
The CEO’s Addiction

“You can’t go in there”, she gushes.“I can go wherever I want” his eyes flickered to her body, a cruel smirk along his lips “Even inside you”, Xander added and before anything else, she is giving him an hard slap across the face. *** Amelia Jameson works as a museum guide, and the little pay she gets she uses it to feed herself and her granny. When she meets Xander Sterling, a billionaire and the owner of the museum. Her world changes forever.

Lilyr4se · 都市
34 Chs

I want to escape.

I have stayed in this luxurious prison for a whole day. It was early in the morning and I was sitting on the bed with a frown on my face. The first thing I did was to call granny again. To my dismay, she told me that she was doing very fine and the 'suitor' was supplying more than enough every one hour.

I frowned. "What?"

"Are you sure that the man is not a friend" she paused a little before adding that he seemed very friendly.

I sighed internally telling her that I will call her back. Once the call was cut, my eyes roamed round the things that surrounded me. I was weary of this lavish mansion, weary of the man who claimed ownership of it, and weary of living a life that wasn't mine. With each passing moment, the walls seemed to close in, suffocating me in a gilded prison. I couldn't bear it any longer – I needed to find a way out.

Wearing the clean clothes that the maid had provided, I created my escape plan. The idea had taken root in my mind, and I hoped it would be the key to my freedom. Quietly, I pulled open the bedroom doors, my heart pounding with both fear and anticipation. As I stepped out, the maid who had given me the clothes was just down the corridor. I gestured for her to come closer, and she approached with a puzzled expression on her face.

"What's going on?" she asked in a hushed tone, her eyes darting around as if expecting trouble.

I glanced around to make sure we were alone before I spoke. "I need your help," I whispered urgently. "I have a plan to escape, but I can't do it alone."

Confusion clouded her features. "Escape? But how?"

I quickly explained my idea to her, promising that I wouldn't implicate her in any way. After a hesitant pause, she reluctantly agreed to assist me. She fetched a set of her own clothes and handed them to me, her eyes betraying a mix of worry and curiosity.

As the maid's clothes covered my own, I felt a strange sense of freedom. Disguised as one of them, I could move more freely within the mansion, hoping to escape Xander's watchful eyes. With resolution burning in my chest, I set my plan into motion.

Everything seemed to be going well as I walked the hallways, acting as naturally as possible. I blended in with the maids bustling about their daily tasks, and no one seemed to take notice of me. It was exhilarating – I was finally taking control of my fate.

But just as I was beginning to believe I might succeed, disaster struck. I heard Xander's voice call out, "Excuse me, could you come here for a moment?" My heart raced as I hesitated for a split second. But then, I forced myself to act, reminding myself that I couldn't give up now.

"Clear this up"

He muttered, not looking up to acknowledge my presence. I quickly went over to pick up the trash can that he pointed to, looking inside it. It was a bag of his old luxury which he wasn't using anymore. Luxury such as designer wristwatches, golden statutes, and so many other things.

For a split second I considered escaping with the trash can and selling off the goods inside for an hefty sum. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the elegant vase standing in my path until it was too late. I collided with it, sending it crashing to the ground in a clamor of shattered glass.

Stumbling and cursing under my breath, I found myself sprawled on the floor, nursing a throbbing pain in my shoulder. Before I could react, Xander's voice cut through the chaos.

"What's going on here?" his stern voice echoed through the hallway.

I looked up, my heart sinking as I locked eyes with him. He was standing in the doorway of the sitting room, his piercing gaze fixed on the scene before him, the glint of amusement shining through. He observes the mess and the frazzled staff, and his eyes fall on the "maid" who seems to be creating more trouble than anything else. And then, recognition dawned in his eyes,

He strode over to where I was still tangled in a heap, his lips curling into an infuriatingly confident smile. "Good morning, love," he greeted with mock sweetness, his tone laced with amusement.

Gritting my teeth, I rose to my feet, brushing off imaginary dust from my borrowed maid attire. I met his gaze, every inch of my being screaming at me to run, to fight back, to escape. But I held myself in check, reminding myself that patience was key.

His eyes roamed over my makeshift costume, an eyebrow arching inquisitively. "What are you up to?" he inquired, his tone dangerously playful.

I took a deep breath, forcing myself to meet his gaze head-on. "Just trying to fit in with the help," I replied, my voice dripping with a disdain I didn't need to feign.

He gestured toward the dining table, his eyes never leaving mine. "Come, have breakfast with me."

"I'm not eating"

I muttered and his eyes was softening, walking over to hold my hands. "Oh–Amelia"

"You would eat"

He muttered in what sounded more like an order. Reluctantly, I followed him to the table, as nearby maid cleaned up the mess that I created. my steps were heavy with both frustration and anger. As we took our seats, I looked at the food served in front of us. It was an extravagant dish. I then diverted my gaze to him, looking over his annoying face.


He mused. "What are you staring at?"

I frowned, looking at the way his lips curved in mockery. I scuffed in a eye roll. "Nothing"

He smirked at my reply. "I've told you. If you ever want something more between us. All you have to do is ask.

"In your dreams!"

I shot back and he was grinning at me for some stupid reason. As breakfast came to an end, he leaned back in his chair, studying me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. Suddenly, a phone call entered and Xander directed his gaze from me, picking it up and was engrossed in a long business call, his attention unconsciously splitted between his phone and the world around him. Meanwhile, I seized the opportunity to form my next escape plan. My mind raced as I calculated the risks and weighed the odds, determined to break free from this luxurious prison once and for all.

Finally, as Xander finished his call and leaned back in his chair, I decided it was time to address the elephant in the room. I looked at him, my expression dead serious. "Errr, Xander, can we talk?" I asked, my voice steady despite the unrest inside me.

He looked at me curiously, his eyebrows raising inquisitively. "Sure, what's on your mind?"

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before I spoke. "I need to talk to you about something important," I said, my tone showing the gravity of the situation.

He put his phone down, giving me his full attention. "Go ahead, I'm listening."

With my heart pounding, I placed my hands inside each other with eyes pinned on him.. "Xander, I've been meaning to tell you... I've developed a rare allergy." I paused for dramatic effect, watching as his expression shifted from curiosity to concern.

"An allergy?" he repeated, clearly intrigued. "To what?"

I took a deep breath, steadying my nerves. "To luxury materials," I declared, watching his reaction closely.

His brows furrowed, confusion evident on his face. "Luxury materials? What do you mean?"

I continued with conviction. "Silk, cashmere, fine linens – they all trigger my allergy. It's been getting worse, and I'm afraid it's affecting my health."

Xander's expression transformed from confusion to a mix of surprise and skepticism. "An allergy to luxury materials?" he repeated, disbelief coloring his tone.

"Yes," I affirmed, my voice steady. "I know it sounds strange, but it's a real condition. The doctors have confirmed it."

He leaned forward, his gaze bemused. "Doctors?"

I nodded, pushing forward with my narrative with my eyes widening earnestly. "Yes, it's a real condition. I've been researching it online, and apparently, it's quite common among people who suddenly find themselves surrounded by excessive wealth and luxury. It's like an allergic reaction to extravagance."

Xander leaned back in his chair, a smile playing on his lips. "And what kind of symptoms are you experiencing?"

I took a deep breath and launched into a list with exaggerated seriousness. "Uh, dizziness when I sit on plush sofas, nausea when I'm near crystal chandeliers, and I break out in hives when I touch anything made of gold. It's truly debilitating."

Xander's amusement was evident in his eyes as he studied me. "I see. And what's your proposed solution?"

I gushed. "Let me go"

He arched his brows at my esthuasim and I quickly resume my weak and tired tone. "Uhmn.. I mean, let me go. I-I don't think I can last another day here"

He was staring at my figure for a while in silence with his fingertips tapping on the surface of the table. "You look alright to me"

"Oh.. I'm not"

I uttered, making my eyes to twitch in a way that made me seem like I wanted to faint as my hands rose to my forehead. "You see"

I gritted at him. He nodded his head, at my statement. "You're case is understandable"


I resisted a smirk at the path the discussion was going down to, until, he uttered into the atmosphere. "I should get nurses into this house to look after you then"

My eyes bulged out in horror as he added. "Or shall I move you to an hospital?"

"You can then spend days there to recuperate, I think by—"

"No.. no… no…"

I cut in and yet, he still chose to finish his statement. "I wanted to say a whole month. You would be alright, uh? You are my wife you need delicate care"

I eyed his suggestions with a tightened jaw. "Or… you could just let me go!"

I gritted vehemently and he rose his both eyebrows to me, something inside his eyes. It caused me to behavior properly on an instant.

I cleared my throat, casting him a nervous grin and uttering very softly and in a lady-like manner. "Could you please consider releasing me?"

Behind my mind's eye, I contemplated on kicking him in where the sun don't shine and then taking the run for it. "Did you hear me?"

He uttered and I gasped, jerking out of the thoughts in my head only to see that I was wearing an evil smirk and he was eying it. I quickly took it off my face.

No… patience was key.

He squinted his grey eyes at my figure. "I said that if I let you go, where are you heading to?"

"My house of cause"

He nodded dismissively. "Well then. There's no point as this place is also your house"

I frowned. "I don't own it. how is it mine?"

"So you want me to buy you a house?"

I groaned. Rich people were so tiring it's like as if they had their own different English. When did I say that now?

"What I'm saying is…"

I paused looking at him. "Since you love to keep me hostage, how about considering something else?"

"And that is?"

I leaned in, my voice lowering mischievously. "Well, I was hoping we could work together to set up an 'allergy-friendly' escape route. You know, a pathway that's devoid of all these luxurious materials so that I can move around the mansion without discomfort."

Xander's chuckles before he can contain them. "You want me to create a luxury-free escape route?"

I noded, trying to keep a straight face. "Exactly. It's the only way I can stay here without constantly feeling sick."

Xander's amusement lingered, but his tone became more serious. "You do realize that this is an absurd request, right?"

I feigned disappointment, my eyes downcast. "I thought you might understand, Xander. It's really difficult for me to cope with all this extravagance."

He leaned forward, his gaze locked onto mine. "I'm sorry, but I can't accommodate that request. The mansion is what it is, and it's not practical to create an 'allergy-friendly' escape route."

Xander's eyes held mine for a long moment, and I could practically see the wheels turning in his mind. Finally, he sighed, shaking his head slightly. "You're quite the actress, aren't you?"

He stood up, his posture upright as he addressed me. "But let me be clear – I'm off to work now, but I won't be gone for long. And don't think for a moment that you can escape.

"There are eyes everywhere in this house."

I met his gaze with gritted teeth. "Right. You keep me in your house and then leave me all alone"

His gaze softened. "I won't be long"

He promised and I looked away from him. He made a little sigh before, he turned and walked down, leaving me alone in the dining room. As the door closed behind him, I let out a shaky breath, wondering if I could ever get out of here.

But no matter what, I wasn't going to give in. Three words. THIS