
The Crimson Son

– The “curses” wants the “crimson blood”, the most important thing in the world. Only the royal family of the first kingdom had the crimson blood of their generation. The crimson son has born, and now the “curses” wants him. – A dark fantasy story, of the one who want to hear his own requiem. Explore the cryptic and mysterious dimensions, for searching the monumental cross. the essences and the existences, are the two section that divided the entire world and system of “The Crimson Son”. Discover the all six hundred and sixty-six dimensions with Seraf and found the truth about his tragic birth.

raulquirini · ファンタジー
35 Chs

Chapter 25: The Third Impulse

- "The light. The penumbra. The darkness.

Three cycles of the life, three moments of the existence.

Three cycles that's never end.

Three punishments.

The first cycle: the light.

The light's cycle is the primordial cycle, the beginning of the punishment.

This particular cycle take with it the subject, in the arms of the false hope, it make see the subject a throne that he can't sit on it.

It make see a paradise that the subject can't ascend on it.

the false hope, the mother of the tragedy.

The second cycle: the penumbra.

This cycle is the realization of the subject, he finally opens his eyes and saw behind the promises of the false hope.

The subject eat the apple, offered by the hands of the abyss.

After his realization, the subject understand what is the truly value of his own existence. He question himself if he should continue to live in this illusion, in a mirror that reflect only the part that he want to show.

The realization had two phase: the creation and destruction.

The destruction starts, the opera of the delirium.

The destruction annihilated anything in the subject's heart.

After the subject is filled with the void, the subject become a lost existence.

The creation phase starts with the creation of a new self.

A totally new person.

A new savior, a new destructor be born in the apex of the essence.

The ignorance's chains that it trapped him, be break and the last phase it starts.

The third cycle: the darkness.

In this phase, the subject changes his own nature.

The worshipper after praised a false god, starts to worship himself, and be the deity of himself.

The "gods" that the people call isn't exist.

They're called gods only for the purpose of the existence.

An existence shouldn't know the meaning of this atrocious word.

A blasphemy.

These blasphemous slaves of the world, stain the white clothes of the true savior with their blasphemous blood" Ken's body began to fly in mid-air.

- "Fight me, foolish" Dharit said.

Around the area the black fog covered the floor.

- "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Ken laughed.

The white armor dashed in Ken's direction.

Rezeldas shines in Dharit's hands.

- "Delirium blessing: punishment" Ken's lips summoned slowly the sorcery.

Dharit grabbed him from the neck and they fell together in a black portal behind Ken.

Ken smirked while the fall.

The two omniscient creature fell in a violet dimension.

- "Where we at!" Dharit yelled.

- "We're inside your heart.

Look yourself your selfish acts.

Look with your own eyes your sins.

Inside here, you're weak.

Your heart isn't golden, your heart is imprisoned by your faults.

There's nothing more than your sins".

- "These sins are not mine!".

- "Look yourself".

Theirs body broken a dimensional mirror. Dharit and Ken fell in a memory of Dharit's heart.

Inside the memory, you can see a noble bedroom.

The ceiling is decorated with floreal-themed paintings, while the walls feature silk and velvet upholstery, enriched with golden cornices.

The bed is enormous, with a canopy supported by carved columns, upholstered in fine fabrics and enriched with embroidered cushions.

Scented candles, fresh flowers and art objects are placed on the worked wood bedside tables. The dark parquet floor is embellished with red rugs, complementing the majestical and sophisticated atmosphere of the room.

A mix of orgasms and moans resound in the bedroom.

- "Ah~ Ah~ Ah~" Some orgasms comes out from a deep voice.

- "Stop.. Please.." A feminine voice spoke.

Ken's gaze stared at Dharit.

- "Look at your sins".

Dharit's cold gaze stared intensely at the view in front of his eyes.

A sexual abuse. A personal consumption. A primitive desire of the inner thoughts.

The naked body of Aqualirisium lie on the sheets.

- "A-Aqualirisium.." Dharit said.

- "You've used her like your doll.

Why the brightest soul of Dharias would do that? Why the golden heart of Dharias would fall in the sin of lust?"

- "That's doesn't matter!" Dharit chocked Ken.

A black fog comes out from Ken's mouth, and slowly he disappeared in it.

- "What.." Dharit asked himself.

The vision changed.

Dharit found himself in a mysterious garden.

- "Where are you?! Show yourself! Show your ugliness!" Dharit yelled.

A serpentine voice spoke in Dharit's mind.

- "Dharit.. Dharit.. Follow me" A black snake with red eyes appeared in front of Dharit's body.

Dharit looked around himself.

The atmosphere is dense, the black fog covers the trees and dark plants that grow wildly around. The trees are tall and imposing.

The garden is crossed by a slowly flowing stream, the water is scarlett like the blood and looks very deep.

The flowers are dark and strange, with petals that seem to have a strange purple luminescence.

Dharit followed the black snake.

- "An altar?".

The dark altar stands imposingly in the center of the garden. On the sides of the altar are two statues that remind Aqualirisium and Dharit's figures. The air around the altar looks dense and oppressive, as if there is a dark, invisible force enveloping everything around it. The feeling of delirium and tension is heavy, and the place looks lost in a fragment of the eternal void.

Above Dharit, there's nothing more than a dark sky full of red stars.

In the center of the altar, there are a newborn crucified on a cross.

The dark snake slowly goes to the cross and crawl on the newborn body.

- "There's no beginning. There's no ending.

The fate of the existence is this newborn. Only him can choose the fate. Only him can save or destroy" The snake spoke.

Dharit fell on his knees.

- "The birth of.. Him.

The moment of the blessing.

The third impulse that has been created before anything.

Aqualirisium knew that.. She knew all that.

Aqualirisium blessed him before of his physical birth.

But his original birth was before the creation of the existence.

Aqualirisium's death has been only for let him reach his incorporeal form.

That is the original form of the delirium lord, the third impulse, the creator and the destructor..".

The newborn started to cry and laugh at the same.

I hope that you’ve enjoyed the chapter, support for more chapters. :)

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