
The Cursed Star: A Tale of Inherited Power

In the glamorous world of Hollywood, a famous actor harbors two very different sides. To the public eye, he appears incredibly kind and graceful. But behind this image, he hides a darker personality that emerges, seeking to devour the souls of his targets. His life takes a drastic turn when he crosses paths with a mysterious woman who harbors a dark past. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery. He battles his inner struggles and looks for forgiveness and love in a world where secrets and darkness are never far away.

Ou_Reyn · SF
14 Chs

Our Past

In the past, Jen was a rebellious student. She's frequently sent to the principal's office for her recklessness. Known for being a consistent troublemaker who often got into fights with gangs.

Meanwhile, Zee was the diligent class president. Someone who likes to interact with his classmates, including Jen.

Despite Zee's attempts to reach out to Jen, she would simply stare and ignore him. Zee didn't take it personally, as he had a genuine interest in understanding people more than himself.

Jen's behavior was due to her mother's unpleasant actions. Being verbally abused by her mother who likes to drink and complain, everything feels like suffocating to her.

"You should die!" her mother would curse her every time she sees her. "You should've died instead of your father."

These daily scenarios, upon returning home, prompted her to seek refuge elsewhere. She would decide to walk outside and breathe in some fresh air to clear her head. Perhaps she'll seek a corner to cry privately.

At that moment, Zee is walking home from school. He unexpectedly noticed Jen walking alone towards the dark forest. It's just two blocks away from their school. As he sensed something odd about the forest, he became uneasy. His hands trembled, and his senses heightened, much like a dog sensing danger.

Jen was unaware that she had wandered deep into the dark forest. She began to sense the strangeness of her surroundings. Now halfway to the river, which was once teeming with life but now lay abandoned, it smelled funny, looked awful, and was downright scary.

As Jen went deeper into the spooky forest, she got more and more scared. Weird noises and whispers filled the air, making her really nervous. The path she thought she knew so well now looked like a scary maze, with tall trees making strange shapes.

Suddenly, a scary growl broke the silence. Jen's heart raced as she saw a monstrous creature. It's tall, like a 7-footer that emerges from the shadows. It had sharp teeth and claws and looked like nothing she'd ever seen.

Her eyes widened with fear, and her knees trembled, ready to give way at any moment.

Before she could do anything, the monster lunged at her with lightning speed. Just as it was about to grab her, something remarkable occurred.

Like a scene from a superhero movie, the happenings were like flashing moments.

Zee, who had followed Jen, leaped in front of her to protect her.

Jen couldn't believe her eyes. The monster bit Zee's shoulder, and he screamed in pain. Blood came out of the bite.

Zee started to fight with the monster as if he was not hurt anywhere.

Overwhelmed and breathless, Jen's knees finally gave way, causing her to fall into the muddy ground.

Zee injured the monster's foot using a tree branch he had picked from the ground. This provided him with the opportunity to transform rapidly into a terrifying creature. He now appeared as the complete opposite of his usual self.

Once a diligent and trusted student at a prestigious school, he now bore the resemblance of someone you'd pray never to encounter.

This monstrous boy possessed curly emerald hair that resembled twisted snake strands. His face contorted into a horrifying expression, adorned with sharp, pointy teeth that menacingly protruded from his grimacing mouth.

His eyes gleamed red, emitting an eerie, otherworldly glow that pierced through the darkness. His pallid skin bore peculiar patterns, resembling a canvas of unsettling dreams.

When he moved, it was as if a shiver-inducing shadow danced around him with eerie, unnatural grace, sending chills down the spines of all who beheld him.

His mere presence cast a lingering feeling of fear and unease that enveloped everything in his vicinity, making him a truly terrifying and nightmarish sight to encounter.

As the monster felt the strike to its foot, it howled in agony, its enormous form staggering back from the inflicted pain.

This gave Zee the upper hand, and he wasted no time capitalizing on the situation. With his newfound monstrous strength, he lunged at the creature, his razor-sharp claws tearing through the air.

In an instant, the monster became terrified and chose to retreat, vanishing through the air as it hastily made its way to the opposite side.

Jen was even more shocked than before and couldn't help but feel dizzy. She eventually collapsed.

Reckless behavior doesn't always equate to bravery. Even with her recklessness, she could be vulnerable and frightened at times. Like that time, she's lying on the ground unconsciously.

Thankfully, Zee was there to protect her, even though he was a fearsome savior.

The next morning, Jen awoke in her bed, feeling utterly drained and in pain all over her body. She was unsure if the events of the previous night were real or a nightmare.

But no, her sharp memory made it impossible to forget.

Jen hastily got dressed and headed to school, not having had any breakfast at all. She runs fast and was surprised when she got there. There is no one in the school.

It was then that she remembered that it was Saturday and there was no school. She returned to her home with her eyes downcast.

Her mother was usually away every weekend, which was a great way to spend time in peace. Meeting Zee would be a welcome distraction, as she had many questions about the previous night and wanted to express her gratitude.

As she passed the forest, she couldn't help but stare and recall the events of the previous night. Her feelings were a mix of fear and amazement.

She continued walking and arrived home, where she was met with a surprise. Zee was standing at her front gate, holding a medical kit and a lunchbox.

Zee noticed Jen and asked, "How have you been? Are you okay?" His tone was filled with concern, his face displaying worry.

Tears welled up in Jen's eyes, and she hung her head, her bangs concealing her eyes. "Why did you do that?" she asked, her voice quivering with emotion.

Zee was taken aback, his heart racing. He wondered if Jen would be scared of him, considering what had happened the previous night.

"You saved me..." Jen said, her tears flowing freely. "Thank you for saving me."

Zee was surprised, then he simply smiled.

The details of that incident became the foundation of their friendship, establishing a connection that persisted through time. This moment was proof that even the most challenging situations could transform a rough connection into a deep and enduring friendship.

"Why are you smiling?" Jen asked while driving. They are currently in the van, on their way to Zee's mother. He is in the passenger seat, smiling as he mesmerizes the past.

"Nothing," Zee replied. "I just remembered something."

Jen hummed silently, sign of acknowledging what he said.

"About what happened two weeks ago," Jen brought up a different topic. "The woman was already reported missing yesterday. Her husband reported it."