
The Heaven Fallen

The three month war was starting tomorrow so hiding amongst the soldiers was easy since no one had time to check on every individual that night. The walk to the Fallen Kingdom took half a day, we approached castle wall as the grand Marshal Orc ogre and the Goliath Grandmaster stood at the back, and for ten straight minutes nothing happened it was as though the world stood still before dozens of small birds started swooping down from the castle walls. When these black flamed birds hit a soldier, the soldiers whole body was engulfed in black flames burning to ashes and even burning the ashes. But none of the other soldiers moved, as the Grandmaster went into his giant for throwing a huge boulder at the walls breaking it. The soldiers all had roared a roar that would put a pride of lions in fear as they rushed towards the kingdom with no walls, but wear immediately met with giant black bears, felines, wolves, Lizards and avians.

But i had no interest in the war itself but the Fallen Ogre King floating in the sky behind him was a wheel with six spokes covered with dark flames sitting on a giant Dark Flamed wolf looking down at the Grand Marshal and Grand Master.

As they power up and rush towards the fallen king he in a tenth of a second covers the entire battlefield in dark flames from the building to the ground with {Dark flame Domain} where all he said was [All of you disappear except you two] everything got burnt from the oxygen to every soldier or beast battling even if they were already made of dark flame. He then created Dark flamed clones of his two opponents with the same prowess from his skill {Dark Flame Creature Creation} as he had them fight on his behalf.

So with all of them distracted I went Ghost mode to the treasury, honestly with out {Ghost Form} I would have died. When i got to the treasury there was the three items listed to be here

1. The Crown of the Unifier- this crown allowed its user to captivate the souls of huge mobs to a sort of fanatical obedience. It also came with its own control skills

2. Was the Righteous Exterminator's double Spear- a twin edged spear made of gold-ish colored cosmic fruits that make it indestructible that glows out Galactic annihilating lights

3. A Catastrophe Cube- a technological cube that generates massive quantities of power for its user these energies can be distributed throughout armaments and armored bodies but also skills. It came with its own {Teleport} and {Precognition} skills

I always knew that no matter how hard I'd try I'd be no match for the Fallen Great Ogre King, so I took my spoils of war, left, sent the two crowns to my lord creator and fused through {Hands of a God} my heart, my soul, and the catastrophe cube

Whenever it was activated constant explosive energies that generated and multiplied on its own. Changing my stats from this to this


Species: Artificial Ogre

Rank: Mortal Puppet

Mixed stats

Martial Prowess: 450

(Strength, Stamina, Agility)

Life Force: 22,700

(Durability, Endurance, Health)

Wisdom: Extreme Genius

(Instinct, Precision, Intelligence)

Karma: Rank 3

(Charm, Knowledge, Luck)

Phenomenon Value: Rank 7

(Mana, Holy Power, Ki)



Species: Artificial Ogre

Rank: Mortal

Mixed stats

Martial Prowess: 1125

(Strength, Stamina, Agility)

Life Force: 600,999

(Durability, Endurance, Health)

Wisdom: Extreme Genius

(Instinct, Precision, Intelligence)

Karma: Rank 3

(Charm, Knowledge, Luck)

Phenomenon Value: Rank 3

(Mana, Holy Power, Ki)

I could definitely face against the Fallen King but I had no control over this new power so I opted to get out of dodge even more, but I was then met with the Dark flame Fallen King and his dark flame wolf who had followed me here. Running was no option but as disadvantageous fighting was Its my only answer, I wasted no time and had Blood queen restrain his body through his muscles and bones but he only turned himself into the dark flames. Where I had a sneak punch ready to hit, he dodged so I used Steal to try and take his halo/wheel since that could've been his power source but it did nothing as he grabbed me and flipped me to the floor.

He wasted no time to try and kill me as he was about to kick my head in

So I told him [Did you know my master also has a vedette against the Godkings] he stopped his foot as I i had the Storm dragon who was hiding around send a thunderbolt to him transferring him to my lord

I don't know what's happening up there but I'm sure my god could handle it faster than frogs take care of flies as i Lay there rain dripping on me, while i plan my next move the forbidden forest

Lord Creators Pov;

I've been doing many types if training for my new underling and modifying their bodies but in my past time i like to watch what my avatar's doing. And so with {Wisdom} i knew all types of information on him so i made a deal with him he behaves i help him get into the God Kind's realm, he agreed and sat at some corner all alone.