
The Crazed Dreamer

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  • 3 章
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What is The Crazed Dreamer

WebNovel で公開されている、REOPHA の作者が書いた The Crazed Dreamer の小説を読んでください。Stuck in a time loop, Ian is forced to come to the reality of his situation and his environment. He starts to see how the world works as the days continue to loop. The first arc is a bittersweet comin...


Stuck in a time loop, Ian is forced to come to the reality of his situation and his environment. He starts to see how the world works as the days continue to loop. The first arc is a bittersweet coming-of-age story as he finds his humor changing, his friends rotting, and his everyday struggles piling on top of one another.

4 タグ

Re:turn by Crash -Starting Life in Another World From Zero-

Re:turn by Crash -Starting Life in Another World From Zero-, also known as just Return by Crash is a Re:Zero fan-fiction. It is about if Subaru was a Subaru™ (the car). - Exiting the parking lot, Subaru Natsuki emerges to a busy town inhabited by mammals such as humans and demi-human. Using dragons and carriages as transportation instead of cars, the town is clearly not the modern-day Carpan that he is familiar with. However, as someone who spends his days engrossed in street racing, Subaru assumes that he is a protagonist in this new fantasy world, harnessing supreme magical powers. Much to his dismay, that is not the case and things quickly go awry as he bumps into a group of graffiti artists. Fortunately, a silver-haired humanoid beauty named Satella comes to his rescue, while looking for her stolen insignia. In return for her kindness, Subaru offers to let her drive him to help with the search, which eventually leads them to the back of a McDonald's. Assuming that the insignia was traded for money, Subaru enters the drive-thru hoping to negotiate with the owner regarding the stolen item. However, much to his surprise, what awaits them is not the insignia but a brutal carjacker that leads the two to their demise. But instead of waking up in the recycling plant, Subaru is shocked to find himself alone in the midst of daytime, as if he never left the town in the first place. Thus, his life in another world mysteriously begins a second time.

YunoFern · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Hanya Laki Laki Biasa

Mahardik merupakan laki laki yang berasal dari Majalengka. Ia berwajah biasa saja tidak tampan dan tidak jelek namun Hitam manis serta memiliki kepribadian sederhana dan pendiam. Hal ini berkebalikan dengan adiknya laki laki yang tampan dan putih serta tinggi yang bernama Bagaskoro. Bagas, seorang laki laki yang agak manja serta playboy terhadap wanita tapi Ia adalah adik yang pandai dalam dunia musik. Suatu hari, Mahar ingin sekali berusaha mengubah adiknya agar menjadi seorang laki laki yang tidak manja serta playboy untuk menjadi seorang laki laki sederhana dan bersahaja. Namun cara yang dilakukan oleh mahar tidaklah mudah dan tidaklah sulit karena bertentangan juga dengan didikan sang Ibu. Mahardik akan memberikan sebuah nasihat kepada Bagaskoro tentang apa itu hidup sebenarnya, apa dampak dari kemanjaan nya sebagai laki laki fan dampak dari ke playboy an nya itu. Belum juga diberi sebuah wejangan oleh mahardik. Bagaskoro tiba tiba dikunjungi oleh teman laki lakinya bernama Fajar untuk bermain dan Nongkrong bersama teman teman lainnya. akhirnya mahardik tidak jadi memberikan sebuah nasihat kebaikan kepada adiknya karena adiknya pergi bersama Fajar untuk nongkrong bersama teman temannya. Mahardik dan Bagaskoro Adalah seorang kakak beradik dari empat bersaudara dan kedua saudara lainnya adalah seorang perempuan. Mahardik adalah anak ke dua dari keluarga Martadisastra serta bagaskoro adalah anak ketiga. Anak pertama dari keluarga martadisastra adalah Silvi seorang Wanita yang sudah menikah dengan seorang laki laki kaya dari keturunan Jawa. ia memiliki dua orang anak bernama Navisa dan Nandita. dan Anak terakhir dari keluarga Martadisastra adalah Kesya adik bungsu mereka yang masih duduk di bangku sekolah SD kelas 6.

Yudistir4Santos4 · 現実
1 Chs

I hate the protagonist: The antagonists system

It is the year 2269. 248 years ago something about the world changed. People started gaining roles in society. Extras, villains, heros and obviously in such a world a protaginist is born. After a protagonist passes away a new one will appear 12 years after to continue the work of the previous. The protagonist will be chosen by the twelve year old with the purest heart. To continue to uphold peace in the world. On the other hand, those who were classified as extras having no prominent role in society and end up becoming fodder for those of higher classes. Their destiny being death alone. Outis, having been classified as an extra, lives the life of a neet. Being 21 years old with no job or life goal. He lives a sad life with his Mother. Having lost his father and now recently his mother, Outis blames God for his bad luck. He becomes filled with anger towards the protagonist who has everything he wanted without trying. [You have been granted the recruit system] He looks up to find a system before him along with a little creature. He is given the choice of choosing any three skills of his choice. What did he choose? A skill which allows him to manipulate time, wealth and a skill where he can control people's action after gaining their full trust? Could this be the turning point of his life? Would he be able to change his destiny as am extra? ** Cover not by me. If your the artist and you want me to take it down please let me know

SchoolSucks · ファンタジー
4 Chs

One Piece: The Uncrowned Emperor

Killed by truck-kun before his time was up, a young and painfully average okatu named Michael ends up reborn into the world of One Piece. In the Afterlife, he was granted his wish to control time and space, but the problem was that the angel granting his wish had forgotten to mention a thing or two... "Wait a minute... Why am I silvery blue and can't wear clothes?! I am not Dr. Manhattan!" Watch as Michael D. Saint unintentionally influences the Events of One Piece, travels this familiar jet unfamiliar world, grows his own Mercenary Company, builds a space station/ satelite cannon and conquers the hearts of three incredible women. ... For he will be Uncrowned Emperor... _______________________________________________ P.S. +Length: Average Chapter 1200~1500 Words; +Harem: Yes, but only three heroines introduced in the first three Volumes and no NTR. +Explicit Sexual Content: M/F; M/F/F; M/F/F/F; F/F; Bdsm; Shotacon; Large Dick; Big Breasts; Blow jobs; Creampie and the other good stuff for men and women of culture. +Regarding grammatical errors and spelling mistakes: Please keep in mind, that I am not as good as I would like to be with the english language but am working on it. Also I don't employ an editor since I am writing for free and fun. Disclaimers: -I do not own one piece. Please support the official release and understand, that I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. - I am not taking money for my work so please don't expect regular updates.

Zibarn · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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General Audiencesmature rating