
The Crimson Son

– The “curses” wants the “crimson blood”, the most important thing in the world. Only the royal family of the first kingdom had the crimson blood of their generation. The crimson son has born, and now the “curses” wants him. – A dark fantasy story, of the one who want to hear his own requiem. Explore the cryptic and mysterious dimensions, for searching the monumental cross. the essences and the existences, are the two section that divided the entire world and system of “The Crimson Son”. Discover the all six hundred and sixty-six dimensions with Seraf and found the truth about his tragic birth.

raulquirini · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 24: The one who is blessed by the insanity (part 3)

The two omnipotent creature are face each other.

The wind smells of ashes, the purple flames has devoured the entire golden kingdom. The smell of the blood and ash covered the entire atmosphere.

- "Dharit" Ken said.

- "Ken Quinzen, son of the delirium.

Created by the heavenly hands of Aqualirisium, the abyssal goddess".

- "Do you have fear?" Ken asked.

- "I have fear.

I fear myself for the things that I will do later" Dharit said with his deep tone.

The golden phoenix started to shine like a morning star.

- "The courage is the spark of the soul.

The first light of the existence".

- "The existence?" Ken smirked while his head is down.

- "Ahahahah.. The existence.. The third impulse is not for the existences.

The third impulse is only for the essences" Ken said.

- "For the essences? There's no essences in this world!" Dharit yelled.

- "Didn't you understand? If the Dharias's people wants continue to lives, they need to bring in themselves the third impulse: the forbidden impulse.

The forbidden impulse is the beginning of a new era.

The beginning of a new world.

The beginning of the tears of the goddess.

The forbidden impulse.. Has been created before the first two.

Created before the Infinite Creator's life.

The forbidden impulse has created him, for be the scapegoat.

The Infinite Creator has created you and Aqualirisium for give at you two his own sins.

you two represent the infinite creator's sins.

The sins of the one who was enlightened by the third pulse for first.

Harmony and disharmony; finished and eternal, ugliness and beauty, illusion and disillusion, rationality and irrationality.

The darkness and the light!


Ahahah.. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Ken laughed insanely.

Dharit's head is down, his eyes are covered by his long hair.

- "I suffered for my entire life.. From the day of my creation.. I suffered for someone else's sins.

All this things.. Are created by the sins of the Infinite Creator.

The golden armor that I'm wearing is a sin too.

Aqualirisium.. Dharias.. Myself..

Everyone is a sin of the creator" Dharit said with a low tone.

Meanwhile Ken still laughed more insanely.

- "The False Prophet wants to devour some lies. Right?" Ken's gaze focused on the clown.

The clown's stare is terrifying.

Some purple flames exited from his mouth.

- "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The clown's laugh resound in Dharias.

Dharit started to dash in Ken's direction at the speed of the light.

Dharit with his golden spear pierced Ken's chest.

The blood of the delirium lord flow like a fountain, the spear has been stained with his blood, and totally covered with it.

- "Ahahah.. Dharit.. You think that you can win this fight?" Ken stained his fingers with his own blood, while Dharit stared at him.

- "Look at this blood.. This blood has created the sin that you have with no reason.

Your unreasonable sins are created by the blood on my fingers..

Your pain is in front of your eyes.

Your eyes are suffering right now, you hope that you'll never see this blood again, right? Ahahaha.. I'll make you taste it, one day" Ken licked his bloody fingers.

- "You.. Newborn of the end.." Dharit's eyes shine of a dark blue color.


An explosion of golden light make theirs eyes closed.

Ken opened his eyes, he saw Dharit that he wearing a golden mask, the one who had wears Laurence in the holy ascension ceremony. He also wear a pure white armor, with golden decorations on it, and a long white cape.

Behind his back there is his colossal golden wings.

- "In the ending day of the existence itself, the death has come in Dharias and in the world. Fear and darkness fill the hearts of the people.

Death and punishment end theirs life, the judgment of the newborn has arrived over theirs head. Theirs eyes are filled with his sinful blood.

The delirium make the people void, commanded like puppets they live on the will of the newborn.

From the golden heart of Dharias, and the brightest soul of the existence, I summon the omniscient power of the golden impulse: The first light!" In the chaos, a white light enlightened the entire flying kingdom.

- "Creation of the first light: Rezeldas, the first ray of the sun" In front of Dharit's body, a long sword totally covered in the white light descended from the heaven in his hands.

- "Creation of the first light: Apollonian, the grimoire of the holy light of the sun" From the heaven descended a white grimoire, the cover is totally white with a golden detail of a sun.

Ken's gaze stared at the omniscient ascension of the golden god.

- "Destruction of the first light: redemption of the sunshine, the hallowed eclipse" The white sky has been covered by a shadow.

The two omnipotent were in the open space of the golden castle, the eclipse above theirs head covered the entire kingdom.

- "From this moment, the holy light of the golden impulse is the only reason of the will of the sun.

The holy sun hidden from the shadow is consuming my will, and his light will be more brighter than the light itself.

The courage; the will, the hope, the supremacy!

None of the sins of the Infinite Creator can touch my brightest soul. In this world, the sins are only for they who has hidden from the light of the sun!

You, tell me: why do you want to win?" Dharit's asked at Ken.

- "I don't want to win.

I don't want to lose.

I just want to see the true form of the freedom dancing over the ignorance of the existence.

The reason isn't lose or win, the reason is: that there is not reason.

We're already dancing in the chaos, over his notes created by screams and cry" Ken replied with low tone.

- "The reason exists, and is born in the will of everyone.

We can't live with the will.

We can live without the darkness.

Foolish man, fight me with your miserable darkness. The light will enlighten your insanely acts and show the supremacy of the first light!" Dharit seemed unstoppable, full of authority and fearless of the delirium lord.

Ken created a black apple on his hand and bites it.

From the intern of the apple, blood and black fog comes out.

I hope that you’ve enjoyed the new chapter, support for more chapters. :)

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