
The Crossbreed

For as long as I can remember I've hidden my true self. I've learned from my past and now know not to trust anyone with my secret. But after years of hiding, I've been given no choice but to show the truth about me. This small town in Maine is about to have a hybrid on its doorstep... {Synopsis} - After staying hidden for over a hundred years James decided to go to Mystic Falls to investigate his mother's murder, once he got there he found something out about the case and himself that he just couldn't believe. My Instagram is @blaze3xx you can reach me there for any questions or comments on the writing. Also, the book cover was made by @v.sm_morgenstern

Blaze3xx · Fantasy
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11 Chs


"Don't, "Hi Ivonne me". What are you doing here? Where have you been all these years?"

"Things got complicated and I had to leave for a while." Replied La'Ron

"Things got complicated so you decided to just up and go without saying goodbye, no text message, no phone call or anything?"

He just looked at her with a look of sorrow on his face.

"Nothing? You have nothing to say to me after all these years?"

A blue Ford Focus pulled up in the middle of the street and beeped its horn.

Ivonne turned and said, "Look I got to go, I don't know how long you'll be in town but whenever you decide that you want to talk you know where to find me."

"Is that guy your boyfriend?" Asked Jason

"Yeah, I'm her boyfriend, who's asking."

"No one, sorry you don't know me I was just curious."

"Well, why don't you try minding your fucking business next time buddy? You don't know me or my girl to be asking questions about my relationship."

"Are you dumb or do you just have a death wish?" Asked Jason

" I know what the two of you are and you don't scare me, not one bit."

"So you think you can take us?"

"I could take you, no problem."

"Oh yeah? Well, why don't you come over here and try it?" Asked La'Ron

The man got out of the car and slammed the door behind him.

"Meet me in the middle of the street tough guy." He said while walking and taking his shirt off.

"Babe no let's go home, we don't have time for this."

"Listen to your girlfriend and get back in the car man." Said, Jason

"Both of you shut up and let us hash this out like men."

"Okay buddy, don't say I didn't try to help."

"Hey, Ivonne what's your boyfriend's name again?"

"Alex, his name is Alex why?"

"Well, I'm sorry to tell you this but um you might want to start planning Alex's funeral."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Ivonne either stop the damn fight or get ready to call 911."

"How am I supposed to stop the fight? They won't listen to me."

"Yes, they will trust me just go over there and tell Alex to walk away, and as long as he does it without making a move towards La'Ron he should be fine."

Ivonne ran towards the guys and got in between them while telling them to stop, put their egos aside, and walk away.

"If you know what's best for you you'll turn around and go home."

"If I know what's best for me? Wow, the guys in this town have gotten bold over the past few years."

"Yeah well, I'm not just a regular guy." He said while his eyes turned blue.

"Ahh now I see why you guys were so quick to fight, he's a werewolf." Said, Jason

"Pshh werewolf? Try were coyote." Alex said

"My cousin dealt with one of your kind in the past and I heard it was one of the easiest things he'd ever done so this should be a breeze for me."

"Well, let's find out."

Alex swung at La'Ron hitting him two times before he could even react causing La'Ron to stumble, Alex ran to him, picked him up, and slammed him on the roof of a parked car.

"Oh come on, I thought this was gonna be a breeze," Alex said with a smirk on his face.

"My turn." Replied La'Ron

He got up, his eyes yellow and veins red, he ran towards Alex and grabbed him by the throat and threw him into a streetlight, picked him up, and threw him into another streetlight across the street. He went over to Alex and started to punch him in the face repeatedly, Alex's face started to bleed and La'Ron chuckled before saying, "You not so tough now are you?" He picked him up by his throat and held him over his head until his body started to shake.

"Stop it, stop it La'Ron you're killing him," Ivonne shouted

"That's not La'Ron anymore sweetheart that's Blaze." Said, Jason

"Well, whatever his name is make him stop please I'm begging you."

"Alright, I got this just stay back. He ran to Blaze, grabbed his shoulder, and," That's enough let him go, and let's go home."

Blaze didn't let go he ignored Jason and continued to choke Alex.

"I said that's enough, I think he learned his lesson," Jason said while pushing Blaze with all his strength.

Blaze dropped Alex and turned around towards Ivonne. " I am so sorry, I don't know what came over me."

"Don't come any closer, stay away from me I never want to see you again." She replied

She ran towards Alex, picked him up put him in the car, and drove away.

La'Ron looked at Jason.

"That was quite a show you put on there, I thought you didn't like breaking character and unleashing hell unless you had to." Said, Jason

"What that? That was nothing compared to what I could've done, he deserved it for disrespecting a Gordon "

"Alright well, let's go home and talk about this tomorrow I'm too tired right now."

"What's there to talk about? I thought the whole situation was pretty straightforward."

They both went home and got a good night's rest.

The next morning La'Ron walked out of his room to Derek, James, Verona, and Kayla sitting in his living room.

"How'd you guys get in here?"

"Jason gave us a key," said Kayla

"What? You gave them a key to my house without asking me first?"

"Yeah I mean why make them go to a hotel when there are about twelve bedrooms in here? Besides, it's not like they could kill you or anything and they have no reason to try so it's cool."

"Oh by the way your girl Ivonne is in the hospital, she called and said she needs to see you."

"Did she say what happened? Also, when did you have time to give her your number?"

"Well while you were going all big bad wolf on her boyfriend she asked for it so she could get in touch with you without having to go through the trouble of convincing you to answer her calls, I guess she figured you'd be mad at her after everything that happened."

"Alright, I'll get ready and head over there now."

La'Ron got to the hospital and asked what room she was in, once he got to her room, and saw her lying in the bed with a full-body cast on he left and bought her a soda, he cracked it open and put some of his blood in it to heal her.

He got back to the room and said, "Hey what happened to you? You were fine last night when you left."

"It was Alex, he got one of his friends to beat me as bad as you beat him last night."

"I'm gonna kill him, where is he?"

"No it's okay I'm used to it, I'll be fine just please don't bother him anymore."

"Where is he, Ivonne? He's not getting away with this I don't care how much you beg me to allow him to."

"He's at the bar a couple of blocks away from here."

"I'll be back, drink your soda I know it's your favorite."

La'Ron called Jason on his way out of the hospital and told him where to go.

Once La'Ron got to the bar he saw Derek, James, Verona, and Kayla waiting in front with Jason.

"What are they doing here? I never said to bring them, you were supposed to come alone."

"We're grown we didn't need you or him to tell us to come, we heard what was going on and we came to help. You don't know what could be behind those doors and we're a team now so if you're going to walk into something blind you'll do it with us by your side just in case." Said, James

They all walked into the bar together, "where's Alex? Asked La'Ron.

No one said anything, everyone in the bar just looked around.

"So everyone in here's deaf? If not I suggest someone answers the man's question before heads start dropping and hearts start rolling." Said, Derek

"Other way around dumbass." Said the bartender

Everyone in the bar started to laugh and talk amongst themselves.

"Okay, then I guess we'll do this the hard way."

James ripped the bartender's heart out before killing two more of the people in the bar.

"I like him, I like him a lot." Said, Jason

"Someone start talking before more bodies start dropping." Said, Derek

"Fuck you!" Said one of the townspeople

"Alright that's it, you're all dead."

Derek started to kill the townspeople one by one and James joined him. Lots of the people's eyes changed colors it was like looking at a rainbow.

People started fighting back so La'Ron and Jason started to help, after a couple of minutes everyone was dead.

"Alright well, he's not here, This party is dead," Derek said

Derek and Jason blurted out laughing.

"No that's not everyone." Said La'Ron

He went into the bathroom and said,

"Well look at what I found."

He pulled Alex from one of the stalls and threw him onto a table.

"Hey girls, why don't you guys do and get the security footage, I promise you don't want to see this," Jason said

"So you like hitting girls huh? That makes you feel like a tough guy?" La'Ron asked

"I don't know what you're talking about I didn't put my hands on any females," Alex Replied

"Oh yeah, you got your friend to do it, too bad that'll be the last decision you ever make."

"Huh? What do you mean? What are you gonna do to me?" Alex said while crying

"Shh, it'll be quick."

"No please I'm so-".

La'Ron ripped his heart out, Jason took his head off and they set them both on fire.

Ivonne walked in and saw all the bodies.

"Oh my god, what did you do? " Oh my god, Alex no." "You killed him, I told you not to do anything and you went behind my back and did this you're a monster, you killed all these people just to get to him?"

"He deserved it, they all did." Replied La'Ron

"I needed him he was there for me, he was there for everything." She said

"You have me now, I will make sure to keep you safe and help you live the life that you've always wanted to live," La'Ron replied

"No you can't do that, you can't abandon me and then come back into my life, ruin it, and try to come back to me. You don't understand I'm a werewolf, I just triggered my curse a couple of months ago and Alex was teaching me how to control it, what am I gonna do now?"

"I know someone who can help you, they've been teaching people like you how to control their gift for years now and I think you'll like him."

"Just come with me, we'll take you to get cleaned up and then take you to him."

Ivonne got up and walked behind everyone as they exited the bar.

They all went to La'Ron's and showered.

"I'm overwhelmed, can this wait until tomorrow?" Ivonne asked

"Yeah sure go and get some rest. there's plenty of rooms to choose from." La'Ron Replied

Ivonne walked into his room, laid down, and went to sleep.

The next morning they were woken up by an alarm clock.

"Come on, It's time to go and meet my old friend."

Everyone got up and got ready, they all left the house and got into cars, whichever car they preferred, and drove to the woods. They walked deep into the woods where they started to see people standing around conversating, dressed up as if they were training for something.

The people started to stare at the group as they got closer and once they saw La'Ron someone said, "Don't come any closer." "Ahh, I'm just playing what's up bro it's been a while, what brings you to my part of the parts?"

"What's up man yeah it has been a while but I'm here to ask for a favor, my friend here triggered her curse and I was wondering if you could train her?" Said La'Ron

"Well of course where is she?"

"Come on Ivonne your safe here trust me". La'Ron said

Ivonne stepped forward before saying, "Hi nice to meet you."

"Ivonne, The Ivonne? I've heard so much about you, Nice to meet you I'm Weezy."