
The Broken Bonds

Eeyolian is a young child who saw her house burned, her world destroyed, and her family killed. She was left to travel the expanse of a deathly land alone, and though she was not alone, she felt lonely. In a cruel twist of fate, she found herself hiding within the very land that destroyed everything she once called home. As she explores her new reality, she meets Noah, and over the years, they become friends, and she also grows curious about everything he represents. However, along the way, they share the same existential crisis. they are tiny, tiny people in a massive, uncaring, indifferent world. The Broken Bonds is not about futility but a mystery. how is someone like Eeyolian carry on forward, not only invest in others but to keep shouldering more and more burdens on top of her own?

I_K2ut · ファンタジー
31 Chs

Reflection and Preparations

Eeyolian POV

I opened my eyes this morning feeling tired and refreshed at the same time, tired from all the events of the previous day and the fact that I barely slept due to my overthinking about what decision Noe is having a hard time making, and refreshed because this is the first day since me and him got back to our old days.

I couldn't hide the smile from my face.

I got up from my bed and went to the window to open it. It was still dark, and the sun had not yet appeared on the horizon.

'it's still early.'

I went to the bathroom to take my morning shower. Today I have more things to do than usual. First, I have to fulfill Noe's strange request, and then I have training in Mr. Garrett's castle.

For the past two years, I've been training there with his kids about Aether Principals. It's not like I need that; I already have all the knowledge I need, which I brought with me. But here, I don't know anything like any commoner, so I need this; I need a cover.

Although the empire's training methods are different from where I come from, they are similar enough to explain my unusual progress in these two years.

Here in the Empire, the public has access to information that should be kept secret due to its danger to the individual. I've read some of those books. and if they don't help you, they will certainly drag you back.

I couldn't help but think, How could the empire become such a powerful nation with such a mentality?

Maybe that's what makes them stronger.

Compared to the knowledge I have, I don't need the Empire's help; what I need is a cover, like the Borderward Family. It's not like I don't know what they're planning, but that doesn't matter. Plans don't usually end up as planned if the other party knows their contents.

That's why I kept hugging Noe yesterday in front of the porter.

I wonder what kind of rumors are going around around us in the castle. I was almost excited to see their reaction. Will they act carefully? What kind of questions will they ask? How will they even broach the subject?

Well, I just hope what I'm thinking of works.

Yes, I had to change my plans. Before, I had a plan ready, but the main party in it, Noe, did not awaken, so I was forced to make changes. Even my current one requires Noe's presence, but I do not think it would be more effective compared to what I had before.

'I have to work with what I have.'

If Noe had Awakened, would I have shared this knowledge I had with him? I knew the answer, I probably would have; it would have made everything easy.

After I finished my shower, I went out with a towel around my chest towards my room. The sun was casting its light into my room through the window. I took off the towel and let it fall to the floor as I stood for a while under the warm sunlight on my skin.

After a minute or two, I headed to my closet.

Since today was a training day, I just put on my training clothes right away. much easier and suits my mood.

I wore a dark red shirt with an elegant black pattern, which not only wrapped around my body but also highlighted the curve of my neck, drawing attention to my slim figure.

The shirt sticks to my body for better smooth movement and to prevent my breasts from moving violently with each step I take. The down side is that it emphasizes their fullness.

I wore tight bracelets on my arms, decorating my smooth and round shoulders and improving my discipline and the beauty of my movements.

The ribbon hanging from my tight waist highlights the graceful curves of my figure, adding to the attractiveness of my feminine form.

I also wore knee-high boots that anchored me to the ground for smoother and easier movement, complementing the rhythm of my feet and my feminine charm with every step.

The tight black pants clung to my legs like a second skin, highlighting my slender, natural features with every movement and making it easier to move because wearing loose pants could be immeasurably uncomfortable.

Every aspect of the outfit, from the intricate black patterns to the sleek dark black pants, is evidence that appearances can be deceiving and beauty can be fatal, or so I like to think.

But that doesn't change the fact that I'm going to have a great time today.

I left my room; I did not go directly to Noe's room. Although the sun had started casting its warmth on the world, it was not time to wake up yet. I went downstairs; no one was there. I took a breath of relief. Yesterday, I was barely able to avoid Mrs. Aeliana's endless questions.

I walked out the front door towards the front garden.

I was going to do some warming up. Usually, I go directly to the castle without eating breakfast here. I have it there with the Borderward family, but today I wanted to spend that period of time here, even though the castle is about an hour away, but I can arrive in a quarter of an hour if I make a little effort.

For a while, I was doing some warm-up exercises. Suddenly, I felt a pair of eyes watching me from upstairs.

I raised my head. Noe was staring at me with an unusually expressionless face.

When our eyes met, he gave me a gentle smile.

'I didn't get the chance to do what he asked me to, but that's okay; there are more days to come.'

He waved at me to continue warming up; I did so, but unexpectedly, he stayed there to watch. Well, I can't blame him.

I smiled to myself.

After a while, I lay down on the green grass to catch my breath. Noe was still standing at his window, smiling at me.

Curious about this, I rose from the ground to my feet and jumped straight to the second floor, towards his window. He could not hide the surprise from his eyes, but he quickly regained his calm.

He stared at my figure for a while, especially my chest and hips, not seeming to care whether I was aware of his gaze or not.

"Well, take your time; I will just stay hanging on the window until you finish, ... and let me know if you have any special requests."

He gave me a playful smile and said,.

"....Oh, how generous! Thanks in advance."

After an unexpected 10 seconds, he finally made room for me to come in, and I did.

Before I had a chance to ask any questions or make fun of him, he asked me a question.

"Will you stay for breakfast today?"

I gave him a playful smile.

"Yes, I will."

He let out a sigh and said,.

"Whatever you plan, ...be careful."

Well, he's not stupid after all; he knows that my actions have a specific purpose.

"Do not worry about me."

I answered indifferently,

But he gave me a serious look.

"I'm not just worried about you."

This is logical, but I am not stupid enough to make decisions that affect the people I love, but I didn't have a choice from the beginning. To become stronger and protect those I love, I have to protect myself first, and to do this, I cannot avoid some risks.

'But I will do what I can.'

I looked around the room, my attention drawn to his desk under the window.

"Have you finished reading these books? You didn't get any sleep tonight?". I said with an angry tone.

He looked in the opposite direction and said in a whispering voice,

"I slept for a few hours."

But how many hours, compared to me, he need to sleep? Why does he push himself so much? I glanced at the books; I couldn't hide the look of contempt on my face.

"You read them, ... they're full of shit."

He said in a cheerful voice, as if he found something funny.

He took a deep breath and said angrily.

"I wanted to find some truth in the lie, but what I was met with is more sh*t than I can handle."

Well, that's obvious; every word in these books is a lie.

"Do you want me to take them back? ... I'm heading there anyway."

He gave me a playful smile and said in the same tone.

"Why the rush? There are still two more days. Will I miss the opportunity to see my glorious lord..."

I felt a sinister smile spontaneously form between my lips.

Damn, I love the way he thinks. Maybe that's why I was drawn to him in my first days here. At first, I had no thoughts about making friends in this cursed land, but he appeared in front of me.

I still remember the first day. He looked at me like I was a lesser being than him. and I just wanted to tear his head off. To my defense, I was still angry; all I wanted back then was to kill something. but over time I came to know him, and now he's my best friend.

"I will take them tomorrow. I am looking forward to seeing the Borderward family. ...it has been a while."

So he will come tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it too. I thought today would be exciting, but tomorrow turned out to be even more thrilling.

My gaze stayed on Noe for a while, wondering what had changed.

'A lot has changed, indeed.'