
The Crimson Shadows

Lysander was a badass Hunter, but a mission went really wrong and his whole team died. He was the only one who made it, and he felt super guilty about surviving when his friends didn't. But he was gravely injured and retired from being a Hunter. Then one day, some crazy stuff happened again just like that horrible mission. But this time, Lysander actually died. Wild, right? But he didn't stay dead! Instead, his spirit got moved into some random person's body. At first, Lysander was confused. But then he realized this new body came with a special system that gave him cool abilities. The downside? His new body was way weaker than his old Hunter one, and his emotions and personality started changing too. Lysander thought maybe this was a chance to finally live a normal, chill life. Little did he know, this system that jumped him into a new body was about to change everything for him and maybe the entire world. Spooky, huh? Lysander's life is about to get crazy all over again... ********

Darkstar116 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Show me your true strength

The Big Oops appeared suddenly behind Cheemse.

It menacingly raised its massive clawed fist to strike Cheemse.

Time seemed to slow as the creature's arm came slashing down towards the wolf's neck in a brutal arc.

Before Cheemse could react, the creature's arm came slashing down toward the wolf's neck.


There was a sickening crack as Cheemse's whole body shattered into thousands glittering shards of ice that scattered across the ground.


Lysander watched in horror as his companion was so violently dispatched. His eyes widened as The Big Oops turned its head, grinning maliciously at Lysander.

"One Down, One Left" it said as it drew back its arm, preparing to attack another devastating strike, but then all the hairs on its neck stood on end.

The creature sensed danger and raised its defense, slashing at it's right wildly with its claws.


The sound of claws shattering ice spears filled the air as The Big Oops shattered a barrage of frozen projectiles with its hand, which had already fully regenerated from the damage inflicted just moments before.

Lysander marveled at the creature's incredible recovery ability even as he traced the source of the attack.

Looking to its right, the monster saw pieces of ice were gathering and reforming into the unmistakable shape of Cheemse once more, letting out a manic howl.

Twelve new ice spears materialized around Cheemse and shot towards The Big Oops, moving with blinding speed.

The monster managed to deflect most of them, but two pierced its body with sickening squelches - one burying itself in its shoulder, the other in its upper arm.

A smug look crossed the creature's face as it opened its mouth. "Ah, a Primordial Wolf. I didn't know they still existed alongside humans," it muttered, voice laced with amusement.

Lysander was stunned to see Cheemse reconstructing its body so easily. "What the...I almost forgot about its abilities," his mouth twitched as he muttered under his breath, reminded that his companion was far from normal.

Letting out a feral growl, Cheemse charged forward, the ground freezing over with each step.

Frost crackled outwards in an intricate spiral pattern emanating from where the wolf's paws struck the earth.

The Big Oops,'s grin widened. "Show me your true strength, Primordial," it taunted cheemse. Their claws met with a deafening clash, from the sheer force of the impact , Cheemse sliding back eight meters from the sheer force of impact while The Big Oops only stepped back slightly.

"Is this the power of a Primordial Wolf? I thought you were supposed to be strong," it mocked, stomping its foot and causing the ground to tremor.

It rushed at Cheemse with terrifying speed, claws leading the way. "Whatever...strong or weak, either way you're just going to die!"

Suddenly the air grew hot as Lysander appeared from side, his sword glowing cherry red from the intense heat he channeled through the blade.

The Big Oops swung its claws at him in order to slice him into two, but Lysander agilely controlled his body mid-air, landing nimbly on the ground.

He gritted his teeth, blood trailing from the corner of his lips as he bolted forward, slashing his glowing hot sword across The Big Oops's rock-like torso.


Lysander's sword cut through its rock-like torso and black liquid oozed from the wound.


The monster stepped back, growling angrily.

"Die, you pest!"

It prepared to launch a devastating counterattack, but Cheemse took advantage of the opening, leaping through the air with jaws open impossibly wide.

The Big Oops caught the wolf in its grip, grabbing Cheemse's body and jaws with its clawed hands.

Seeing an opportunity, Lysander ducked low under a wild swing from the creature's free arm and slashed at its ankle in a deft strike.

More of the black blood trailed out.


The Big Oops let out an earth-shaking roar of pure fury and threw Cheemse away with incredible force, the wolf's body hurtling over twenty meters before slamming into the unforgiving ground.

Its full attention now focused on the human nuisance, the monster turned with blinding speed, unleashing a furious barrage of slashes and stabs towards Lysander.

The swordsman was forced onto his back foot, dodging and weaving with every ounce of his skill and agility.

He threw himself into a back handspring to avoid one devastating horizontal swipe that would have taken his head off.

As soon as he landed in a crouch, Lysander rushed back in, meeting the creature's next slashing attack head on.


Their sword and claws collided with a thunderous clang, deflecting each other's blows as they jockeyed for position and leverage in their deadly duel.

The Big Oops took a step forward, putting its considerable weight and strength behind a wickedly hooked slash aimed at disemboweling the human.

But Lysander was ready, spinning his lithe body and swinging his blade in a circular arc to deflect the monster's claws, showering them both in a hail of sparks.

The force of the deflected blow was still enough to make Lysander's arms quiver from the strain.

A flicker of movement in the corner of its eye caught The Big Oops's attention.

With reflexes born of eons of battle, it whipped its head around, batting away a fresh volley of Cheemse's ice spears with deft sweeps of its claws.

Razor-sharp projectiles shattered into glittering powder, deflected harmlessly aside.

Seeing the creature distracted by the long-range barrage, Lysander seized the opportunity to charge in, swinging his sword horizontally in a powerful blow aimed to cleave the monster's midsection.

But The Big Oops displayed terrifying speed and awareness, ceasing its deflection of the ice spears in an instant to slash down at the swordsman with tremendous force.

Lysander saw the sweeping attack coming just in time, desperately throwing up his blade to block.

The sheer power of the blow sent him sliding back several meters, carving deep furrows in the hard-packed earth with his boots as he strained to keep his footing.

With the human temporarily out of reach, The Big Oops turned its full fury back towards the airborne Primordial.

As it slashed out with its claws, aiming to swat the ice spears from the sky, Cheemse took advantage and launched itself over the creature's back. With jaws opened wide, the fearsome wolf clamped down on the monster's forearm with bone-crushing force.

The Big Oops shook violently, trying in vain to dislodge its unwanted passenger, an enraged look of pained fury contorting its hideous features.

Finally, it paused, a serious expression replacing the earlier amusement.

"Playtime is over," The Big Oops said in a chilling tone.