers down the spine?

"Then... why don't you dance yourself, Princess?"

"Ha!" Lu Yan burst into laughter uncontrollably. "Let her dance? Hahaha, you might as well ask her to perform heart surgery! Hahaha!"

"Heart surgery? Alright then! If you like, I can perform one for you right now." Zisang said, squeezing a bone-cracking sound, a wicked grin spreading across her face.

"Oh, you like the idea of heart surgery? Alright then! If you're fond of it, I can perform one for you right now," Zisang said, squeezing her knuckles with a mischievous smile on her face.

With Zisang's words, Lu Yan seemed to calm down a bit.

"I'm only trying to leave opportunities for you!" Zisang smiled kindly at White Crane.

White Crane inwardly sighed: Is there no option left?

"Well, if you do well, I might consider rewarding you with some fish," Zisang said, seemingly considering the matter seriously.

Rummaging around, Zisang finally produced a crumpled book, which appeared to be even older than herself.

"Don't worry! This dance is quite simple. As long as you follow the instructions in the book, you'll definitely learn it," Zisang assured White Crane before politely placing the book in her hands without waiting for her consent.

"I'll leave the rest to you!"

With the Demon Emperor's birthday approaching, Zisang wanted to surprise him. In previous years, the birthday gifts were either purchased from the human realm or searched for across the six realms by Lu Yan. There were also gifts made by Zisang herself, though the finished products were often unsightly.

The Demon Emperor was Zisang's father, so even if she felt dissatisfied in her heart, she wouldn't say it out loud. After all, the gifts were handmade by her own daughter, no matter how ugly they might be.

However, Zisang couldn't shake off her guilt and wanted to make amends at this year's celebration. With time running out, she had no choice but to push ahead, even though she knew White Crane was reluctant. She had to make do with her.

With time pressing, White Crane had to start practicing early. For someone who could already dance, learning from the movements in the book was a breeze.

Dance seemed to have a magical allure for her. Once she had seen a dance move, she could replicate it effortlessly.

"The beauty of this dance lies in its gracefulness, but that's also what makes it difficult."

For someone like Zisang, who was a "dance dummy," just remembering each dance move was commendable. However, it was shocking that she was now guiding White Crane through it with ease.

"For this kind of gracefulness, you need to control your pace. It should come from within, not forced. If you fail to control it, it'll appear affected and artificial."

As Zisang paced back and forth, she not only demonstrated the dance moves but also corrected White Crane's mistakes. It seemed quite genuine.

Leaning against a tree, Lu Yan watched Zisang in disbelief.

"How do you know all this?"

It gave Lu Yan the impression that Zisang was hiding deep insights.

Did I misjudge her?

"It's all written in the book," Zisang replied, waving the book in her hand with a proud smile.

Upon hearing this explanation, Lu Yan could only shake his head helplessly. You really... can't even be bothered to lie!

Seeing Lu Yan's forlorn expression, Zisang and White Crane shared a knowing glance and chuckled.

Having spent time with Zisang for so long, White Crane was no longer as afraid of her as before. Although timid, she could judge people well. Despite being a princess of the demon clan, Zisang never used her power to pressure others, contrary to rumors.

Unbeknownst to them, twilight had descended. The three tired companions, leaning back to back, sat down, exhausted. Without waiting for Zisang's orders, a maid had already prepared dinner and placed it before them.

The three of them disregarded their appearances and devoured the meal before them within moments, swiftly clearing the small table in front of them.

The two maids gradually composed themselves, hiding their surprise. They exchanged a glance before asking, "Princess, are you full? If not, I can have the kitchen prepare more."

Satisfied, Zisang rubbed her belly and glanced at Lu Yan, then at White Crane. "Have the kitchen bring two more fish."

Cough! Just as Lu Yan was drinking water, he was startled by Zisang's words and almost choked. "Are you kidding me?"

"It's not for you!" Zisang shot Lu Yan a cold glance before instantly changing her demeanor and smiling at White Crane. "You've had a long day, so eat more. Besides, I promised to reward you with fish."

"But, Princess, I really can't eat anymore." Although she was grateful for the princess's kindness, White Crane was almost bursting, let alone adding two more fish.

"In that case, don't eat them!" Zisang seemed a bit disappointed for a moment but quickly recovered. "We'll save them for tomorrow then. Let them live another day."

White Crane awkwardly forced a smile.

"Princess, the Demon Emperor is here," a maid hurriedly ran in.

"Where is he?"

"He's about to arrive at the entrance!"

"Oh no, we can't let Father see you now. Hide inside for a while," Zisang said, dragging White Crane into the inner room without hesitation, leaving Lu Yan alone to deal with the situation.

As the Demon Emperor entered, Lu Yan calmly stepped forward to greet him.

"What are you doing here? Where's Zang'er?" The Demon Emperor looked around but couldn't see Zisang anywhere.

"Oh, she went..."

"Did she sneak out again?!" Before Lu Yan could finish, the Demon Emperor's tone grew slightly stern.

Lu Yan was initially stunned, but then a smirk appeared on his face. "Yes, yes, she just went out to play again. I've been waiting for her for quite a while, but she hasn't come back."

"I knew it. She's always running around aimlessly day after day, never giving me peace of mind."

"That's right, I've told her several times, but she never listens." Lu Yan immediately chimed in with flattery.

"What are you doing here?" Suddenly, the Demon Emperor's sharp gaze turned towards Lu Yan. The sudden shift caught Lu Yan off guard.

"Oh, I'm just here waiting for Zisang to come back!"

The Demon Emperor glanced at the leftover dishes on the table. "Oh, waiting while eating?"

Lu Yan instantly turned to stone, his eyes flickering with worry as he glanced at the empty plates on the table. He cursed Zisang countless times in his heart. "Zisang, are you trying to kill me?!"

"Well... um... I thought I was hungry," Lu Yan awkwardly forced a smile, putting on his best bootlicking face. "Father, have you eaten? If not, let's sit down and eat together!"

"Oh, you're being polite today." "It's been a while since the two of us sat down for a proper meal, but... you need to have leftovers for that to happen!"

The smile on Lu Yan's face gradually faded as he glanced awkwardly at the empty plates on the table, so clean it was as if they had been licked clean. It was almost unbearable to look at.

"Perhaps another day! I'll leave now."

"Alright, Father, take care."

Lu Yan watched the Demon Emperor leave with a guilty conscience.

Suddenly, he felt a chill down his spine, as if someone's eyes were staring at him intently.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Yan didn't look back. "My lady, please don't scare me like that! After all, I'm still your lifesaver!"

Lu Yan swallowed deeply and didn't look back. "My goodness, please don't keep scaring me like that! After all, I'm still your benefactor, right?"

Zisang's voice came coldly from behind, "I asked you to help defuse the situation, but you only added fuel to the fire. What use are you to me?"

"I... I didn't say anything. It was all just speculation on my part," Lu Yan replied nonchalantly.

"Hmph! Do you think I couldn't hear from inside?" Zisang grew angrier as she spoke, almost gritting her teeth. "I heard everything loud and clear. It was all your fault, instigating things from the sidelines."

Lu Yan was finally rendered speechless by the question, and he could only bow his head in apology.

Zisang and Lu Yan often bickered, but White Crane would silently watch from the sidelines. Despite this, she felt a kind of indescribable joy.

Before this, she had always been alone at Emerald Creek, with no companions or family. Although she knew it was wishful thinking, she felt the joy of having a family for the first time. Even though she felt a bit reluctant to part, she decided to enjoy the present moment rather than worry about the future.

"When you twirl, you should show a bit more grace, like a butterfly fluttering by at first sight," Zisang continued to instruct White Crane earnestly, then lowered her head to ponder over her book.

After hearing this, White Crane practiced again from the beginning. She was already quite proficient in this dance, and forgetting the steps like she did at first was definitely out of the question now.

"How was it this time, Princess? Was it okay?" White Crane asked somewhat bashfully.

"Mm-hmm! It was already great. Tomorrow, it will be all up to you," Zisang replied.

"I'll do my best."

As usual, various Demon Kings and elders gathered for the banquet, chatting amiably.

When the banquet began, each guest presented their birthday gifts and expressed their sentiments.

Most of the gifts consisted of gold, silver, and jewels, or finely embroidered birthday robes made of precious materials, or tea sets made from special materials. However, many of these gifts seemed flashy but insincere.

The most inconspicuous gift was the scroll of blessings presented by Lu Yan. Despite his usually rough demeanor, he was actually quite meticulous. At first glance, it seemed unremarkable, but it was the most heartfelt. The scroll contained a hundred different blessings, each intricately drawn by his own hand.

The guests couldn't help but feel ashamed of their own gifts. Despite its simplicity, it was obvious that Lu Yan had put a lot of thought into it, making it hundreds of times better than their seemingly extravagant but thoughtless gifts.

After almost all the guests had presented their gifts, Zisang slowly stood up and stood with her hands behind her back in the center.

"Father, have you received the birthday gifts from the various demon kings? Are you satisfied?" Zisang asked with a smile on her face.

"Naturally, I am satisfied," the Demon Emperor replied truthfully.

"Then, Zang'er also has a small gift to give today. Although it may not be as precious as those of the other guests, Zang'er has also put some thought into it."

"As long as it's from you, Father will like it," the Demon Emperor said, pleased. "What is it exactly? Bring it up and let me have a look."

He had heard a few days ago that Zisang had been quietly preparing a birthday gift, and he couldn't wait to see it. However, as soon as he mentioned it, Zisang promptly hid from him.