
The Cutest Barbarian Tamer

Vargus is a strong and skilled warrior from a barbarian village, known as the village genius because of his exceptional strength and mastery of many weapons. On the day of the awakening ceremony, where every individual receives a class that defines their future, the village is buzzing with excitement. They all hope Vargus will awaken a powerful talent to bring fame to their village. However, during his turn, Vargus doesn't receive a powerful class. Instead, he gets "Cutest Tamer," a talent that seems weak and unfitting for a warrior. The village, disappointed and scornful, banishes him. But Vargus isn't upset. Secretly, he has always loved cute beasts, and this class feels like a perfect fit for him. He sees it not as a setback but as an opportunity to pursue his passion for adorable creatures. Despite being seen as weak, Vargus discovers that "Cutest Tamer" is a unique and powerful class in its own right, far beyond what anyone, including himself, initially thought.

HaozDancer · ファンタジー
272 Chs

Daylight Attack

Inside the grand building, Carlos sat brooding in his luxurious hall, his mood darkening by the minute. He was muttering angrily to himself, "Those Heavenly Beast Sect fools are already at my doorstep. How dare they demand repayment now?"

His thoughts were a whirlwind of frustration and scheming. "I never intended to repay that debt. I planned to eliminate them quietly, one by one. But now, everything's been thrown into chaos because of that barbarian's unexpected interference," Carlos raged, slamming his fist on the arm of his chair.

The source of his anger soon shifted. "And where is that incompetent fool I sent? He should have dealt with the barbarian by now, seeing that he has not yet returned, meaning that he failed. His failure has left me exposed and disrupted my plans to use the bandit camp against the Heavenly Beast Sect's lower ranks," he fumed, the realization that his carefully laid plans were unraveling adding fuel to his fury.

Carlos's voice filled the hall, a bitter monologue against the backdrop of his crumbling strategies. "That barbarian, stumbling upon my operations and causing such a mess... It's inconceivable. Now I have to deal with both him and the sect at my gates. What a disaster," he lamented, his mind racing to devise a new plan to salvage what remained of his precarious situation.

Meanwhile, Vargus who was navigating the ornate corridors with caution, suddenly halted as a wave of irate shouting reached his ears. The sound of someone cursing vehemently, their voice reverberating with anger and frustration, piqued his curiosity.

He leaned closer to the source, the rants becoming clearer with each step. A knowing smirk began to form on Vargus's lips as he pieced together who the voice belonged to. "In such a grand place, only one person would dare to unleash such fury without worry," he reasoned quietly, his instincts telling him he was on the right track.

This realization emboldened him, and with a quiet chuckle, he affirmed his discovery. "So, this is where you've been hiding, Carlos," Vargus said softly to himself, the anticipation of the impending confrontation lighting up his eyes. "Time to see the man who's caused all this trouble face-to-face."

With his target's location now confirmed by the angry outbursts, Vargus wasted no time. He swiftly made his way to the room from which the tirades were emanating. Gathering his strength, he forcefully pushed open the door, breaking through any resistance with determined vigor.

Upon entering, Vargus was immediately met with the sight of a portly man seated regally upon a throne-like chair, his presence dominating the opulently decorated room.

The man's lavish attire and the ostentatious throne he occupied contrasted starkly with the venomous anger that had echoed through the halls just moments before. This had to be Carlos, the source of so much turmoil, now directly in Vargus's path.

Carlos, comfortably ensconced in his throne, was jolted from his tirade by the sudden intrusion. His eyes widened in shock as Vargus burst into the room, his presence an unexpected challenge to Carlos's authority.

Recovering from his initial surprise, Carlos's confusion quickly turned to anger. Staring at the imposing figure of Vargus, he demanded, "Who the hell are you, barging into my private chambers? How did you even get past my guards?" His voice was thick with rage and disbelief, unable to comprehend how his secure haven had been so easily breached by this muscular stranger standing defiantly before him.

With a confident smile, Vargus replied, his tone laced with a touch of mockery, "What guards? They were hardly a challenge, so lax in their duty that walking in here was a breeze."

He then shifted his stance slightly, his smile fading into a more serious expression as he addressed Carlos directly. "And how is it that you don't recognize me? After all, weren't you the one who sent an assassin after me?" Vargus's voice carried a mix of annoyance and incredulity, clearly puzzled by Carlos's lack of recognition despite being the orchestrator of the attempt on his life.

As the realization set in, Carlos narrowed his eyes at Vargus, piecing together the identity of his uninvited guest. "Ah, so it's you—the barbarian meddling in my plans," he acknowledged, his tone tinged with a newfound awareness.

Vargus stood his ground, with a hint of confusion in his response. "Meddling? 'I don't even know who you are, so how can I mess with you?" He asked, genuinely perplexed by the sudden accusation.

Carlos leaned forward, his accusation pointed and sharp. "The moment you destroyed one of my bandit camps, you became an obstacle in my path," he declared, convinced of Vargus's involvement.

Surprised by the accusation, Vargus's brow furrowed in confusion. "A bandit camp? I've not destroyed any bandit camp," he stated firmly, struggling to connect Carlos's claims to his own actions.

Unmoved by Vargus's denial, Carlos pressed on, his frustration mounting. "Don't feign ignorance with me. Your tiger, that unmistakable stupid white tiger, was seen amidst the chaos. You can't deny its presence there," Carlos argued, his conviction unwavering as he attributed the destruction directly to Vargus and Auris.

At Carlos's insinuation, Vargus's temper flared, his voice rising in defense of his companion. "Did you just call Auris stupid? My Auris?" he demanded, disbelief and anger intertwining in his tone.

Carlos, unfazed by Vargus's reaction, sneered in response. "Auris, is it? That's the name of your foolish white tiger?" he mocked. "Yes, that 'stupid' tiger was seen during the havoc at my camp. And for that, you're going to pay dearly." His words dripped with disdain, cementing his belief in Auris's involvement and Vargus's liability.

The more Carlos disparaged Auris, the more Vargus's fury grew, his voice booming through the room. "Accuse me if you must, but leave Auris out of this! You've crossed a line by involving him," Vargus thundered, his outrage over Carlos's accusations against Auris palpable in every word.

With a mixture of anger and a fierce sense of protection, Vargus defended his companion. "Auris embodies innocence and cuteness; he's not a creature of destruction. The very idea is absurd," he asserted, his belief in Auris's innocence unwavering.

Standing tall, his stature imposing, Vargus glared at Carlos, his eyes alight with a fiery determination. "To mock Auris, to call him stupid—those are fighting words. I will make you regret ever speaking ill of him," Vargus promised, his tone leaving no doubt about his resolve. "You've not only made an enemy today, but you've also awakened my wrath. Mocking Auris is something I cannot and will not forgive you for this action."

Fuelled by a potent mix of anger and determination, Vargus didn't hesitate. In a fluid, powerful motion, he lunged at Carlos, his fist connecting squarely with Carlos's face. The impact was thunderous, its force propelling Carlos through the air with such velocity that he shattered the wall behind him, tumbling from the building's upper level to the harsh ground below.

In a last-ditch effort to shield himself from the worst of the fall, Carlos instinctively activated his Metal Skin talent. The shimmering, metallic sheen enveloped him just moments before impact, cushioning the blow that otherwise might have been lethal. Yet, even with this formidable defense, the power of Vargus's punch was undeniable.

Carlos hit the ground with a heavy thud, the metallic glow of his talent flickering under the strain. Despite the protective barrier, the shockwave from the hit resonated through his body, leaving him gasping and bloodied amidst the debris. The aftermath of Vargus's attack left Carlos dazed and injured, a clear testament to the barbarian's formidable strength.

As Carlos lay amidst the rubble, the onlookers who had gathered outside the grand building were stunned into silence. The sight of Carlos, the untouchable power broker, now vulnerable and defeated, sent whispers rippling through the crowd.

"Is that... Carlos?" one bystander murmured in disbelief, barely able to reconcile the image of the fallen man with the notorious figure they knew.

Another voice joined in, laced with awe and curiosity, "Who could possibly have the strength to do this to Carlos? To send him crashing down like that?"

The questions and speculations grew louder among the crowd, a mix of fear, respect, and incredulity coloring their tones. "This changes everything... Who is this person capable of challenging Carlos so openly?"

Amidst the swirling conversations and shock of the onlookers, Auris, who had been a mere distraction moments earlier, turned his attention towards the figure of Carlos lying in the debris. Sensing the gravity of the situation and recognizing the name Carlos from the murmurs of the crowd, a realization dawned on Auris.

In his mind, Auris reflected on the actions of his master, "Master really doesn't hold back, attacking Carlos in broad daylight like this. His strength... it's truly frightening." Despite being a creature of few words, Auris's thoughts conveyed a mix of admiration and a newfound understanding of Vargus's capabilities.

Auris's gaze lingered on the scene, absorbing the aftermath of Vargus's bold move, and the little tiger couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for his master.