
The Daughter of Batman

Robin Delilah Wayne or known as Becca. Robin goes by Becca Due to the fact that she doesn't like her name. She resents her name because her mother gave her that name. Robin's mother left her at a young age, she was 5 years old when her mother left. She left her on the doorstep of her father's house, Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne took her in and gave her a better life but is trying to keep her out of the life he lived in secret. But one night that line of two lives was broken and Robin finds out the biggest secret ever does it tear her apart from the relationship she built with her father or does it grow their relationship stronger

Lizzie_Taylor · 映画
7 Chs

Excuse Me?

It's been two years since I found out about my family's secret. I have been silent towards them for the past two years, going home and doing homework and sleeping then going to school and having fun there, that is all I have been doing. Bruce is getting worried about me, and I don't care what he thinks I will not talk to him even if it is a life-or-death situation. He kept the biggest secret from me for years, well now it is my turn to keep everything from him. I wake up and I find Dick standing at my door, "Good morning kiddo" he has been doing this for a while hoping I would talk to him again. Kori and Dick broke up a few months back, so all his attention has been on me and me only and I am not sure why, but I don't question anything anymore due to the lack of honesty in this household. Damian also moved back into the manor because he found himself, so he says. But that's between him and Bruce if you ask me. I get up and go to the bathroom, brush my hair, and do my makeup, I wear a slight amount now since I am in my junior year. Plus, my birthday is well today, and I want to look my best. I am finally 18 years old, old enough to move out but also young enough to get by. Now all I need to do is get through the day and not have to worry about anything else for while and just have a good birthday. I took my clothes out and went to go get a shower, I got in and started to wash my hair, and as soon as I was rinsing out the soap, I heard my bathroom door open. "Close it," I said to whoever opened my door. "They stood in the doorway with their arms crossed, "Mm I would but then it would just be the two of us with the door closed if it was open it wouldn't be so steamy in here." I heard him chuckle. I went to look out of the shower curtain but as soon as I got close to opening it, he held it shut. "Uh no, not yet give me a moment." I heard him take a deep breath and then I heard him unzipping his pants and saw his clothes hit the floor, all I saw was a silhouette of his body moving closer and closer to the shower. Who even is this and why is he coming into my room and bombarding my shower time? I went to the other side of the shower and covered my body, "Don't you fucking come in!" I yelled at him, but all he did was chuckle more, "Calm your tits, Hun, you'll be fine. I've seen you naked before."

I took a minute to think and then it hit me, Dick! "Oh, hell no, get out. He covered my eyes and came in right behind me and held me in his arms, "Happy 18th birthday beautiful." He uncovered my eyes, and I didn't turn around, I could not face him even though his entire front was touching my ass and back. "Get out Dick, I am warning you." He turned me around and looked me in the eyes, "Or what you'll through me out?" He smiled while looking me up and down, "You know last time I saw you this way you were just a kid, but it was still adorable." I hated being raised around him when I was small because I was so used to not having boys in the old house I could just run around without the necessary needs of clothing or underwear. See Bruce took me in when I was 5, I didn't know a 5-year-old was supposed to be potty trained and wear clothing. I saw kids my age running around naked, and at that time Dick was 11 years old so he was close to being a full-grown teenager or a preteen. I was the first girl he probably ever saw fucking naked thanks to my stupidity. "Dick, get out" He rolled his eyes and sighed, "Whatever, I'll go but don't think for a second that I forget your birthday present." I don't know what that means but he got out of the shower and dried off. He didn't leave my room but lay down on my bed waiting for me to get out of the shower, he also took my clothing out there with him. I am now understanding what he meant back then when he would tell me how he feels when I was older to understand, and now that I am 18 it changes everything from the way he acts around me to the way he speaks. I wonder how long he has been waiting for him to reveal these feelings. He also didn't call me a kiddo for the first time, so I don't think he thinks of me as a kid anymore. I grab my towel as soon as I turn the water off and dry off, I then wrap the towel around me and head out into my bedroom where Dick lies. "Can I have my clothes now?"

He smiled, "Aww look at that a full sentence that didn't involve curse words, hatred towards me, or rudeness." I rolled my eyes, "yeah, you can but you'll have to come over here to get them, I walked over and went to grab them, and dick went in and kissed me, I pulled away from him as I had my clothes in my hands and ran out of the room and into the guest bedroom. I ran past Damian and then Bruce came up the stairs as soon as I ran past him. "Becca why are you running around in your towel!" I heard Bruce yell towards me, Dick came out, and I closed the door behind me and locked this one. I could hear everything they were saying in this room. 'I went in and surprised her on her birthday." I heard Bruce chuckle, "I am assuming you told her?" I listened deeper, "Yeah, I did, she's a little shocked now so just give her time. She is a very shy girl today." They both started to walk down the stairs. So that means Bruce knew that Dick liked me, and he was okay with that what the fuck! Ugh. What am I going to do now, without my lock Dick can come into my room at any time and Bruce knows that he is doing that and doesn't give two shits! Whatever I just need to get dressed and head to school before Dick tries anything else this morning. I put my outfit on and headed out of the manor as fast as I could, I got into the car and started to drive to school without seeing anyone, I wanted alone time for a little while before I got to the big party in the first period for my birthday. I can't believe the teacher agreed to me having a party in the first period instead of doing class work as every other class would. I got to school and went inside and put my bag into my locker, after that I headed down the hall to get to class until the fire alarm started to go off, we all looked around and did not hear anything and did not see any smoke or fire. The cafeteria is across the way a bit too far for the school to burn down this fast. And no one was running out of the building. I looked out the window to the east side building and saw people running out of there very fast and screaming, there was no smoke but all I saw was the windows suddenly breaking and things flying around and out of the building. The walls are starting to crack, what is going on over there? It made its way down the hall to where I was with Crystal and Billy. We stood there and then we all heard screaming coming from every direction, I went closer to look down at the east wing hall and when I looked over there was a large creature standing in the hall throwing things and smashing walls to pieces. He started to run our way and came after all of us, I started to run outside to get away from the mutant. As soon as I got outside the doors flung off the hinges and over Crystal and I's heads almost knocking us out. We both hit the ground and I tore up my knees well, the mutant by us was trying to take Crystal, and then the one over by the east wing was still destroying the building.

I got up as fast as I could and grabbed Crystal's hand and pulled her away from the mutant, we ran until we couldn't any longer. We had come across a ditch, and we needed to hide, there was a sewer entrance at the bottom of the ditch, but it was going to take some time to get there without falling. We slowly started to slide down the ditch to get there but the mutant grabbed me by the arm and yanked me up toward them. Looking me in the face before throwing me to the mother mutant, He tossed me to the other one and he caught me, and it hurt like a bitch. All I felt were my bones being squished like a bug in their hands, my body was in so much pain, but then Superboy came over and got me free from him and flew me over to the parking lot with Crystal, we sat in there until the mutants were caught by Nightwing, Kid Flash, Superboy, and Miss Martian. This fight took three hours, and those hours were too long, once the thing was caught everyone went up and talked to everyone. I stood out there next to Crystal as she was drooling over Kid Flash. I looked over at the building that was falling to the ground and then here came Dick all high and mighty in his super suit, "hello ladies." He smiled and came closer to me, "Are you two, okay?" He looked at me most of the time, "yeah, we are fine, luckily Becca got out here in time before the mutant got a hold of her." Dick looked at me, "Wait one of the mutants got a hold of you?" He looked at me worried and started to come closer to me. "I am fine, Crystal is messing around I was not even close to the mutant, I am okay." He sighed and walked over to Superboy. I need to leave before he tells him the truth. "Hey Crystal, don't tell anyone what happened to me today, and don't tell them where I am going now because I need to get home and hide. It has been a long day and a horrible birthday." She nodded and I left my car and headed home, I went up into my room and looked in the mirror. My clothing was all dirty and some parts were ripped quite well to the point where most of my top half could be seen. I went over to my closet to get new clothing but then I heard my door open. "Becca are you okay?" I heard a voice, I looked out of my closet and there stood Dick and Bruce at my door, "I am fine, can I just get changed in privacy?" They closed my door and waited till I got changed. I put on clothing that felt more comfortable. "Okay" They opened the door and came back in, I sat down on my bed and covered up with my blanket. "So, what do you guys want?" I looked at them waiting for an answer, "We wanted to make sure you were okay because I heard the mutant had gotten a hold of you, and by what Connor told me they threw you around a bit and hurt you." I sighed and looked down at my phone, "no Connor was lying I am okay now can I be left alone, please? I just want quiet." They both looked at each other and left the room but left the door open. "You could have closed the door!" They didn't hear me, and they continued to walk away. I got up to close the door not realizing Dick was still in the room and Bruce was right down the hall, I got to the door to shut it but was walking slowly. My back was hurting a lot and my legs were all bruised from top to bottom. I closed it and made my way to bed to relax, but it was hard with all this pain rushing through my body. "God this hurts" I held my body as pain shot through every part of me, maybe if I close my eyes and try to sleep it off it will go away? I closed my eyes and hoped for it all to go away, but it never did. I probably kept my eyes closed for two hours but never got any sleep. I opened my eyes and there stood Dick by my bed with a med kit, "Can I please just do what I need to do so you won't be in so much pain anymore, Becca?" I took a deep breath and nodded my head. He took everything out and started to wrap up my legs where the bruises turned into small cuts.

I didn't know that it was this bad until now, I guess I never really looked at my legs. I looked away because I didn't like the way they looked right now, they were all bruised up and mangled. "Becca you can't let it get this bad, you could have gotten an infection or worse lost your legs in general. You need to be more careful babygirl." I looked up when he said that I had never heard Dick call me babygirl before but it gave me butterflies. Shit no, No I can not start to get feelings for him. I was raised with him. . I looked down and slightly blushed, but I didn't want to show him that. I kept a straight face and focused on my cell phone. "Whatever, just finish up so I can be left alone." I had made it very clear to both Bruce and Dick that I didn't want anything to do with them whatsoever, "Okay Becca, that's it. I will let you have your attitude for the last two years, but I am done with it starting now. You need to quit acting like a brat or ill treat you like one." Dick put the stuff away and put it up in my bathroom, he then walked over to me and covered me up with my blanket. "Now stop the nonsense or I'll treat you like how you are acting." He pulled my face in and kissed my cheek, "Now rest." He smiled and walked out of my room. What the fuck just happened? I don't know what is going on, but I have a feeling Dick just claimed me or something, I don't know I'm not quite sure but ill figure it out. I played on my phone till about 9 that evening, Dick came back in and stood there staring at me, "Did you rest at all, or were you on your phone the entire time?" I looked at him and then went back to my phone. I wasn't going to answer him anymore for the night I had spoken enough to him for the day. . He walks over to me and takes the phone out of my hands, "HEY!" I looked at him and tried to get up to get it back, "Ah no, back in bed. No more phone you need to be resting, looking at a phone for hours is not resting Becca." I stood there in front of him with my arms crossed, "Give it back, dickhead." Dick took a deep breath, "Fine you want to act that way it'll be that way." He puts the phone in his pocket and then throws me over his shoulder, "PUT ME DOWN DICK!" I was squirming trying to get out of his arms, "No, we are going to my room until you can learn to relax alone and not on the phone all day." He walks out of my bedroom as I continued to squirm, and into his room. He shuts the door and locks it behind us and puts me down on his bed and lies down next to me. "Relaxing is not that hard Becca." I looked away from him the entire time, I also kept his blanket pulled up over my head the entire time because all I had on was an oversized T-shirt.

I was in his room for what felt like hours, he stayed in there with me the whole time reading a book. After a while, he came under the covers with me. "Becca" I didn't turn to look at him. But I could feel his eyes piercing over my body, "Becca look at me please." I turned around this time and looked him right in the eyes, "Hun, listen. All I am trying to do right now is make sure you are okay and that your legs do not become infected. If I hadn't treated them now, they would have gotten worse in the morning and then I would have had to have taken you to a hospital. It's either me taking care of you or the hospital" I sighed, he knew I hated those places, I spent most of my pre-teen years there due to an eating disorder I had developed in the mid-6th grade early 7th. I looked at him, "I know…" Dick sighed and pulled me into his chest and held me, "I am here Becca, and I am not going anywhere. I promise." I have heard these words before but from Bruce when I was found. And Bruce has not broken his word, and if Dick was raised by Bruce that means his words are truthful as well and that I can trust them.