
Time adventure

I know too much now, I'm not safe anymore. But maybe, my research could save me.

Save you from what father?!

From the cult boy!, The cult...


You won't understand boy, You shouldn't understand , i know too much, and they know i know too much, they have eyes everywhere.

DoN't worry father we'll..we'll just leave the Trafalgar.

No son, that won't save me, they aren't some group of big fishes in the ocean That we come across occasionally, They are the ocean, they're also the tides that controls the ocean  they're the wind, they're the planet They are... Everything.

You frighten me father

Oh boy, you should be frightened.

But!,... if I can go back, if i can stop myself before getting into all this madness then maybe, just maybe things will be OK

How?!, I don't understand your logic father

You don't need to.

what's happening?!

Here son! , put this on and push This  when i say so, understood?!

Yes but still...

Oh BlooDy! hell Terra!!!

Just do it already!.. Jesus!

* From the perspective of Terra*

It was clear i had no power on this, he was my father that was that. So I Tried to make the best of it, I put on what I was supposed to sat where i supposed to, with my father i pushed the button and I lent back to whatever was going to happen

Suddenly, an intimidating force consumed me....It overwhelmed me

I receded into myself, speech, motor control, memory all went out the window. I started to experience silly hallucinations, My mind fell apart like soggy bits of cake, Eventually I stopped trying to stay sane and gave in, I saw myself as an older man, then an old man then as a dead man. I desperately searched for a "Me" or an "I" On the inside and found nothing, and then finally i was just a mind floating in space, no history, no future, infinite nothing in all directions.

I was a boy again.....

Every single atom that summed up my existence danced in confusion, My body was nowhere and my mind was everywhere

*A strange voice*

      "you failed Terra, I'm deeply sorry"

*screams in the background*