
The Crimson Shadows

Lysander was a badass Hunter, but a mission went really wrong and his whole team died. He was the only one who made it, and he felt super guilty about surviving when his friends didn't. But he was gravely injured and retired from being a Hunter. Then one day, some crazy stuff happened again just like that horrible mission. But this time, Lysander actually died. Wild, right? But he didn't stay dead! Instead, his spirit got moved into some random person's body. At first, Lysander was confused. But then he realized this new body came with a special system that gave him cool abilities. The downside? His new body was way weaker than his old Hunter one, and his emotions and personality started changing too. Lysander thought maybe this was a chance to finally live a normal, chill life. Little did he know, this system that jumped him into a new body was about to change everything for him and maybe the entire world. Spooky, huh? Lysander's life is about to get crazy all over again... ********

Darkstar116 · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Primordial Chimera Wolf

The air around them grew heavy and oppressive as The Big Oops's black X mark began to glow ominously on its chest. Strange, dark runes appeared across its bulky grey, rock-like body, pulsing with an otherworldly energy.

The creature's eyes narrowed, its earlier amusement replaced by a cold, merciless fury. 

"Enough is enough! You stubborn pile of...!" it roared, grabbing Cheemse's head in its massive claws in one swift motion and shattering it into a fine powder.

It threw the wolf's lifeless body to the ground with a disdainful flick of its wrist.

 But just as before, Cheemse's head regenerated in a matter of moments, the Primordial fixing The Big Oops with a manic, defiant glare.

"THIS IS SOME SERIOUS BULLSHIT, YOU PIECE OF SHIT! STAY DOWN AND DIE LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO!" The Big Oops bellowed, charging towards Cheemse with blinding speed.

The two titans collided with earth-shaking force, locked in a deadly embrace. "I'll grind you into dust if I have to!" the monster snarled, its claws ripping and tearing at Cheemse's regenerating flesh.

Again and again, The Big Oops shattered Cheemse's body, reducing it to little more than a pile of broken fragments. But each time, the wolf reformed itself, launching itself back into the fray with undiminished ferocity.

The creature's frustration boiled over into raw and unrestrained rage. 

"YOU MOTHERF**KER! How many times do I have to squash you like a bug before you stay down?!" it roared, pummeling Cheemse with a relentless barrage of devastating blows.

Lysander knelt on one knee, panting for breath as he watched the titanic struggle unfolding before him. 

His loyal companion was being destroyed again and again, only to rise once more and continue the fight.

Lysander gritted his teeth, clenched his fists in helpless frustration.

 "If only I could use my full strength..." he muttered, his eyes never leaving the brutal spectacle of Cheemse's unyielding defiance in the face of The Big Oops's overwhelming power.

Cheemse was a formidable beast, a 1st tier creature capable of tackling even the mightiest of 2nd and 3rd tier beasts and hunters.

 But now, he found himself facing a monster that was his equal in many ways, a 2nd tier abomination that could obliterate even the most fearsome of 3rd and 4th tier beings.

 It was no wonder that Cheemse struggled against the relentless onslaught of The Big Oops.

Despite the seemingly insurmountable odds, Cheemse refused to yield. 

Steeling his resolve, Lysander forced himself back to his feet calling upon what little strength he had left. 

His legs trembled, his body battered and broken, but still he stood, defiant in the face of his adversary.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, Lysander rushed forward, his eyes locked on The Big Oops.

The monster met a charge head-on, its massive claws colliding with Cheemse's claws in a flurry of devastating blows.

Seeing an opening, Lysander charged towards the fray, his sword glowing with heat held high.

The Big Oops, sensing the impending attack, turned its attention away from Cheemse for a brief moment.

With a roar of fury, it shattered Cheemse's body once again, sending the wolf crumpling to the ground.

In the same fluid motion, The Big Oops slashed towards the incoming Lysander. 

Lysander responded instinctively, swinging his sword to meet the monster's attack.

The two weapons met with a resounding clang, the force of the impact sending shockwaves through the air.

For a moment, Lysander held his ground, his sword locked against The Big Oops's claw.

But the monster's strength was too great, and with a final, devastating blow, it sent Lysander flying backwards like a broken kite. 

He hit the ground hard creating a large crater, his sword clanking to the ground beside him as he lay stunned and helpless.

The Big Oops didn't even give Lysander a chance to recover. 

It rushed towards him with incredible speed, closing the distance in mere seconds. 

Before he could stand up, The Big Oops materialized above him, its massive form blocking out the moon light.

 It slashed at Lysander with its giant claw, intending to end the fight in one decisive blow.


But as the claw came down, a crackle sounded through the air. Lysander's body turned blurry and disappeared just before the attack could connect.

The Big Oops looked at the empty crater in confusion, not understanding what had just happened.

It scanned the surroundings and spotted Lysander fifty meters away, sitting atop a two-meter-tall grey wolf.

The wolf's blueish-purple eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and ripples of lightning emanated from its body at regular intervals.

The Big Oops raised a brow, confused by the sight before it. "A Primordial Lightning Wolf?" it muttered, and then it looked around and thought to itself, 'Where did that ice wolf go?'

As it studied the wolf more closely, a realization dawned on The Big Oops.

'The aura of this lightning wolf felt strangely familiar.'

 Its eyes widened in shock as the pieces fell into place.

"So, you are a Primordial Chimera Wolf," it said, a grin spreading across its face. "Interesting."

Without hesitation, The Big Oops stomped its foot on the ground, the ground trembling beneath its weight.

It then rushed towards Lysander and Cheemse, ready to continue the battle against this unexpected adversary.


With a maniac howl, Cheemse also rushed forward, its claws colliding with The Big Oops' in a fierce clash of strength and fury. 

In an instant, Lysander leapt into the air, diving towards the monstrous creature with reckless abandon.

The Big Oops, seeing Lysander's bold attack, reacted with lightning speed.

It tossed Cheemse away like a rag doll and poised its massive claws to catch Lysander in midair. 

But Cheemse, forever the loyal companion, bolted towards the beast's back, sinking its teeth into the thick, tough neck.


 The Big Oops' roar of anger shook the very ground beneath them, but Lysander remained undeterred. Lysander landed nimbly on the creature's shoulder.

Without wasting any time, he slashed his weapon finding its mark as he pierced the monster's eye.


Blood spurted from the wound, a crimson geyser that painted the battlefield. 


The Big Oops thrashed and flailed, desperate to capture Lysander, but the nimble hunter turned into a blurry figure, vanishing from its grasp as Cheemse successfully retrieved him.

As they retreated, Lysander and his companion Cheemse watched in horror as The Big Oops' eye began to heal, the wound closing at an alarming rate.

In mere moments, the injury had all but vanished, leaving no trace of their hard-fought efforts.


Lysander gulped his saliva thick in his throat. "It's bad," he said as his voice trembled slightly. "It's regeneration speed is on a different level now."

Lysander unmounts from Cheemse's back, feet hitting the ground in a low fighting stance, sword held at the ready.

 The Primordial Chimera wolf clustered its powerful haunches, unearthly lightning continuing to crackle across its shaggy fur.

They locked eyes with The Big Oops for a tense moment.

"Let's do it Cheemse."


"Die you pests!"

Then, as one, all three combatants rushed inwards.

Lysander and Cheemse closing the distance with blinding speed while the towering behemoth simply leaned its immense bulk forward and charged with earth-shaking steps.

Its bestial features twisted into a disdainful sneer.

Just as it seemed the three would collide in an apocalyptic clash, Cheemse's form blurred and disappeared, transforming into a blazing bolt of violet lightning. 

The electrical missile lanced towards The Big Oops, only to disappear from its field of vision mere meters away.

The giant's confused look was answered a split-second later as Lysander suddenly came sliding between its legs in a spray of upturned terrain, his sword leading in a flashing cross sweep aimed to sever something very precious.


There was a sound like a hundred eggs being stepped on at once.

"RRRRAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!" The Big Oops's piercing cry of suffering shook the very space as it unconsciously held its crotch, staggering about in a circle as every muscle locked up. 

Cheemse rematerialized behind it, jaws stretched wide in the rictus of a wolfish grin.

After landing that devastating blow, Lysander whipped around to face The Big Oops.

The monster was hunched over, gritting its teeth against the excruciating pain radiating from its groin.

"Did you like my little parting gift?" Lysander said as he watched the miserable beast.

Cheemse appeared beside Lysander in a crackle of lightning, reforming into his wolf shape. Arcs of violet electricity danced across his shaggy coat as the pair braced themselves against the suffering beast.


Then The Big Oops reared back and unleashed a deafening roar of pure, unrestrained fury.

Its eyes blazed crimson with unrestrained rage at the humiliation it had just endured. 

The thunderous roar shook the entire area, sending shockwaves rippling outward that drove Lysander and Cheemse sliding back several yards.

But the creature wasn't finished. Dropping into a wide crouch, it curved its bulk low as an inky black sphere of energy erupted from its body. 

The shadowy dome rapidly expanded in all directions, tendrils of dark power whip-lashing the ground like living things.

Sharing a resolute look, Lysander and Cheemse launched themselves straight upwards just as the lethal miasma scoured across the ground beneath them. 

"What the…What's this now?" Lysander said as they narrowly avoided getting enveloped by the roiling clouds of malevolent energy...

For now, at least.