
Check ups

Usually id send my little ogre {Avatar} to a mission, but I need him training his newfound power. For at least a entire week he'll be attacked by a horde of corrosive dragons. What makes them dangerous is that the poison that spills or explodes off their scales can transform into pseudo poison dragons, so for seven days and seven nights all he can do is face against an ever expanding army with no use of skills or food.

I'd also tried training or modifying our new companion, but he neither had any need for training since he only adjusted his strength to his enemies. And whenever he tried to secretly infuse him with Divinity, it was broken down like how an object melt to acids. His flames melted everything especially divinity.

Seeing as we barely had any other kind of relationship other than our united goal, instead a deal was made i'd provide him skill at his requests he'd provide his body for experimentation.

As he provided me his entire hand and eye, which he regenerated with the black flames. I had transformed that hand into a Gauntlet with the bones on the outside acting as a brace and an eye in the middle of the palm, when activated the eye opens the gauntlet acts as a living weapon with its own conciseness creating demonic dark flame beasts, they came in all shapes and forms mutated, monstrous, or even normal creature made of Black flames.

The fastest the gauntlet worked was at the speed of thought, though limited it had both dark flame demonic beast creation, infantry subspace, and hands on dark flame reconstruction, for the average person this weapon would make them unbeatable.

The second thing I needed from the Fallen Ogre king was his halo/floating gear it seemed to be what mostly allowed him to disrupt Divinity, even though divinity compared to any other power was like a hair follicle to a mountain. I tried figuring out the internal mechanisms of the flaming halo but all I was meet with is the hostility of around 123,000 dark flame creatures, and I say creatures because it was more than beasts it was demons angels and dragons, although they had no form their individual consciousness acted as they like in the swamp of blackflames.

As all others were in training or were undergoing modifications, I had to check on both the Sword spirits and Teresas'{Avatar}, and it seemed to me that they were doing better than my own, as they took a more hands on approach to their missions

Teresa's POV;

As I had awoken for the first time since my mission had began, I had found myself surrounded by clergymen and nuns, they were all whispering and how my continued existence is a miracle shown by the gods.

On of the head priests adorned with nothing but plain priest clothes unlike his fellow worshippers reached a hand out to me, he introduced himself as the arch priest of the city kingdom Cliffdom a place protected by the Divine gods, as he walked through the crowd to the doors he politely asked for my identity, so i feigned to have lost my memory he said in a comforting tone to not worry too much of it for now as the doors were opened by two knights revealing a city powered by magic.

As the sun was shining over the tall buildings and flying vehicles and wyverns, and the kingdom filled with the lively chatter of a prosperous land, you could feel its liveliness course through your veins, as the arch priest reached his hands out to lead me down the flight of stairs I had been quickly grabbed by the pure essence of the city.

As the arch priest lead me through the city he was greeted by all sorts of people as father old young men or women these humans all greeted him with respect, which confused me since neither his body or his energy were that of power.

But those questions were immediately submerged as wingless dragons that spans the length of 2.5-4 meters roamed the road carrying luggage or humans or magicians using magic to fly or float themselves or items.

When we got to our destination Father had brought us to a castle, although I would not declare myself to be presentable I followed the Father either way. As we walked through a big hallway before going into the inner throne room, Father had asked the maid standing at a particular door to make me fully ready to meet the king, as i was pushed into the room with maids a dress, I tried to protest that this wasn't an appropriate attire but sadly the professional ladies worked to fast for any type of resistance. And in my embarrassment we entered to the throne room filled with knights all lined up and nobles behind them and at the top of some stairs, was were the king sat on his throne with his two golden knights by his side.

As we approached the king and kneeled, it seemed to me that Father may have been blood relatives with the lord. Then he spoke [Father Mulligan, there is no beed for an arch priest to kneel to a king especially since he is my brother] but father responded with [My lord, your carefree attitude will gather those with ill intentions please act accordingly even kings can't have subjects acting like friends, especially not in such a public setting.] as they both looked eye to eye for a few seconds father continued [Here is the hero I had promised, the foreign realm hero summoning had worked although there was a hiccup with the thunder storm dragon and the heroes memories, this can only be taken as a sign as the gods providing this hero themselves]

As the crowd of nobles audibly whispered amongst themselves, the king raised his hand silencing the room in less than a second. As the king spoke [A good thing so, our armies have been getting weaker by the continuous attacks. Oh Summoned hero, we urge you please help us in our time of need, the immortal armies of fiends have been attacking our kingdom. We have lost so many in this 76 year war, although we have support from the gods we are at the losing side, for we do not have a definitive way to stop the immortals from the Netherworld, would you fight along side us or be imprisoned as a traitor]

It had seemed that I had no choice in this matter, while I could mist definitely escape with few worries. This place seemed to be very connected to the God Kings, I need to information on so I had accepted.

And as quickly as it began it had wrapped up, as I walked with the priest, I had asked a few questions that were answered.

1. The arch priest and the king were born as triplets were one becomes king, other the religious symbol between man and god and the third became the grand marshal who led the armies unfortunately he had died hence the need to summon for a hero.

2. This city kingdom is actually a floating island, held up by the two arch mages whose ages were lost to time

And 3. They have no information about the gate leading to the trans dimensional realm of the fiends except that two power house monarchs are the reason that the Gods and God Kings couldn't enter or obliterate that realm

After spending a month here following Father Mulligan around and meeting all sorts of people in the city, especially the arch mage and arch wizard pushing the endless innovations of magic throughout the city even toddlers could use 2 tier magic, and those at the top got their by making their own magic system with ranked spells from 1-11 tier

The arch mage stutied magic spells and was the innovator of the Sound magic Artillery magic, while the arch wizard was a pioneer on mana and how to individually be a fish in the sea of mana he is the reason so many could have access to magic.

After spending a bit of time making connections and gathering information like how the gods occasionally send armies of stone angels to help when certain battles could go either way. I was also brought to the basement of the church, where father kept a goat fiend for interrogation, i was there to learn and copy the energy that only an arch priest can use

It was a peculiar power niether Qi nor divine energy but at the same tine it both acted like and and didn't behave like holy energy like all the clergymen and nuns could do

It was instead Natural energies it was as if the very molecules moved at his command, though it wasn't matter manipulation. He called it the {Enlightenment} he said it was the very power of the universe, that as everyone chased power and dominance once you accepted your place in the universe and proved yourself you'd be an enlightened where all bows to you, but you are limited to only being the hand of the universe.

It had took a full months time including since i gad arrived to fully understand this power and use it

But to father it wasn't considered a pass, since I myself being a Sin of Hatred Wrath and Revenge, couldn't let go of the rage of being betrayed and sacrificed just to only be imprisoned by the gods you prayed to

Although I trained and being in this kingdom did fill me with enough calmness that I have gone far in my enlightenment.

I have come to befriend a hidden dragon in the form pf a lowly herbalist, with her goal being creating the perfect dragon potion that would let dragons become fully human in body but dragon in spirit, she wished to live side by side with humans and increase through the fertility of humans her ever decreasing race

Though limited her race are either hidden dragons lizard like dragons, but mostly powerful dragons. To their detriment it does take a lot for a lizard or snake to even become a dragon, such as 100 year of age size and intelligence.

This leaves only two well known dragons the current marshal of the armies the Lucky dragon, a clumsy dragon that always survives or wins any battle he accidentally enters in being one of the main reason for the balance between the war and their forces

The other the twin metallic dragons that always stay by the king, although in appearance they are two it is actually a single dragon soul fused with two silver dragons

As my training is technically done in accordance to the Lord, I must join in the war as the Golden hair hero to drive back the fiends, thankfully I won't be Doing this alone as I have a black golden and silver Gryphon to ride into battle with

Sword Spirit POV;

Two days after Landing in a dense and thick rainforestI had finally met the first humanoid being, the two previous days were filled with misdirections and giant beasts that died with a snap of my fingers.

The Humanoid being were of varying shapes and sizes and one stepped forward shapeshifting into a little child like me, as it tried speaking through its mouth only a frog like sound came out, so instead they opted to {Telepathy}

As they led me to their village being in pr apart of trees, while it seemed like they might've hallowed out the very tall tree to make their homes so far off the ground, but rather the trees themselves were molded into the shape of homes.

They grew wings and started flying to the central figure giant tree it was almost 3-4m thick a tree truly rooted to the ground, as I had used my {Avatars}'s {Golden Mana Creation} a skill which let her create magical things that have or have not existed for use.

She used it to create a golden mana ghost bat a cute circular golden blob with with two big bat wings and four out stretching limbs that wrapped on my back and acted as a sort of parasite that flew at my command.

When I had gotten to the biggest tree in-front of the biggest tree home, I disabled my ability and dispersed my Golden Mana Ghost Bat a cute little parasite that flies at command although the normal ghost bats have the ability to fuse to the users back as a tattoo and form in a semi physical form to help its user fly

By the time i did enter i was greeted by a Little grandma instead of constantly shifting her form like her clan does every second, she had went the old grandma form. With long ears, bald head or for the ladies long hair, with a third eyeball on her head

As the old granny sat down on the carpet with her cane beside her, i sat infront of her even though I was a child we were practically the same size.

She began the conversation by telling me that she was waiting for 270 for someone with the soul of a storm to visit her, as the dragon beneath the ground in the ruins a Fallen god temple.

Though I argued that I was enough to handle this intake of information, Drakeon argued that I had to bring with me at least a humanoid golem infused with my ego, connected to me through a slimes {Self-Replication} .