

After the fall of the great warrior Sheol, the responsibility of the empire fell Onto two men,

The chief of military affairs *the general* And the high priest, the hight of religious power within the empire

Both men had no beef inatialy and worked in peace but upon the revelation of one of Sheols many divine treasures conflict bloomed.

This item was unique and of much value, similar to most of Sheols other divine items rare and unique. This treasure in particular had a funny lore to it, Sheol after a long sleep claimed to had briefly roamed the mind of God, and insanely enough he said God was a boy, a teenager framed in a reality that even he couldn't understand he was in a higher dimension the boy wasn't special in that dimension, he was of no power there, but in ours..., in ours he was God.... the boy had a great desire, Free access to unlimited "Hentai"

Sheol then decided to name his most recent work at the time in honour of  our supposed creator "TETO", He called it...

"The Hentai blade"

I nor any other had heard of such names before, "Teto"?!!! "hentai"!??

It must be divine we Believed. This weapon was treasured not just because of it's story but because of its strange abilitites too insane for me to mention. Men greatly desired this weapon, the general and the high priest went into war, with the prize of victory being this psychotic blade. The war was intense, with both men stopping at no lengths to ensure victory, killing millions, and resorting to the most insane styles of combat

From raising the dead with magic items to fight, to inventing gadgets that could allow men to rip through space teleportating.

it was a bloody nightmare....

a nightmare I'm too lazy to finish telling you

I told you this was a dumping ground, yet you clicked, now feel the wrath of a bored teenager, muhaha, o and PS I'm teto aka the God their referring to....

TETOcreators' thoughts