Various one shots Harry's various naughty adventures(or misadventures, depending on your angle), with women. Not for children. 1 to 350 is the main story =============== Just upload here {[]}
Well here begins the official inclusion of the Wild Card chapters. Well technically, last chapter was the official start, but it came up as Harry Potter in the entirely complicated way I decide these things. Anyway, enjoy, or don't.
A rumbling sound echoed in the distance. A hideous creature guarded the edge of the temple. All who had tried to get past it to get the treasure inside had been slain. The treasure laid in the dominion of a sorcerer who intended to use this particular magical artifact to enslave the people and bring a new age of darkness to the kingdom.
A statuesque blonde dressed in green stepped into the picture. She dressed in a lacy tied up green garment and tight silver pants. Her soft face was a contrast to the intensity blazing through her eyes. The woman slung a quiver over her shoulder and a bow in her hand.
"No more, no more will suffer," the woman said. "This will end tonight. Your master will fall, and you along with him."
The creature responded with a loud growl. The archer loaded her bow and fired the arrow. The arrow caught him directly between the eyes. One shot with the arrow only served to enrage the beast.
Several more arrows unloaded into the creature's chest. They were designed to drop him to the ground, but instead, the creature remained standing on his feet, blood dripping down from his chest.
A flash of light appeared over the archer's head. Her eyes opened when a striking young man fell from the ceiling at her feet. He dressed in a black uniform with the slight hints of silver. His green eyes distinguished him the most with an unruly head of black hair which one could run their fingers through for a long time. The lighting bolt mark on his forehead had some significance. He strapped a sword over his back, which the archer could tell was more for show than anything.
The visitor opened his palm and fired a blast of light towards the creature. The creature dropped down onto the ground and howled.
"His weak spot is the right side of his neck," the traveler said. "Do you think you can hit it?"
"Yes," the archer said, aiming back her bow.
One arrow fired the right side of his neck and the creature howled in agony. The enchantment which bound him to this location had been compromised by the arrival.
"It's inside, isn't it?" the traveler asked.
The archer responded with a nod and watched the creature vanished from the realm. Rushing inside, she snatched the item out of the box.
"The key, it's here, he had it," she said.
"An army will be sent, you've triggered the enchantments," the traveler said. "You need to leave."
"I will see him dead," the archer said. "Even if it means my demise"
The army approached and they were in great numbers.
"Your demise isn't something I'm willing to do after if I saved you," he said. "And I'll save you one more time."
The archer braced herself for a fight, but it did not come. The army stopped outside.
"I have shielded this place from the eyes of your enemy….." the handsome traveler said. "Even if I do not know his name, I know he is of great power."
"Mordath," the woman said, great venom dripping from her voice.
"Yes, I can tell you have a history," he said.
"History, he killed my family, he killed others which held dear to me, and if I perish, I hope to take him with me," she said.
"Yes, a suicidal attitude, it's a common virtue of the noblest warriors….Miss….."
The noble young man left the name dropped. The archer smiled when she looked at him.
"Arwyn, my name is Arwyn, I was once one of the Royal Archers," the woman said.
The sound of the army had been replaced by the sound of a storm. It looked like unless the army discontinued their search immediately. Given the dangerous man they worked for, neither held any love loss.
"Arwyn, it's a beautiful name," he said. "Fitting for the woman it belongs to."
The woman smiled when she looked him over. The gentleman looked like he took care of himself.
"And who you are…noble knight?" she asked with a smile crossing her face.
The savior chuckled in response. To be honest, he had been called a lot in his day. Noble knight was quite frankly a new one.
"I wouldn't call myself a knight, more like a humble traveler, who is drawn to women in peril," he said.
Arwyn folded her arms underneath her chest which did a good job in enhancing it. Something about his aura seemed enchanting to her. She drank him in like a rare wine.
"I was not in peril, the situation would have been…dealt with, had you not intervened," Arywn said. "But, I do thank you for assisting me and for…misdirecting Mordath's followers….and again, I do not have your name, so I cannot properly thank you."
"Harry Potter," he said.
"Yes, a name worthy of nobility," she said. "You sound like someone who would be a resident of this realm, but yet, you are not around here."
"I'm a traveler, I walk amongst worlds," Harry said. "I seek out the most beautiful of all of the creatures in the universe."
"And these are?"
"Women," Harry said.
Arwyn heard his self-assured voice. His eyes locked onto her face, never studying her body, but he didn't need to. Once glance into his eyes told her all she needed to know.
"And I've been drawn here by your plight," Harry said. "And trust me when I say I've been in your position. Lost friends, family, all because of an evil dark wizard who would have liked to see the world burn. But in the end, you always find another reason to fight. You find another reason to get out of bed another day."
"I'm finding it difficult," Arwyn said. "And I thank you for your help, Harry Potter, but I must be departing."
Arwyn found her self-control waver the longer she stood here in this place. The thoughts of what might happen to her, because of him haunted her mind and her thoughts.
"You shouldn't leave, noble archer," Harry said. "The storm is not fit."
"I will brave it."
Arwyn stepped closer outside, but took one look at the storm. A hideous wind and snowfall kicked up outside in the place. The temperature dropped several degrees and was dropping once again. She would not be able to make it to the edge of the village by nightfall, much less make it back home.
"We better find wood to start a fire, then," Harry said. "Because, we're in for a long night."
"I'm afraid a fire would be out of the realm of possibility," Arywn said. "The wood in this forest, it burns cold…even if there is some in the sitting area."
Harry walked out and picked up a chunk of wood in his hand. Arwyn sat down on the couch and rubbed her hands together in an attempt to gain friction.
"You're right," Harry said, after testing starting a fire. The embers flickered and the flames crashed. "Maybe I should try a warming charm?"
Arywn blinked and could feel the frigid chill spread through her body even more. The young man raised his hand and performed the spell.
"Anything?" Harry asked.
"Still nothing," Arwyn said. "It was a powerful bit of magic, but the ancient runes buried deep within this village has prevented you from generating any warmth. Mordoth uses them to keep us weak and cold…no doubt he has devised a way to counteract them."
"It seems to be the case."
Arwyn looked at the traveler. Her eyebrow raised at his lack of reaction.
"Aren't you cold?" Arwyn asked.
"No, I'm not as cold…but I've trained myself to resist cold temperatures," Harry said.
Arwyn could feel a chill go across her body. There had to be some clothes around here. The search of the archer was fruitless and the temperature around here seemed to drop. Soon, it would be unbearable. She needed to keep moving.
"There's one way where we could generate heat," Harry said. He placed his hand on her shoulder.
Arwyn turned around. The archer's beautiful face contorted into a smile. He was rather handsome and she was rather cold. And it had been a long time since she had intimate contact with a male.
"Please, I'm cold."
"Let me warm you up."
The two touched together, their lips meeting into a passionate kiss. Arwyn could feel his warm lips touching her chilled ones and something spread through her body. The archer's shapely hips pushed forward and touched her hips towards Harry's pelvis.
Harry wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight into him. The archer's shapely and firm breasts pressed against him. Arwyn made a moaning sound, when Harry ran his hands all over her body generating friction.
For a few seconds, Harry recognized reluctance. Then he recognized compliance with the necessity. It was in his nature to help women in need, and this women would freeze to death.
"Are you feeling warmer now?" Harry asked, kissing her on the side of the neck.
"Yes," Arwyn said. She pushed her hips towards him, smiling. "Share all of your heat with me, noble traveler."
The archer fumbled with the clasp of his uniform and pulled down the bottom of it. Arwyn let out a startled gasp when his thick manhood revealed itself towards her. She drooled when seeing it.
"We need to be on even ground for this to work," Harry said.
"Take my pants off, but keep rubbing against me," Arwyn said. Her breasts swelled and fell against her top.
Harry did as she asked him. The archer rotated her hips against Harry's when her pants had been pulled down. Her lacy green panties clung towards her pussy.
"Warm you up a little bit more," Harry said. He touched his fingers between Arwyn's needy lips. She gasped the more Harry played with her dripping slit towards her panties. "It's been a long time for you, hasn't it?"
"More than long enough," Arwyn said.
Harry's right hand cupped and squeezed her ass while his left hand played with her pussy. Both actions caused friction to rise from the beautiful blonde.
"Bed me," she begged him, biting down on her lip. "Make me yours, Harry."
"Looks like you're giving me plenty of heat in return."
Harry cupped her pussy and started to squeeze between her legs. Her panties soaked completely through before Harry removed then. He revealed her pussy with a strip of blonde hair trimmed in the shape of an arrow.
"Cute," Harry said.
"I need you inside me," Arwyn said.
A fantastical need to be stuffed full of this throbbing manhood filled the archer. She wanted him, even if it wasn't necessary for her survival to get fucked by him.
Harry pushed her back against the couch and straddled her hips. He undid her undergarment and smiled.
Arwyn's D-Cup breasts spilled into the air. The young man smiled when he squeezed her gorgeous globes in his hands.
"Don't worry, I'll keep you plenty warm," Harry said. His top was off and he pressed his muscular chest down on her breasts. Her hard nipples pushed into Harry's chest.
Arwyn panted. The powerful visitor's hands cupped and touched her chest. He seemed to hit all of her buttons at once. The archer privately wondered if he was secretly an incubus who had been sent here to steal her soul through sex magic.
'Far worst fates,' Arwyn thought in a lustful haze.
"Are you ready for my cock to be inside you?"
"Yes, make me, make me yours, lover," Arwyn breathed, trying to lift her hips up.
The fact Harry forced her down and made her wait for the end caused her cunt lips to moisten. She wanted him so badly, and the fact he controlled her made her.
Harry pushed his swollen head up against her entrance. The heat the archer generated made him feel really good. Harry pushed himself into her, burying his cock into her.
The first few inches of Harry's cock pushed into her moist center caused Arwyn to lose her mind. Every single inch of his thick tool buried into her moist cunt. The stars she saw were amazing and beyond all recognition. It was like someone had taken her innocence all over again.
"Time for more heat."
Harry stuffed her pussy with a few thrusts. The sounds the woman made were beautiful. He buried himself into her waiting heat which caused Arwyn's breasts to bounce up and down.
"OOOOH, AHHH!" Arwyn yelled.
The archer reached a peak she had not reached in an eternity. The tip of his manhood struck her G-Spot. Her legs locked around him when she clenched.
"You're doing it, you're making me cum!" Arwyn yelled, feeling Harry bend down towards her.
Harry played with her breasts and kept up the effort. He rammed his cock into her at an intense speed. He though for a moment it had been too much, but Arwyn held onto him.
"Destroy me, break me, break my cunt!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.
The proper demeanor faded. Arwyn's hair plastered against her face and pure lust radiated from her eyes. Harry's hands kept exploring pretty much every inch of her body.
"You're cumming, again," Harry said.
Arwyn held onto him, pushing her hips up against him. Her pussy clamped around him and relaxed around his prick. A few more thrusts caused her to rear back her head with a moan.
Harry stopped ramming his cock into her body and pulled out of her. Arwyn whined in agony, having lost her favorite toy. Harry smiled and pulled her up to a sitting position.
He leaned in and dragged her towards him. Arwyn perched herself over Harry's lap. The heat of her love box teased the throbbing staff of the enchanter beneath her. Harry could feel the heat kiss him and wanted to push into her.
Arwyn gained a bit of control and she relished it for a moment.
"I'm going to ride you, and I'm going to give every single last drop out of you," Arwyn said. She cupped his balls when hovering her dripping opening over him.
"Hopefully you can make the shot," Harry said.
Arwyn gave him a sultry smile. The archer pushed her hips over his thick head and brought down onto her hips onto his cock. The archer's hips pushed down onto hip and she kept up the momentum.
"Great ride, oh this is a great ride," Arwyn said, rising her hips up into the air and bringing herself down onto the point of his thick cock.
The archer's tight love box clamped down onto Harry. She generated a lot of each down. She brought her thighs down onto his and his cock deep inside her pussy. The sensation of her tight ass slapped down onto his cock filled balls.
"You're warm enough, but you're fucking me."
"Don't want to lose it."
Harry smiled, he couldn't argue. Arwyn's bouncing breasts taunted Harry, it would be rude to leave them go, leave them keep bouncing in his face without any recourse.
"Mmm," Arwyn breathed, feeling her lover's talented mouth suckling the generous flesh. A tongue swirled around her nipples.
Arwyn could feel his fingers questing on her body. Each of her sensitive spots had been struck with precision. The archer kept bucking her hips down onto Harry's thick manhood. Every single inch of his cock pushed into the depths of her dripping hot cunt.
The pussy contractions brought Harry closer into her. Arwyn sucked him in. Her fit body built for fucking pushed down onto him.
Arwyn kept her stride. Her thighs rubbed against him. The veiny cock rubbed against her velvet walls. The buxom blonde's pussy throbbed at the thought of a lover who was durable enough to match her needs.
"You want me for your collection?" Arwyn said, playfully biting her lover on the neck. "You can have me…if you keep bringing me to ends like this."
Speaking of an end, Arwyn's pussy clenched around him. The archer's eyes met Harry's when he looked up from her breasts. Arwyn attacked his lips with a kiss. A tongue shoved into Harry's mouth and mapped out the insides. Harry returned, pushing his tongue into hers.
The bodies of the two fit lovers melded together with a passionate dance of fury. Their loins became one when pushing back and forth.
"You're going to be mine," Harry said.
"I am yours forever, if you give me the same love," Arwyn panted. "Bed me nightly."
"More than nightly," Harry said.
"Add me to your collection, lover," Arwyn said. "Paint my insides with your strong seed. Our children will be beautiful."
Harry held onto her hips. Her legs wrapped around him to keep him closer, to eliminate the danger of pulling her out.
"This escalated quickly," Harry said.
"Why wait for something worthwhile?" Arwyn asked, feeling him touch her breasts. Her nipples ached and needed more attention and he gave it to her.
Harry's mouth wrapped around her right nipple which seemed to be a bit more responsive then her left.
"No reason," Harry said. Love bites marked the side of Arwyn's neck and her breasts as well. "I want everyone to see I have the most beautiful woman in the realm."
"None but you will see half of where you mark me," Arwyn said. "But it's the thought….."
A nerve racking orgasm fired through the young woman riding his cock. Her legs tightened around him and brought down onto her hips. Arwyn milked the young man.
Harry could tell his end was at near. The seed building would find a new home and into her body.
The first shot of cum inside Arwyn's body caused her to cum once more. Pleasure spiraled through her body. Every fiber of her being, every nerve ending fired to full cylinders.
Harry experienced the familiar sensation of a woman binding to his being. The two shared the tantric energy swelling from Harry when their loins met. More cum shot into Arwyn's stretched snatch and traveled down her birthing cannel.
Arwyn moaned at the sensation of her tight stomach swelling with his cum. Harry's cum started to hit her womb and filled it up completely. Some of the thick creamy fluid oozed from her.
Harry caught Arwyn before she collapsed. The blonde's eyes flickered open with contentment when Harry pressed against her chest.
"You said you look for reasons to live," Arwyn said. "I've found mine."
Harry pressed his lips towards hers.
The whirlwind courtship process aside, Arwyn's confidence swelled.
'This will work nicely,' she said, casually brushing against Harry's cock with her hand. 'Very nicely.'
"The storm doesn't look to be subsiding," she added coyly, with a push of hips into Harry's. "We're going to need to keep the heat going if we're going to sleep the night."
Harry wasn't about to tell Arwyn thanks to the bond they shared, she had a few gifts. Including his immunity fro intense could.
'Something tells me, it wouldn't change a thing.'
Arwyn impaled cunt first down on Harry to ride out this wicked storm. Grabbing onto his newest wife's bouncing breasts, Harry rode out the storm along with the buxom archer.
The End.