
The Courier (MHA)

Five years after the battle of Hoover Dam, Courier Six was left in charge of the Mojave after Mr. House shot for the moon to restart humanity among the stars. During his leadership, the Mojave grew green and became a haven from the radiation of the wastes with help from his friends and family he made along his journeys. However, at the closing of his 50th year, a faction emerged from the coast of the NCR. Blazing a path of destruction crossed what was left of the old world with countless robots and drones doing their bidding. All in the name of reclaiming what was rightfully theirs.

Hawkin · ゲーム
50 Chs

The Hunt is on (2)

*Clack* *Clack*



The entire block went up on a ball of fire and flames. The robots that were acting like curious bystanders and were watching the fight began to scream and cry out. A few were acting like they were wounded in the blasts while others were crying out for their makers (parents). I just looked at Todorki with disdain.


"These robots are citizens of this city!" I shouted out. "They represent the lives you need to save from us villains! So far, you're acting like your old man. Only taking on the bigger threats while his sidekicks handle the rest. Acting like a big shot when he's just human like the rest of us." I basically preached to Todoroki. "Is this the way you should act when facing a villain right in front of you?"


Todoroki stood there in pure disbelief at what he saw. His mind imagining the robots as real human beings. The scattered parts of the robots turned into human remains. Their cries as real people's. The horror of what he saw in his mind made Todoroki puke. I just stood there as my own mind replayed the events of the Mojave.


"Is this what you want?!" I shouted above the cries and pleas. "Because this is your future. One that you want to change by being a hero! So stand up!" I urged Todoroki, "Stand up and stop me!"


Todoroki looked on in disbelief. Here I was being the villain, while he played the hero. If he truly wanted to be one, he would stand up and stop me. His eyes held a look of horror as I stood there, my arms wide open. His mind playing horrendous images.


Finally, he stood up.


"Good," I shouted when I saw his eyes, firm with resolve. "That's more like it!"


He then lit up his right and left sides with fire and ice. With a wave of his left arm, an icy wave blanketed the raging fires. With his right, he unleashed a torrent of flames at me. I just laughed like a madman as I dodged away from the flames as they washed down the street.

I pulled out my [10mm Pistol+] and started to shoot at him. He waved his arm and created a wall of ice as my rubber bullets impacted it. I smiled as he charged at me with no fear, unleashing a wave of ice that covered the ground. I simply stomped my feet when the ice covered the bottom of my boots and fired at him which he dodged. I shot at him again but this time two of my shots skimmed his shoulder and thigh.

He was starting to predict my shots. I was proud that he was clearly advancing. I shot at him until I ran out with him just a few feet from me I dropped my gun as Todoroki came to punch me. As the punch came close I batted it away and sent one myself. he ducked under my punch and skidded to a halt. His right arm cocked back, blazing in flames. I smiled as I knew what he was planning to do. As his fist came forward, I rushed into his inner space with my right shooting forward into his gut.

He coughed up phlegm and skidded back from the blow. His right arm was still ablaze as he looked up in determination. Through the pain he was feeling, Todoroki launched his attack.


"FIRE FIST!" He shouted out as he thrust his fist at me.


The flames sped at me faster than I could move. I knew I wouldn't be able to dodge it so I just braced myself for the impact of the flames. As the flames washed over me, I felt my skin burn and blister. By the time the attack was over, I came out of it steaming and covered in burns. I dropped my arms and smirked. Todoroki stood there panting for breath as that attack took a lot out of him.


"So, have you chosen?" I couldn't help but ask him.

"I'll be nothing like my father!" He shouted at me. "I'll become the number 1 hero with my own strength!"

"Good," I said as I stood straight and cracked my neck. "You're gonna have to fight like the devil to stand a chance. Midoriya and Bakugo have already been stepping their game up, so you'd better too."


I took the chance and pulled out another [10mm Pistol] loaded with rubber rounds out of my [Pip-boy]. Todoroki was panting, as he tried to raise his arm to bring an ice wall up, I shot him in the head. Knocking him out.


"This thing still working?" I asked into my communicator as I walked up to Todoroki's still form.

Nezu: "I can hear you loud and clear!"

Midnight: "I can hear you hun~"

Mic: "I hear ya listener!"


I got affirmatives from everyone but two. I knew that Aizawa would keep quiet but not Power Loader or Snipe. Thinking about it, Power Loader would be crying over all the work he spent creating this exam going up in flames so fast. So he must have been defeated by one of the teams. Snipe as well.


"Good, Todoroki is out of commission. Bringing him back to the hideout." I spoke into the comms. "Proceed to Plan B."


I knew that this would get a few of them to realize that Power Loader and Snipe had been taken out. I just picked Todoroki up and started to make my way toward the hideout. Keeping an eye out for any of the students.


{With Midoriya (Team 1)}


Midoriya: "They've got Todoroki!"

Kaminari: "Man, they got one of our biggest hitters!"

Jiro: "What about the rest?"

Midoriya: "They've got Sero and Mineta as well. The rest are in other teams."

Ochaco: "That's good."

Toru: "Does that mean they've failed?"

Momo: "I doubt it, there's got to be some other reason for this exam."

Tenya: "We have to capture these villains and save our fellow heroes!"

Midoyia: "That's it, Ida! I think I figured it out!"

Ochaco: "What do you mean?"

Midoryia: "Our mission is to capture, protect, and rescue!"

Momo: "I see. Capture the villains."

Toru: "Protect the citizens."

Kaminari: "And rescue those captured. But what's plan b?"


It was at this point that they all figure out what was needed to do. But will they be able to handle the mission they were tasked with? That was yet to be seen.




I sighed as I dragged a still unconscious Todoroki towards the cell that Mineta and Sero were still inside. As I get to the door of the room, I kick it open and threw Todoroki unceremoniously inside before slamming the door shut. The look on Sero and Mineta's faces when the door opened and Todoroki was thrown in was priceless. They were both scared shitless.

After that display, I made my way back outside. I still had students to hunt, er I mean, to test. Yes, to test!


"Six, come in!" Midnight's voice came in through my communicator.

"Six, here. What's wrong?" I asked before the building I was in shook after an explosion.

"Bakugo found the hideout!" She shouted, getting my attention. "Do we need to fall back to plan C?"

"I'll handle him," I spoke as I pulled out my gun. "Everyone, plan D."


Now you might be wondering what plans A, B, C, and D are. Well the short and sweet of them are basically as follows. Plan A, divide and conquer. Plan B, target certain students and take them out before they could react. Plan C, if the base was found out, smash and relocate.

Now for Plan D. Simpily, run away. But it wasn't that simple. We run while causing as much damage as physically possible and we all had different roles we needed to be fulfilled. For Allmight, he was to cause damage to the surrounding infrastructure. Midnight's is to disable any and all robots in her vicinity. Snipe's was to stall any of the students.

The others did have roles as well. But nothing too important. After all, they were to be considered cannon fodder. It was something they hated to be known for, but it was what Nezu and I agreed to make them. But that was besides the point.


I walked out into the street and saw that Bakugo was combating Ectoplasm's clones as he searched for the real one. I blitzed forward as I leveled my [10mm Pistol+] at the blond's head. The brat has a killer sixth sense as he propelled himself forward to dodge my shot.


"There you are, you gun bastard!" Bakugo shout at me as he blasted Ectoplasm away. "I'll kick your ass!"


With that shout, he charged at me with reckless abandon. When he got close, he swung his arm at me as his palm crackled with his quirk. The blast came faster than I thought it would and engulfed me. Bakugo didn't hesitate to blast me again with a wide-sweeping attack before the first one cleared away. I rolled out of the smoke and shot at Bakugo several times. Three of my shots missed but my fourth and fifth connected with his torso. Bakugo grunted in pain but came at me again. He got close and then propelled himself and gave me a roundhouse kick. I caught his leg with my left and swung him around like a bat before slamming him onto the ground.

As I went to shot Bakugo, Kirishima came out of nowhere and threw a hard right at my side. I spun and dodged his strike. Then I shot him three times in the head. His quirk, hardening, blocked most of the power behind the shots but still dazed him enough for me to sweep his leg. Bakugo recovered and retaliated by blasting both of us in explosions. I pushed through and walloped him in the face hard. Bakugo went cross-eyed and Kirishima bounded up and tackled me.

I skidded back as I tanked Kirishima's tackle. As I went to slam both of my hands onto his back, Bakugo came in with a dropkick to my helmet. I fell and landed on my back as Kirishima mounted me and began to slam his fists into my chest. I grunted due to the pressure Kirishima was dishing out, but I managed to roll and throw him off of me. Bakugo came in for a kick to my back but I just spun again and elbowed him in the face. As I spun, I rocked Kirishima with a pistol whip before slamming a left hook into his face.

The two were thrown away and before I could attack them, Cementoss arrived and bound them in cement. I just looked his way and nodded. He nodded his head in reply.


"Nezu, come in," I called into my comms. "Bakugo and Kirishima are both taken out but Ectoplasm is down for the count. Cementoss and I have liked up."

"Understood, return to Plan B," He replied.

"Gotcha," I replied and let Cementoss handle Bakugo and Kirishima.


{Team 4}

Shoji: "Let's go, it's just Cementoss and Nezu in there now."

Ashido: "Got it!"

Asui: "Keep quiet *Kero*"

Ojiro: "Shoji, you lead. I'll follow right behind you."

Aoyama: "Let's win this, mes chers."


{Team 3}

Sato: "Where could they be?"

Koda: "I'm not sure."

Sato: "Look out!"


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