
The Daughter of Batman

Robin Delilah Wayne or known as Becca. Robin goes by Becca Due to the fact that she doesn't like her name. She resents her name because her mother gave her that name. Robin's mother left her at a young age, she was 5 years old when her mother left. She left her on the doorstep of her father's house, Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne took her in and gave her a better life but is trying to keep her out of the life he lived in secret. But one night that line of two lives was broken and Robin finds out the biggest secret ever does it tear her apart from the relationship she built with her father or does it grow their relationship stronger

Lizzie_Taylor · 映画
7 Chs

My Issues

It has been weeks since Bruce allowed Dick to come back to the house. I assume he is worried that we will have sex again and have to deal with a teen pregnancy or something. He will just have to deal with a silent daughter for a few more years. Even though I've been feeling sick lately, I find that a bit of loneliness helps me rest this cold away. I get up and then I walk out to the kitchen, looking for something to eat. There was nothing in the fridge. Normally Dick makes dinner for me but once again Bruce is not allowing him to come over. I pull my phone out and text Cassie, "hey, is there any chance you can bring me food?" I put my phone down and pull out a cup. I pour in some raspberry vodka and wait for her response. It took a few minutes but she finally answered and was bringing me Arbey's. I am very happy that she is coming with food. I can have some girl time while she is here with me. I waited for her to pull up anticipating the wait and worried that Bruce might find out about her coming over. He isn't very happy about me still talking to people after that phone call. I watch out the window for her as my stomach growls as my hunger grows. I feel lightheaded. She pulls up and I get excited. I get up out of my chair fast and run down the stairs and out the front door. We both shout loudly as we turn around in a circle happy to see each other. We head into the manor and sit down in the kitchen. She pulls out the food and hands me mine. I start eating fast. She looked at me, "Have you eaten at all lately?" I looked up at her, "Yeah, I think I ate yesterday in the morning before Bruce left for work. " She looked shocked, "You don't know how to cook your food do you?" I shook my head no, I have no clue how to prepare anything home-like for myself. "Dick or Bruce normally make meals... But they have been absent a lot more since the accident."

She sighed and turned back to eating her food and so did I. I finished my food first and looked around, "Do you want to stay for the night and drink with me?" She looked around, "Are you kidding?" Hell yeah!" We both smiled and threw our trash out before making our way up the stairs and into my bedroom. We get into my room and pull out the glasses in my bag and then the liquor. I turn on the TV and put on The Vampire Diaries. "Of course, we must watch Damon while we drink. Shall we?" Cassie smiles after she shows her undying love for Damon Salvatore. We both giggle. I get into bed and start drinking and so does Cassie. We drank for hours and man did it feel so right? On top of that, I had stolen some weed from Jason's bedroom, so Cassie and I are cross-faded but like the good cross-faded. "Cassie! I should call Dick and tell him something!" We both laughed and fell off the bed. "You should do that!"Cassie pops back up off the ground. I pick up my phone and dial Dick. As we waited for him to answer we were giggling the entire time. Then he answered and there was silence. "Hey!" Dick sighed, "Hey Hun. What's going on?" I giggle. "Cassie and I are having fun while you and Father figure it out." I topple over and land on the floor again. "Becca what the hell is going on? "Overwork, "Really none of your business Dick." Cassie gets up and walks over to the mini fridge, " Do you want ice in your vodka or not?" I heard Dick pause in breathing for a moment, "Becca, are you drunk?" He sounded worried about me. "What's it to you?" Dick didn't say anything but I did hear noise in the background. It sounded like he was moving very fast. I hung up and got back to Cassie. As we were downing our last cup of vodka I heard a knock at my door. Cassie puts everything away quickly and I walk over to the door while holding onto the wall. She passes me a raspberry iced tea and I take a few sips. "Hello?" I opened the door and there stood Dick. "What are you doing here?" He looked at me with an eyebrow up and his arms crossed, "If only Bruce could be here in under five minutes." I looked at Cassie, "I think I should get moving." Cassie walked out of the room and stood outside waiting for her Uber. "You are a major asshole." Dick unwrapped his arms and walked into the bedroom. "And you are in major trouble. So I would say that we are even."

I sigh and go to the bathroom. I start the shower and wait for it to warm up, and then I start to get undressed. "What are you doing?" I turned around and looked at him as I took my top off and unbuttoned my bra. "Taking a shower, what else does it look like to you?" Dick looked away from me. I smirked and then turned around and stripped off the rest of my clothing. I could feel him staring at me. I know how he feels, and I know how I feel and he can't stay away forever. While washing my hair in the shower, I hear noises coming from the bedroom. I turn around to wash the soap out of my hair and see the curtain move. Dick has finally managed to grow a pair of balls to join me. Even after my father told him no. I walk up to him in the shower and smirk, "So you finally decided to come join me did you?" I giggled. Dick smiles at me and pulls me closer and kisses me deeply, "Been waiting for this since our first kiss." He smirked, we were in the shower for hours, We got out of the shower and he picked me up, Dick carried me all over to the bed. He tossed me onto the bed and got on top of me, he was making his way down my body, kissing and biting my neck. He moved away from my neck and down between my thighs. I started to moan and put my head back. He came back up to my face and started to thrust me harder than ever, but it felt good.

He starts to thrust slower, And pulls me closer, "Are you ready for the end?" he whispers into my ear, I nod my head yes. He moved faster till he finished, he ended by slowly removing himself from inside me. He kisses my forehead and lies down next to me, I put my head on his chest and rest there. We fell asleep, this was the best sleep I have had for a few days now. I woke up to Dick getting dresses, when he was done he got out my outfit. "You are going to be late for school babygirl, let's get you dressed." I move to the end of the bed and try to stand up. I was still shaking from last night, "Cant walk quiet yet can you?" Dick chuckles. "Shut up, would ya?" I tried to walk over to my dresser, I only wobbled maybe three times. I watched him stand there and smirk, his arms were crossed and shaking his head. "You know it is very funny and cute to see you try." I grab my clothes and get dressed, I stand there looking at Dick. "Care to bring me down to the kitchen till I can walk this off? Otherwise you'll have to explain to dear old dad why I can't walk." I smirked at him and crossed my arms. Dick changed his facial expressions quickly, "You will pay for saying that later baby girl." He walks over to me and picks me up, we head downstairs. I walk slowly to my chair and sit down, "AH" It hurts to sit down, but I stayed sitting anyway even though it hurts to sit. Dick turns around and raises his eyebrow, "Are you okay darlin'?" He brings over a plate with toast, a donuts and grits. I start to eat my food when I hear the front door open, "Dad is home, better run before he sees you." I smiled and kissed him, Dick left the room and snuck out the back heading for his car to head back home. Dad walks into the kitchen, "Morning Kiddo, did you sleep well?" I shook my head, "Yeah I slept well." I smiled. Finished up my food and got up out of my chair, "I'm heading to school now" i walked over to the door very slowly, "Becca." I paused, shit does he know? "Yes?" I turned around to look at him, "Are you feeling okay, you look palish?" I took a deep breath, "Yeah i feel fine, just slept wrong so my back kind of hurts." He looked at me confused but went with it, I left the room and went to my car. I turned it on and started playing music to get my mind off of the possibility of him finding out. I drove to school, the first bell just rang so i get out of the car and made my way to my locker. The school looked so different since they fixed it after the troll smashing it to the ground.

They switched out the locks with thumb scans, I opened my locker and put my books in there, this book bag was too heavy with everything inside of it. Especially after last night. After it was emptied out Cassie hops over to me. "Girl what happened after i left last night? You never answered my texts." I looked at her, "Well Dick didn't really leave so I took a shower." I smirked at her, "And one thing led to another." Her eyes widened so big you'd think she was hypertension. "You did not?" I shook my head, "I did," I laughed and she giggled. She grabs me by the hand and rushes into the bathroom with me, "Girl, tell me all the juicy details. Was it hot? Did he leave hickeys on you? OHHHHH Did he finish inside of you??" I shook my head and chuckled, "Let's maybe not talk about this in a girls bathroom at school." We both started to laugh. We left the bathroom and headed to class, it was a long day. I was not ready to go home after school because I knew dad would be home later. I get into my car and wait for Cassie, scrolling through my phone Dick had texted me.

"Hey baby girl, just wanted to let you know that Damian and I won't be at the house with you and Bruce for a few hours. We got stuck with night watch duty at Arkham Asylum. Mazikeen Kent got loose and they are on lock down."

I took a deep breath, great just what I needed. To be left alone with dad for a few hours. Cassie got in the car, "Okay i got us boba from down the street and I am now ready for the tea, spill now!" I chuckled, "Okay so yeah, I had se with Dick, and no. He did not leave hickeys." We both laughed. "And for that last one yes, yes he did." She looked shook and then squealed. "Okay, okay lower your voice, I don't think we need the entire neighborhood knowing." I started the car and took her home. On my way home I played my music loud enough to drown out the silence to where I didn't feel alone. I pull up in the driveway and notice a new car, I get out and look at it. I move closer to the car, Dad opens the door to the house and looks at me. "Becca, come inside please." I went inside and went to my bedroom. I sit down and Koriand'r walks in, "Becca, Lately I have been feeling like it is time for you to decide whether you would like to join me and the Teen titans, Your father has explained to me that you are very smart in I look up at him from my bed, "Wait like fighting crime with you guys?" She sits down next to me, Not yet, but you would go under training like the rest of the team learning the rules and limits. We work as a team and also a family. You would not have to go through anything alone." I take a minute to think, "You know what, yeah. I'll do it." I smiled as Kori gets up and leaves my room, I am assuming she is going to talk to my father. I got up and started to pack my things, I was going to be ready to move out of here as soon as I can. This place is making me feel weird the more I am here. I finished packing within twenty minutes of Kori being gone. She came back to my room with my father and they stood there in the doorway. "Are you all ready to go Becca?" I nodded my head and grabbed my bags. I headed out of my room and down the hall. As I was walking away I could hear them talking about me. "Are you sure she is ready for this Kori?" She responded quickly to him, "I have all of the faith in her, she just needs to learn her abilities in time. She will be more like you than her mother. I promise you that."

I headed to her car after they finished talking, I set my stuff in the trunk. Sitting there waiting for Kori to come Jason was leaning on the wall looking at me, "So, where are you going little monster?" He smirked. I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "No where you will ever go. Why do you even care, you are never home enough to care." He came over to me, "Just checking up on you rugrat, don't worry." I looked over at the door and saw Kori and my dad come out of the house, she gets into the car and starts it up. "Are we all ready to head out?" I shook my head and put my seat belt on, and she drove away. I watched the house get smaller and smaller the farther we drove. It seemed like forever since we left the manor, the drive is longer than I thought. After eight hours of driving in the car we got to the tower, posted in the middle of nowhere. It was a very tall tower with lots of windows, it was shaped like a T. We pull up and she stops the car, while she gets out I sit there staring at the new place I call home. It was definitely going to be a new adjustment. I got out and followed her into the strange building. The halls were long and dark at the bottom of the tower, but the higher we got in the tower with the elevator the brighter it got.

She showed me to my room, it was almost cleaned out. There was a bed in the corner of the room and a small desk in the other corner. "There is a computer set up on the desk and you can start ordering things so you can make the room as you would like. And if you need any help, do not hesitate to ask." I smiled, "Thank you." I go over to the desk, it was small and easy enough to use until I get something new, I get on to the computer and look up some ideas for my room. I am thinking about making a hide away room with a platform bed or a hanging bed. I noticed that in the closet there were a lot of wood planks just lying there, so I started thinking of what I could make using some of the planks. Looking at them for almost ten minutes I found out what I wanted, and I started to get to work. I built a new wall and a higher up bed. I added stairs that would lift up and reveal a room underneath. I had also ordered some hanging lights and wall art. On top of that I ordered black drapes for the windows, a purple bed cover set and two small purple rugs. I started to put down the bigger pieces of wood so I can nail them down and move the bed into the room hiding upstairs behind the wall. I moved the desk underneath the stairs and waited for my orders to arrive. While I was waiting I heard a knock at my door, I opened the door and there stood Damian. "When did you get here?" I looked at him, "About an hour ago, why?" Damian took my arm and led me into the living room. "She has been here for an hour and we have not noticed." They were all looking at me. "Welcome to your new home Becca!" They all cheered but Damian. I was kind of in shock but it is okay, I will get used to it.