
The cosmic war

Three friends get into a traffic accident during their trip and meet a great entity that gives them five wishes in return for participating in the Great War that brings together contestants coming from a hundred different anime worlds

Gu_zhanghe · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs


"You have the talent, do you really want to follow me?""He spoke arima as the trees appeared around him and he turned into a chair to sit on

"Yes, I want to," his eyes showed burning anger and unshakable determination

Grab himما and take him to another place where he was full of forests and mountains

He began to train Yang Qing on the sword and bought him a sword of the sacred category, which is higher than rank 12

The "sunrise sword" was a sword that possessed an incendiary flame aura as Qing er comprehended three skills from it in one month

"The burning sun

The burning flame

The destructive sky " of such skills is a fatal destructive skill

"What a little monster arima" he looked at his talent and thought enviously

|The legendary sword talent was analyzed by the mastery skill

I've got the talent of a sword Saint|

There are three classifications after the legendary and they are




"Something very beautiful system gave it to Cheng also" rejoiced arima with the skill of mastery where a more detailed description of it appeared

/ Mastery skill: allows you to analyze and duplicate other people's skills and can be copied at the same level or higher, you can also analyze the breed, body, talent, skills, refine the opponent , and you can even create bodies for other people if body analysis exists|

A truly unique skill!

Yang Qing's refinement also developed as he reached the seventh level of divine luminescence

"Seto summonedما Ma Seto, where his form became half-human and half-dragon, his hands and feet were like a dragon's claw, his head as well, his body was surrounded by black scales, and a death aura hovered around him

His wings were black and his tail was sharp, he could also attack

"Dragon of chaos, is this of your making?""He looked arima at Seto's changes like a knight of the shadow of death

"Yes, my lord, I have evolved from his body and he is now one of the Knights of the shadow of death," the chaos Dragon spoke softly

"What monsters you are" he smiled softly arima and set off while Yang Qing was completing his training

He arrived arima in front of a forest, "there's a barrier here, is this the sect?""

He entered the forest arima felt the fluctuations of energy and used the void eyes skill" annihilating void " the skill of the second Heavenly Emperor

A shattered aura shot out, smashed the barrier as a towering mountain appeared, and the aura continued to break through until it smashed the entrance to the sect

"Who dares to break into the Satanic schema sect" an elder appeared on the third level to turn the void looked at arima where his hair was red, his eyes were crimson, and a blood aura surrounded him

"The Scarlet Devil?""Panic and fear appeared on the Sheikh's face in front of him, where his reputation was great arima because he was appearing in front of all the middle and upper sects, wreaking havoc on them

"I brought your leader now or else..."An angry look appeared on the face of arima

"Or what?""The elder spoke in panic

"I destroyed your sect" a smile returned quietly on his face as if he was playing and not destroying a whole sect








He hasn't come yet huh?' So let's destroy you, " his cold smile appeared like Frost as he transformedما into the form of a complete chaos Dragon

With a length of one kilometer and a destructive flame Halo destroying everything around him, his body was a dragon with wings, darkness, he did not see a trace of light and his eyes were red

"Chaos Flame ball" a black flame ball shot out destroying everything in front of it as it shot into the mountain and destroyed from it 70%

A hundred elders and the five constants appeared and the sect head was with them and there was an old man with bone refinement looking from afar

"Well, well, it looks like you came out of your hole Xie Wu Yue," the Dragon spoke in an angry voice

"Who are you and how dare you destroy my sect"

"Sir, it's the Scarlet Devil."


Cold sweat appeared on their faces as their face turned pale as if they were looking at the execution rope on their neck

The Scarlet Devil, the most corrupt person in the ten sects, did not hand over his sect to the Double Dragon Institute

"So what do you want?""Their boss spoke very calmly and was looking at the monster in front of him as he felt stupid to fight him

"A disciple of mine looks like his city has been destroyed by an elder of yours. show him now or I will continue to make you extinct." he became a voice arima as cold as an iceberg will collapse on them

"What is the name of his city" fear and horror appeared on the elders

"Moon city" Xie Wu Yue elder quickly showed them where this was the second venerable venerable Shi

"So this is you, void eyes heavenly illusions" venerable Shi appeared in a different space where he saw in front of him arima as the flame and wind were getting stronger behind him

"Please excuse me-I won't - I won't do it again, please," the venerable begged for his life, but look what hasn't changed him

This continued in the outside world for an hour while venerable Xi felt that hundreds of years had passed

He stopped when venerable Xi turned into a body without a mind, he took it arima and set off for the mountain

"It looks like we kicked a steel plate," Xie Wu Yue spoke depressingly on his sect, where it was completely destroyed

While he arrived arima at Yangcheng

"Sir, Where Have you gone, I was worried about you," Yang Qing spoke joyfully

"Do you really worry about me?" Hahaha, I've really grown up, " he laughed madly

"Well, look what I brought a gift for you," appeared in front of Yang Qing, the person he had hated for tens of years and the despair he had put him in was in front of him

The one who destroyed his beloved city with everyone in it

"He's yours, do what you want with him," he continued arima when he went for a walk, he went to a nearby city to get some food and he was also thinking of buying some herbs to refine

Because he feels he can't penetrate the vacuum transformation, " I seem to have reached the neck of the bottle."

He heard arima the sounds of the city and the rumors going around there

"I've heard that the competition held by the Double Dragon Institute is close"

Really?" We can finally see her."

He went arima to the herb shop

Where he came in and there was an old man running him

"Old man, I want these herbs." he showed me arima a piece of paper with everything he needed written on it

He completed the payment arima and returned to the mountain where Yang Qing cleaned everything up

"How is Xiaoqing feeling now?""Talk arima

"It seems that the carelessness has been removed from my body and the sadness as well, I feel like I have been reborn," Yang Qing spoke as a smile appeared that I had forgotten for a long time

He smiled arima and went to make pills

"The pill pierced the shackles of heaven", a pill of sacred rank

She can break through the maximum talent and can also expand the meridians in order to increase energy

MAA completed the preparation and began to refine it by messy flame and the refinement was slow due to inexperience arima where he failed for five times and destroyed some components

But he succeeded the sixth time, making a half-Imperial pill

He gave it to Xiao Qing to eat it and the energy within him began to rampage as he began to create his primordial soul

He could have done it in the first layer of divine illumination, but he had no one to guide him to create his soul, but now Arima can help him

"Calm down and start shaping your soul in the form that will appear in your mind, where it is the best form for creating your primordial soul."

Yang Qing began to create his soul and when he wanted to finish, the sunrise sword appeared and an aura appeared heading to Yang Qing's soul, which did not deter her arima

Yang Qing's soul began to suffer a little and the result finally appeared

Yang's soul appeared the color of the scorching sun, he had two wings, his body was covered with armor, and he had one sword in his hand that was about 100 meters long

"Sun Guardian Spirit" Yang Qing spoke softly and was now in the first vacuum transformation layer

"Congratulations Yang Qing, your soul is three times stronger than normal, even if someone with the same talents as you probably won't be able to do it," a smile appearedما on his disciple's development

"Well arima you should participate in the sect competition held by the Double Dragon Institute."

"But Sir, I am not a disciple of any sect," Yang Qing spoke anxiously

"Leave this matter to me now, complete your training and how to control your soul, and also let her own all your techniques and the way you fight" disappeared arima from his place

/ High achievement:

The host disciple completed the void transformation and obtained an intermediate heavenly soul

Reward: 100 sun essence spirit stones and 100 Moon essence spirit stones|

"Damn, he wants me stronger, and I also want strength," went a smile arima as he began to refine himself with spiritual stones

Within five days, he completed arima and returned with Yang Qing to the Luo family

When he arrived, he learned that Qin Yu and Yuji had left after going arima while the Luo family had greatly developed as hundreds of experts in divine illumination appeared and there were dozens of Void transformation

He thought arima about the five venerables and wanted to give each one the body of a sacred beast

Li jingtian, the body of the Holy Qilin, the power of the body

The ancestor of fire, the body of the Burning Sky Dragon, physical strength with flame

Ice Witch, the body of the universe, ping gauntlet, spiritual strength and incredible speed

The saint of heaven embodied the destructive lightning Phoenix, a destructive force

The saint of the Earth, the sea turtle personified the power of the seal and ice

And it is also the refinement of the body and soul with these features that everyone has now

Li jingtian broke through the fifth layer of the void transformation and was followed by the rest of the elders, where their primordial soul changed and became in the form of the sacred beast they had chosen

Slain monsters can penetrate the vacuum transformation to merge with their souls, and this is a feature for monsters that only the five elders have now, too

Ari.a he started looking for Zhou fan, where he prepared a gift for him

/ The primordial body of chaos|

He got the body of a primordial phocal Dragon arima because he chose the dragon as his base, but Zhou fan will use the sky quake Qilin as his base

He arrived arima in front of Zhou fan's room, where he walked in, explained the situation to him, and began to develop Zhou fan's body

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah - fuck-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" shouted Zhou fan with a devastating pain that was destroying his soul and body as he put up arima a barrier to block the sound

After three days, Zhu Fan calmed down and completed his fusion, where he obtained the chaos Qilin primordial body

And his physical strength could destroy the entire universe

He started planning to enter the Double Dragon gathering

Where he sent them a message telling them he wanted to challenge the nine sects

While the team was arima is it


Zhou fan


Chen Yu

Yang Qing

Tuji Zinin

Gojo Satoru

Suguru ghetto

Gu San Tong

Guo Guo, gitou and tuji returned to the Luo family

"That's all that happened at that time," he said, "and his face was like solid, unshakable ice arima"

"So is there a way to get them back," Giteau said, " and he got to the heart of the problem."

"Winning the tournament" gojo and tuji spoke calmly

Goju vacuum transformation fifth layer:

The field of the five elements

Orientation of the fifth layer:

The spirit of the Fighting God

The fifth class ghetto:

The spirit of the master of monsters

Each of them had a soul that was from the heavenly spirits

The souls in this world are divided into

The Beast



There are souls that have crossed the human level, they are divided into





This is the division for the souls of the fantasy level

It was a spirit arima half a step up to the divine level

"I have a task that can significantly increase our strength, cost to win and trample on all sects in this competition," he said arima

/ The task of smashing the nine sects:

Winning over all sects overwhelmingly and without a single loss

Bonus: increase the strength of all team 3x|

Everyone looked at the reward with amazement

"It's settled," Gogo said, as his cheerful nature returned and there was hope in their eyes

"Hahaha Satoru always looks confident," Guiteau spoke sarcastically

"It's normal, he was the strongest of his ERA and he's not going to be satisfied with losing, "Toji said." he came out where he went to training with his eyes blazing."

"Well, let's go to training there a year before the rally," he said " when he went to training and started to develop his own microcosm."

Where he divided his universe into three regions

Cursed energy zone

An area for the world of Eternity

An area for the breed world

As they began to expand, each of them reached about ten planets, and the energy in Ma's body increased and his strength is much greater

He continued to train himself as he reminded the divine body refinement technique of the five elements and the eight laws

He went to the store and bought four seeds for the laws

The law of the body

The law of the sword

The law of death

The law of emptiness

He started to refine them and then he made the technique automatically refine his body so he bought a technique called

Triple consciousness: where you give your body and refine an automatic consciousness that refines itself and there is for the soul, but he did not find a suitable technique to refine it

He started focusing on the small universe