
Chapter 1 - The Sun & The Water

Kristinia's P.O.V.

I was resting on the beach, with a very large Venus Fly - Trap protecting me, occasionally giving me sips of nectar & honey, from some bees that the Venus Fly - Trap had crushed, which I didn't find too great, when the Venus Fly - Trap opened when the sun swept over it, near the Norangin Forest, when the sun winked & sparkled as one of its rays dropped a glistening crystal in the middle of the Norangin Forest deep inside.

I knew this was very important, & it showed important visions.

My senses were tingling, & I bid the crabs, stingrays, dolphins, whales, turtles, & all underwater sea life, & headed for my destination - the Norangin Forest, after playing with them whenever the Venus Fly - Trap opened up & let me out.

A spooky chill ran up my spine, & I shivered.

Are you sure you want me to journey in the woods?

I asked uncertainly to the sun in the Rayintacist language.

It's the best I can do, darling. If I go to the sea, the crystal's going to get lost, & all I'll do is lose sight of the crystal in the ocean. When I dip down on the beach, it's only exceptional for sparkling on the waves. Sorry dear. You'll have to find it in the forest. Stay safe, & make sure you don't get lost!

The waves spiraled up in annoyed twists.

Sorry, Oceania, but it has to be that way. Oh, did I offend you?

The sun said, as Oceania slapped the sun with a wet & watery hand.


She screamed, & the whole ocean was ready for take off at the sun.

Calm down you two!

I screamed in both languages at the same time.

They turned to me slowly.

I'm going in the woods, Oceania, would you rather stay here screaming at the sun while I go in the woods where it's cold, it gives chills, & it's not safe, & it's spooky & mysterious?

I said, frowning, my bare foot tapping at the sand, with the crabs scuttling all over my feet, desperately trying to hold me down to stay a little more.

No thank you.

They said together.

Oceania slapped the sun again.

I didn't mind that fact.

Okay, I expect you two to stay calm, & quiet down! Summer, you're giving off too many heat waves! You're burning down grass & heating the sand! Oceania, you're pushing down trees in your frustration by going too far with your waves! Calm down everyone!

I said sternly, giving a look like or detention!

Just kidding. There was no detention for free elements like the sun & the water. Fire or water.

They're twins, but they're a little different, & they always fight with each other but they do join together sometimes.

They're like real siblings.

And they are.

Author's Note

Hi guys! Sorry, this is a short chapter, didn't realize at first, but it's very interesting, kind of opening up the book. Sorry, it will get more exciting later on. But enjoy the tension, & check out my writing style! What do you think of it? What do you think I can do better with? I hope you like this so far! There's more action in the next chapter, & it kind of links together everything & makes everything make sense. Tell me what you think about my book so far in this chapter or after I finish this book & the later readers are reading this book - I'm talking about everybody, because I don't exactly like no feedback. I mean that would promote my skills with feedback for what to do next time & what I've already covered. See you guys soon!

P.S. Which do you like to think me of best - Author or Friend? Tell me in the comments below & comment about how my writing is!

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