
The Crimson Shadows

Lysander was a badass Hunter, but a mission went really wrong and his whole team died. He was the only one who made it, and he felt super guilty about surviving when his friends didn't. But he was gravely injured and retired from being a Hunter. Then one day, some crazy stuff happened again just like that horrible mission. But this time, Lysander actually died. Wild, right? But he didn't stay dead! Instead, his spirit got moved into some random person's body. At first, Lysander was confused. But then he realized this new body came with a special system that gave him cool abilities. The downside? His new body was way weaker than his old Hunter one, and his emotions and personality started changing too. Lysander thought maybe this was a chance to finally live a normal, chill life. Little did he know, this system that jumped him into a new body was about to change everything for him and maybe the entire world. Spooky, huh? Lysander's life is about to get crazy all over again... ********

Darkstar116 · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Deal (Part-1)

As the figure became visible to him, he ran as fast as he could, skidded to a halt.

His jaw dropped, when he stared at the figure in absolute shock and disbelief. He uttered his next words in a cracking tone:

"What the..."Lysander stood there frozen, his heart thudding in his ears.

His eyes widened as his gaze landed on the horrific figure before him.

In the vast, empty white space, a hideous, humanoid creature was chained tightly; its battered body was frozen in place. Dried, crimson stains like clotted blood covered its damaged flesh. 

It was the creature's face that truly stunned him - an appearance that seemed came straight from the deepest pits of nightmare - yet a disturbing, ear-to-ear grin was etched across its otherworldly face – the kind enough to scare shit out of a 5 year old child.

As Lysander studied the abomination, he couldn't help but wonder inwardly, 'Who the hell beat the ever-loving shit out of this poor, ugly dude? 'Despite facing all manner of beasts in his adventures, nothing could have prepared him for this.

The creature's piercing eyes suddenly locked onto Lysander's, and it opened its grinning maw, "So it's game over for you too, huh!" It said in a cold, hoarse voice.

A violent shudder ripped through Lysander's body at the sound of that freezing, alien voice.

He had faced countless beasts and abominations in his time, stood his ground against the most fearsome of monstrosities. Yet this...thing...was something else entirely, a true evil that chilled him to his core.

In a cracked voice, he murmured, "I-I can't sense its aura..." with his brow creasing, he added, "Its way stronger than that overgrown boar..." 

A heavy silence fell between them; it was the creature that broke it. 

"Do you seek pow-"

"W-Who are you and what is this place?" Lysander interrupted; he crossed his arms defensively over his chest as he struggled to regain his composure.

"Are you the one who takes people to the afterlife?" he said while frowning.

The chuckled with amusement. "Well, kind of!"

Lysander's frown deepened at the creature's response. "But you're tied up and beaten like a rag doll yourself. How can you take me to the afterlife in such a state?"

A sly grin crept across the creature's twisted face as it replied with a low chuckle. "What you're saying is true. I am indeed tied up and can't take you to the afterlife because..." It paused for dramatic effect before continuing with an amused smile. "ONLY THE DEAD GO THERE!"

The words hit Lysander like a physical blow, his eyes widening in disbelief. "W-What...What did you just say?" 

He had been so certain he had perished, resigned to an eternal rest. But the creature's words shattered that assumption—if only the dead went to the afterlife, then he...

His opened his trembling lips and said, "How can this be? You mean I...a-"

"Yes," the creature interrupted smoothly, its tone almost bored. "You are not dead...not yet, at least."

Lysander's eyes went wide as saucers, his mouth hanging open in a silent, forming a perfect 'O' shape due to utter shock. The creature watched him emotionlessly before opening its distorted mouth once more.

"So tell me…Do you want power?" it opened its messed up mouth and said in a calm voice, " Just imagine achieving anything you desire. Righting all your wrongs. Erasing the pain..." Its voice dropped to a sinister hush, "...and annihilating the one who tried to kill you."

The offer hung in the air, a siren's call amidst the roaring chaos of Lysander's mind. Still, doubt and confusion held sway as he fought to make sense of his bizarre circumstances.

"That doesn't even make any sense," he protested, shaking his head slowly. "If I'm not dead, then how am I in...whatever this is?"

The twisted smile returned on monster's hideous maw, all too pleased by his confusion. "This is a spatial realm created by my magic," it purred, lips peeling back to reveal a maw of jagged obsidian fangs. "Cut off from the outside world, frozen in time. You could spend an eternity here, and when you return to the real world, not even a moment will have passed."

Lysander's brow furrowed as he digested this. After a long pause, he lifted his gaze to meet the creature's once more. "Why?" he asked, in creeping voice. "Why me? Why did you bring me here?"

A sickening grin stretched wide on its maw. "Isn't it obvious? You were crippled, yet fought so bravely. I really was...impressed." It tsked in mock sympathy, "I simply wished to give you the strength to kill that, which nearly claimed your life, so you might live freely once more."

Lysander scoffed, crossing his arms once more, "Stop this bullshit," he spat, narrowing his eyes, as disgust and anger twisting his features. "I know well of your kind. There's no way you were simply 'impressed' and want to gift me such power out of the goodness of your heart."

A harsh, manic laughter erupted from the chained creature's throat. "Oh! You think so?" it sneered, gnashing its fangs in enjoyment. "Well...you are not wrong."


The creature broke into another peal of maniacal laughter, its face twisting into an expression of utter, unrestrained madness. When it finally regained control, it fixed Lysander with an intense, feverish stare.

"With just a simple exchange," it growled with grim finality.

Lysander's expression twisted into a frown as dread crept up his spine. "What do you want in this 'simple exchange' of yours?" he demanded through gritted teeth.

"Your soul, of course. A small price to pay for such immense power."

The creature replied in an instant, without any trace of hesitation or emotion.

The words seemed to suck the air from Lysander's lungs, leaving him reeling in mute horror. To trade his very soul, his eternal essence, his eternal being, for the kind of power this vile creature offered?