
The Crossbreed

For as long as I can remember I've hidden my true self. I've learned from my past and now know not to trust anyone with my secret. But after years of hiding, I've been given no choice but to show the truth about me. This small town in Maine is about to have a hybrid on its doorstep... {Synopsis} - After staying hidden for over a hundred years James decided to go to Mystic Falls to investigate his mother's murder, once he got there he found something out about the case and himself that he just couldn't believe. My Instagram is @blaze3xx you can reach me there for any questions or comments on the writing. Also, the book cover was made by @v.sm_morgenstern

Blaze3xx · ファンタジー
11 Chs


"Woah what a minute we didn't come here to fight." Said, James

"Then why are you here? Who sent you?" Replied Blaze

"No one sent us, we came here on our own to meet you. We need your help." Answered James

"I'm not interested." Responded Blaze

James charged at him and they began to fight, James landed a punch and was shocked by Blaze's reaction. He didn't react at all he just sat there, *boom* Blaze got hit in the back and fell forward. *Whoosh* he got hit again but from the front this time, he looked up and it was Derek.

"How'd you get out?" Asked James.

Verona and two other vamps walked up and said, "We heard you guys needed some help."

"Hey, old friend." One of them said to James. "How do you guys know each other?" Asked Derek

"I met them back at home when I got into trouble with a pack of werewolves, they saved my life." Responded James

Derek and the vamps introduced themselves to each other. "Don't just stand there let's get revenge for what he did to you" said one of the vamps.

The two started to hit Blaze over and over and over again until he started bleeding then they looked at each other and laughed.


The two vampires fell forward fast. Behind them was another vampire.

"Who are you?" Asked James

"I'm Prez said the vamp with a smile on his face."

"Step away from my cousin or die, your choice." Said Prez with a smile on his face.

The boys along with Kayla and Verona backed away slowly with a face full of fear.

"You just killed my friends for no reason, no reason at all. All we wanted to do was talk." Said, Verona

"If all you wanted to do was talk then why did it look like you were trying to kill him?"

"We came to ask if he's ever heard of a pack named "The Crossbreeds" but he didn't give us a chance to." Said, Derek

Prez and Blaze looked at each other with fearsome expressions on their faces.

"What? Do you guys know something? You guys look like you know something." James said

"No!" Both Blaze and Prez said at the same time.

"Come on guys what are you so afraid of? Asked James

"Afraid? We are the Gordons we are and never will be afraid of anyone." Responded Prez

"Wait did you just say Gordon? I've heard of you guys before, your family terrorized the world for centuries until you all just disappeared. I haven't heard that name in a very long time and I have never heard of "Prez" or "Blaze" so why don't you tell us who you are." Derek said to him

Blaze looked up and said, "We are La'Ron and Jason Gordon, we are the last of our bloodline and known to be some of the evilest and most powerful vampires to ever live."

"I don't know about both of us being the most evil but you, yeah I can agree with that," Jason said with a big smirk on his face

"Did you know that he once killed over thirty-five people for no reason at all?" Jason asked Derek and James

"No reason? They were all trying to kill you. What was I supposed to just sit there and watch them beat you to a pulp?" Said La'Ron

"Oh come on you and I both know they wouldn't have been able to kill me I was just having fun, I let them believe they could beat me so that once I start to kill them all I could destroy their hopes and high spirits." Replied Jason

"Okay, enough stories let's get back to talking about what we came here for." Said, Derek

"Oh yeah "The Crossbreeds" That's right, this is everything I know. They are a group mixed up of werewolves, vampires, a couple of witches, a Crocotta, and a Kymera. The last two things that I just listed are some of the most annoying to fight and hardest to kill." Said La'Ron

"The witches aren't too powerful they're just there for a little bit of extra protection for the leaders of the pack which are the most powerful of the bunch."

"Leaders? Plural? How many people are in this pack of theirs and why is there more than one leader?" James asked

"If I had to make a guess I would say there are about one hundred fifty people in the pack," Jason Replied

"There are different leaders because all of them have different powers which makes some more powerful and valuable than others, the ones that are the most powerful have different abilities than others."

"You have any idea what those abilities might be?" Asked Verona

"I know that there is one leader named Caeser he's the one above all and his powers are outstanding, he has pathogenesis, RDC, rm, pI, and VP. I think VP is the scariest of his powers as he can use it on any of us at any time." Said La'Ron

"Okay so um do you want to tell us what all of those things mean?" Asked Kayla

"Pathogenesis gives him the ability to feel the emotions of the people around him and manipulate them in whatever way he wants. Rdc is relationship identification which means he can sense relationships between people and he can also sense the strengths and weaknesses between the two which he can use against them. RM is relationship manipulation, that's the power to make a relationship stronger or break it, he can't break a relationship as strong as a family or true love as easily though. PI is pain illusion and that's a nasty bit, it makes it so he's able to project the illusion of being in extremely intense physical pain into other's minds, which will end in their death, and last we have VP. VP is visual projection, which means he can project a vision into others' minds. The vision can seem so real to the person he's using the ability on that they can easily forget that it's not real, extremely quickly and it'll cloud his opponent's vision." Said La'Ron

" Okay enough of that, let's continue this conversation tomorrow I'm tired," Derek Said to everyone

"Wait but I'm just a witch how am I supposed to fight against all these super vamps?" Asked Kayla

"Well tomorrow night when we all meet up you can share your story and I'll tell you if I know anything special about your bloodline that you might be able to use to your advantage." Replied La'Ron

"Also when you see us in public call us by Prez and Blaze, we don't want it getting out that we're out of hiding."

"Well that he's out of hiding I was never in hiding I welcomed any and everyone that's ever wanted a piece of me to my doorstep." Said, Jason

Everyone left the room.

Laron walked towards the door quickly thinking no one had seen him but little did he know Jason followed close behind him.

"A hospital? What is he going to a hospital for when he can heal from anything on his own?" Jason said to himself

He stayed far behind and watched La'Ron from a distance, La'Ron went into the hospital went to the front desk, and talked to the nurse that was there.


Jason heard a loud noise come from behind him

"What the hell was that?" He said

He ignored it and looked back in the hospital, La'Ron was gone.

"Where did he go? He was just right there."

"Why are you following me?" Asked La'Ron

"Woah bro what are you doing sneaking up one like that?" Said, Jason

"Oh, you want to talk about sneaking up on people? What are you doing here?" Replied La'Ron

"Well I was spying on you, there's the truth. Now, why are you here?"

"Do you remember that girl Ivonne from a few years back?" La'Ron asked

"Yeah, I do, the Spanish girl that wanted to be a nurse who you had an on-and-off relationship with right?"

"Yes her, she works here, and ever since I found that out I've been coming here during her shift just to make sure that she's safe." Said La'Ron

"Well that's weird, why don't you just go up to her and say hi?" Jason asked

"I can't, not when I don't look a day older than I did the last time she saw me. It'll cause her to start asking too many questions plus she probably thinks I'm dead so let's keep it that way." La'Ron replied

"I don't want her to know that I'm a vampire, she doesn't know anything about the supernatural world and I would like for it to stay that way because when humans get involved with our kind their lives start to fall apart."

"Well, that might be a little bit harder than expected because she's walking straight towards us." Said, Jason


"Hi Ivonne," La'Ron said with a look of disappointment on his face.