
The Centurion ( 2010)

A reimagination of 2010 movie ( Centurion ) with some added elements and bonus bits and pieces. Heads up Dear readers. There will be no harem, no systems, and mc is not op nor a billion iq genius the mc will make mistakes and dumb choices now and again. and tho plot will be close to the original especially in the beginning, there will be some tweaks so don't be too bummed out when you find it not 100% following the movie version. if that's cool then please do enjoy

RoyalAlpaca_1 · 映画
5 Chs

chapter 2


{Location: YORK - Garrison of The Ninth Legion}

Inside the garrison's local tavern, chanting and cheering could be heard, coming from roman soldiers, workers and whores alike.


what was all this chanting and cheering for? Who is Virilus? the answer is simple. Everyone is cheering for the arm-wrestling match currently taking place in the center of the tavern, and Virilus is the nine-game win streak contender, also a soldier by the looks of his leather armor and the pristine sword firmly strapped to his hip.

" Wooooooooooo"

"You go Virilus"

"I'll win big gambling on this guy, I'll be rich."

As the match progressed, many observers made comments and bets, while others cheered and laughed while drinking from cups filled with ale. The match was fun to watch, especially since Virilus proved to be a pro at the game hence the previous nine wins. so, the tenth win for Virilus and loss for the other guy was inevitable.

" WOOOOOOOOOO, the win goes to Virilus "

The crowd cheered and announced the soldiers win once again. Some who betted on virilus won big and celebrated with another cup of ale, while those who dared to bet on the other guy was left sour and bitter.

" That was fun, now we! the ninth celebrate our victory. Bring us your best ale and women, tonight we spend big. HAHA! "

Virilus said with a smile. followed by a short bout of laughter. he then began to move towards his fellow comrades to celebrate their win but was soon stopped by the shout of a scorned and bitter man. who we know as the ten-streak loser.


he said with partially red eyes and anger in his tone. causing Virilus to look back with a smile.

"ENOUGH! you put up a good fight, now you drink with me. Septus, my good man get us more ale."

Virilus stated while warmly patting the man's cheek as a sign of friendship, before receiving another cup of ale from his friend Septus and placing the cup in front of the man, who was having none of it and violently slapped the cup across the tavern the moment it hit the table.

" Again Virilus"

The loser demanded. causing Virilus to lose some of the warmth in his smile before declaring.

"You're a drunk. An ugly drunk"

Causing the crowd to burst out in laughter. Virilus then began walking away with Septus but was again stopped, this time by the sound of the loser's dagger piercing the table, silencing the crowd.

"And not too bright."

Septus chimed in.

"Isn't ten times enough to know when you're beaten?"

Virilus said with a sigh, now losing the warmth his smile possessed completely. As for the crowd they could only awkwardly chuckle at the situation.


The loser screamed while gesturing at Virilus to continue.


Virilus said in exasperation, before turning to Septus and stating.

"Septus you're ruling.... And watch my flank."

With that last piece piece being whispered. Virilus once again sat down and clutched the man's hand. and once again the crowd began to cheer his name, and people made their bets, those who lost before tried again and like before dared to bet on the loser. they then proceeded on with the match. And like the other ten matches, no matter how much the loser struggled to win, no matter how much he screamed in a rage, no matter how much his friends cheered him on and prayed to the gods that he wins....

The outcome was the same, he lost yet again. With his arm tired and sore, his body sweaty and rank, and his mind completely blinded by rage and humiliation his desperate eyes drifted toward the dagger that was beside his sore arm. All he had to do was cut the throat of this bastard Virilus and his honor would be restored, and his money would once more find its home in his pockets.

As things would have it though Virilus noticed the man's gaze as well and without any hesitation, while still grasping onto the loser's arm, He grabbed the man's dagger out of the table and plunged it through the guy's arm piercing bone and pinning the arm to the table. Not satisfied with just that he grabbed the man by the pathetic thing he called a head, since he was most obviously not using it, and smashed into the hard wooden table.


The sound of the man's skull cracking echoed throughout the tavern silencing everyone. A few of the older and wiser drinkers there immediately took their winnings and fled not wanting to see the mess that would soon unfold. Those who stayed was not as wise, as for the gamblers who lost all of their earnings and the buddies of the idiot who got beat to shit. They figured it was a wise choice to step up to virilus and his fellow soldiers.

" You killed him piece of shit!"

One of them said.

" Don't look at me he was a dumbass, and sore loser, he won his prize"

Virilus said while staring down those who dared to pick a fight, along with his comrades who got up themselves. some picked up chairs, others bared their teeth while some simply clenched fists. Virilus then gave Septus a look, who then spoke.

"What are you waiting for, an order? GET STUCK IN THERE!"

The soldiers and men began to fight, and a brutal brawl ensued. The winners of said brawl was obvious, The soldiers.

{Location: York Barracks}

On an already cold morning a man could be seen in the barracks with his head deep in a barrel of water, after a moment the man pulled his head out and took a breath of fresh air and spoke.

"Phew that'll sober a man up quick! by the way Septus when will people learn not to fuck with the Ninth?"

virilus said to Septus who pulled out a tooth and was tending to his own wounds, and then spoke.

"You know Virilus some say its irregular for you to be seen drinking with the men pf the legion"

Virilus smiled.

"Septus, my old friend, they forget. I am of the legion"

he said while drinking gurgling some water to dislodge the dried blood in his throat and spitting it out. While he was doing this, he didn't notice a young man on a horse looking down on him. who sneered at him and spoke to him.

" Soldier have you been fighting?"

" Fighting is my job, son,"

" I'm no son of yours you fool; I have a message for your general. Now point me in his direction before i have you flogged."

' Ah another prick'

Virilus and Septus thought. Fed up, virilus rolled his eyes and spoke to the man child.

" Who are you?"

"I'm personal envoy of Governor Agricola. Now where is your general?"

the man said with pride while raising his head up just a bit.

"Well then... BOY I suggest you get down off that fucking horse and give me your message, BEFORE I HAVE YOU FLOGGED!!"

Taking Virilus's words as a cue Septus spoke. "General, sir! it would be my pleasure." The envoy, scared shitless leapt off the horse and onto his knees before promptly handing the general a letter. and trying to apologize.

" Sorry, General, sir..."

"Shut the fuck up. return to Agricola at once. Tell him we rode out within the hour. Now get the hell out of my face."

"Yes General"

The man squeaked out before jumping on the horse and Cowardly fleeing from further embarrassment.

A chuckling Septus was quickly stopped by Virilus's next words.

"All leave is cancelled. Alert the senior legates to break camp and prepare the men. Agricola is mobilizing the Ninth.... Where going to War Septus."

'GOD DAMN IT. Here we go again with this bullshit'

Thought Septus. Though clearly displeased by his mannerisms could only follow his general's orders and do what he was told. "Yes sir" and went on with his business. leaving General Virilus alone to himself for a while. Who was displeased as well.

' SHIT!'

Virilus thought.

Hey folks heres another chap, pls do enjoy. for those who might not have watched the movie and are confused Dias is the mc and youll see him soon enough. now im tired so gn ill see yall later. much love.

RoyalAlpaca_1creators' thoughts