
The Card Apprentice

This is both a work of science fiction and an exploration of the meaning of life, love, literature and art. Brainpower is no longer the main ingredient for being human in this far distant future world. Spirituality, physical balance, and diligence all come together as integrity for Chen Mu, the Card Apprentice. The cards which Chen Mu masters in his own scrappy way, distill all the powers of the cosmos – human and nonhuman – into something that is not a book, not technology, and neither art nor magic, but is these and more. Learn about these strange cards, which can embody everything you might imagine for the future of technology, but also a future beyond technology which promotes the best, and sometimes the worst, from mankind’s past.

Fang Xiang · SF
611 Chs


翻訳者: Nyoi-Bo Studio 編集者: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Chen Mu looked around his apartment to be sure that there wasn't anything offensive or that would draw someone's attention before he turned around and opened the door. It seemed strange to him to have someone come look for him at that time.

When he opened the door, a very eye-catching bald head was the first thing he saw. It was Ning Peng, which surprised Chen Mu somewhat, causing him to immediately put up his guard. Apart from seeing Ning Peng the first day, he had never seen the general manager of the building. And since he'd come together with Ning Yan this time, something must certainly be up.

"What's up?" Chen Mu asked.

Ning Yan was dressed in sharp contrast to the spitfire look she had last time. Her devilish figure was wrapped tightly in work clothes, must more serious than the last time, with only that slightly open neckline to hook someone with its silky seductive sexy hint.