
The Crimson Shadows

Lysander was a badass Hunter, but a mission went really wrong and his whole team died. He was the only one who made it, and he felt super guilty about surviving when his friends didn't. But he was gravely injured and retired from being a Hunter. Then one day, some crazy stuff happened again just like that horrible mission. But this time, Lysander actually died. Wild, right? But he didn't stay dead! Instead, his spirit got moved into some random person's body. At first, Lysander was confused. But then he realized this new body came with a special system that gave him cool abilities. The downside? His new body was way weaker than his old Hunter one, and his emotions and personality started changing too. Lysander thought maybe this was a chance to finally live a normal, chill life. Little did he know, this system that jumped him into a new body was about to change everything for him and maybe the entire world. Spooky, huh? Lysander's life is about to get crazy all over again... ********

Darkstar116 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Deal (2) (I will reedit it)

Lysander narrowed his eyes and stared at the foul creature before him. "My soul, huh!" He gave a bitter chuckle. "I thought that after years of suffering, I had finally found eternal peace. But here you are, offering me just some bullshit and making me go back to the same nightmare again in exchange for my soul."

He placed one hand on his waist and put the palm of his other hand against his face. "Hahahaha!" Lysander laughed like a madman who had lost his mind.

After his fit of crazed laughter subsided, Lysander calmed himself and said, "You can take back your offer, and there is no way I was ever gonna give my soul to the likes of you."

The creature opened its cavernous maw, dripping with putrid saliva. "The world seems to be crumbling around you, doesn't it? But with a touch of my power, you can reshape it to your will. All it takes is a simple agreement." It leaned closer, the stench of rot overwhelming. "Even if you-"

Before the creature could finish, Lysander interrupted, "Reshape the world? For what purpose? To what end? I've seen enough of this world's suffering and cruelty. I don't need power to change it; all I need is peace." He shook his head adamantly. "I don't care what you're offering, and I don't even have any reason to fight anymore."

The creature's maw twisted into a sneer. "You are a fool to refuse my offer," it growled. "You cannot comprehend the magnitude of what you're turning away. You will regret this!"

"Regret? Huh!" Lysander scoffed. "I've lived with regret for far too long, bu-"

"Think again, mortal," the creature cut him off. "What I am offering isn't something you can ever achieve on your own. Imagine having power - abilities beyond your wildest dreams."

Lysander's expression hardened. "Power? You think that's what makes a life worth living? I used to chase after things like that - power, glory, the world's approval. All it brought me was a hollow victory and..." He paused, shadows flickering across his face. "A mountain of regrets."

The creature snarled, lips curling back to reveal jagged fangs. "You ungrateful wretch! Haa..." It paused to compose itself, calming its tone slightly. "I can make you invincible, untouchable!"

Lysander shook his head sadly. "Everyone I love is dead... buried. The ones left are better off without my presence. Why would I help again? Tell me."

His words seemed to deflate the vile thing slightly. "Invincibility? Untouchable?" Lysander snickered derisively. "To hell with those meaningless things."

Undeterred, the creature pressed on. "What are you saying? Don't you want to pay back that hideous thing that caused you such pain?"

It leaned closer, rancid breath hot on Lysander's face. "Did you forget how your pet gave its life just to save your miserable ass, when it could have easily obliterated your enemy?"

The mention of his fallen companion struck a nerve. Lysander's fists clenched as a wave of emotion crashed over him - grief, rage, sorrow all intermingled. He struggled to keep his composure as memories assailed him.

His closest friend, butchered and left to die a slow, agonizing death. All to buy Lysander a few extra moments of life in his hopeless battle against the dark forces that pursued them. It was a sacrifice he never asked for, never wanted. Just one more regret to add to the pile.

"Of course I remember," Lysander growled, jaw clenched. "I think about it every damn day. But bringing them back..." He shook his head firmly. "Disturbing the rest of the dead is something I'll never do, no matter how much it hurts to live without them."

The foul creature seemed to swell with smug satisfaction. "Fool! Do you not understand what I offer? I don't just promise to resurrect your pitiful dead - I can rewrite the whole bloody timeline! With my power, you can have a new reality where your friend never died, where your tormentors were vanquished before they could inflict their cruelties upon you."

It reared back, maw stretching wide as claws extended from its twisted limbs. "All you have to do is perform one tiny service for me, and I will sculpt a new existence tailored to your deepest desires. No more pain, no more loss - only your heart's truest longings made manifest!"

Lysander felt his resolve waver. A world without all the death and misery he had endured? It was almost too tantalizing to resist. He could have his dearest friend back at his side. He could rewrite his entire tragic life story into something better.

But at what cost?

Shaking his head firmly, Lysander replied, "I appreciate your generous offer, but I must refuse. My life may have been filled with tragedy, but it was still my life. The experiences, both beautiful and horrible, are what shaped me into who I am today."

He met the creature's unholy gaze steadily. "I won't trade away the sovereignty of my existence and my hard-won wisdom, just for the chance to live in some fantasy world crafted by you. That would make my entire journey meaningless."

The creature recoiled, rage and disbelief twisting its grotesque features. "You arrogant little speck! You dare turn down such an opportunity, just to cling to your pathetic 'wisdom'? I was offering you everything your mortal mind could dream of, and more!"

Its voice rose to a thunderous roar that seemed to shake the very air around them. "You'll regret this insolence, you worthless wretch! I'll see you beg and grovel at my feet before the end!"

Lysander stood firm, completely unmoved by the empty threats. He had faced down worse horrors than this petulant monster in his life. "I'll take my chances," he stated flatly. "Now get the hell out of my sight."

With an earsplitting screech of outrage, the vile entity began to dissolve into a viscous ooze that swiftly drained away into nothingness. Silence descended once more, leaving Lysander alone with his thoughts and memories.

He sighed deeply, feeling the profound weariness that had settled into his very bones over the course of his long, difficult journey. Maybe he had made the right choice, maybe not - but at least it had been his choice to make.

Wrapping his tattered cloak tighter against the chill wind, Lysander turned away and began trudging towards the horizon, the next chapter of his life awaiting with all its inevitable struggles. But he walked on with his head held high, masters of his own destiny.