
Chapter 2 - The Forest Arch

Go now, little one.

The sun said, & one of its comfy rays lifted me over from the beach over to the deep dark glistening woods with the morning dew settling over the forest.

The ray stroked my hair & set me down gently at the edge of the forest.

Good bye for now.

I whispered & the sun shone brightly with pride & happiness at me.

Then the warmth slowly left, & a torch of fire formed in my right hand.

I looked back, the spirit of water & the sun waved with similar smiles.

I smiled back at them, & with one leap, I was in the domain of the soul & spirit of the forest.

I stopped in front of an arch covered in swirling runes...

Anakin's P.O.V.

{Exactly when Kristinia woke up from her sleep.}

I jerked awake, when a soft tender light finger touched me gently.

"Wake up, darling Anakin."

I fell off the bed & was about to pull out my ax & a bunch of different everyday things that were sharp & pointy for my family & I to stay alive, when I recognized the voice.

Mom looked down at me with concern.

"What's wrong dear? Was it your dream? Did it disturb you? Are you feeling okay?"

She asked, scrambling to my desk to get our thermometer for everything.

"No, no, I'm okay, you don't have to take my temperature, it was my dream. It was weird & - mom, I don't think I want to talk about it right now. It kind of feels important - *sigh.* I'll tell you after I get us breakfast."

But mom still measured my temperature right away.

I mean moms still have the sense to make sure everything's okay for their children right?

They help their children during their days.

Mom gave me one last look over her shoulder, & I recognized that sad look - something was going to happen.

And moms could sense it.

But before she left, she dropped a piece of paper on my welcoming desk with flowers that mom said to keep at the doorway because it 'wards off evil,' evidently not knowing it.

I just said it was a fake thing.

But my senses were telling me it was true, & very true at this point.

The paper had fluttered down & was now straightening out by itself, stretching out, & growing longer by the second.

I stalked closer, being stealthy, & I snatched the paper up & quickly darted back to my bed.

I peered closer, after turning on my beside lamp.

'It shines really bright to your emotions, Anakin, be careful of how you feel if you turn it on. It might burn - you know what might happen, darling...'

She had explained, but it used to sound like she was telling stories that weren't true.

But now, it felt too real.

I looked at it while it flared up, & when I thought about this, the lamp became so bright it felt like it was going to burst, & I knew why.

There was a burst of emotions swirling inside me.

Then curiosity overtook me all of a sudden, & I looked at the paper.

Moving drawings - it was like a real life comic.

Blackness - my whole life, then I gasped at one scene.

It was my dream mapped out perfectly.

Kristinia's P.O.V.

{A few minutes after she entered the woods & after Anakin had a weird discovery with his paper...}

Kristinia... We wished we could tell you more... But at least we'll give you something soon...

Then the voices died away, & a soft glow emanated from the torch, as it burst into life.

The very tip of my fingertips gave an electrical static feeling, & it calmed & soothed me, but made me look inside the torch.

I could tell this wasn't one that the sun would've given me.

I had described in my mind that the forest was very cold & chilly, & now the forest was responding to my thoughts.

It gave me a warm torch that also told the future, or told important events & if you could make it out, then you might see an important person on your journey through life.

This was the first time touching a type of torch like this.

For me.

When I looked into the torch, I gasped, & nearly dropped it, but a tree's roots snaked up & casually caught the torch with a burst of speed, & I jumped, quickly scooping up the torch.

For a moment, two bark eyes appeared on the tree trunk, with a tiny curl in the trunk, a tiny nose like a little brown button, & a corny shady gray smile.

The forest brightened as I moved on, & I thought, At least the forest is welcoming & friendly & great to stay in.

And immediately, a large silver dragon jumped out of no where, lowering its head.


I yelped, covering my head with my torch.

The dragon stared at me, then slowly backed away, then began to run.

Then I realized it was actually scared of me.

"Wait! Come back! I don't mean any harm!"

The dragon stopped.

Then, the dragon morphed into a young boy, averagely 10 years old.

He quietly & slowly backed away again.

"W - Who are you?"

He stuttered...