
The Boys: Vought Chronicles

Synopsis: Marcus Williams, an ordinary college student and superhero enthusiast, finds himself unexpectedly reborn into the universe of "The Boys" with a unique system that promises him the power of Superman. However, to unlock this ultimate power, he must first complete Saitama's legendary training regimen from "One Punch Man" for two years, which brings unexpected surprises as he regains some hidden memories of his predecessor.Reborn as an 26-year-old in the body of a Vought International staff member, Marcus navigates the dark, dangerous world of corrupt superheroes while secretly training to achieve unparalleled power. As the series' main storyline approaches, Marcus must decide how to use his newfound abilities to influence the world around him.

Zeus_Kratos_3545 · 映画
34 Chs

CHAPTER 25: The Rise of A New Superhero Force

The boardroom of Neotech Industries was abuzz with anticipation. Marcus sat at the head of a sleek glass table, his fingers steepled in front of him, a calm yet commanding presence amid the bustling preparations. The decision he was about to announce would change the landscape of power in their world. To his right sat Wang Ling, his closest confidant and the mastermind behind many of Neotech's technological breakthroughs. To his left were some of the brightest minds he had recruited, a team built not just on intelligence but on a shared vision for a new future.

"Everyone," Marcus began, his voice steady but with an underlying intensity, "we're about to embark on a new chapter for Neotech. One that will place us not just as a leader in technology, but as a protector of humanity."

The room fell silent, all eyes on Marcus. They had been briefed on the potential scope of today's announcement but had not been given the specifics. Marcus liked to keep them guessing, to ensure they were always sharp, always ready to adapt.

"We are forming a superhero agency," he continued, letting the words hang in the air, "one that will operate independently of any government or corporate influence. We will call it 'Sentinel Force.'"

Gasps of surprise rippled through the room. Wang Ling gave a small, approving nod. He had been one of the few briefed on the full extent of Marcus's plans, and he was excited to see it finally come to fruition.

Marcus leaned forward, his eyes scanning the faces around the table. "Sentinel Force will be a beacon of hope and a symbol of strength. Unlike Vought's Seven, our heroes will not be bound by corporate greed or government control. They will be selected for their abilities, yes, but also for their integrity and their dedication to the greater good. We are not just forming a team; we are setting a standard."

A wave of applause spread through the room, though there were still murmurs of concern and doubt. One of the senior board members, a stern woman named Elena Ruiz, raised her hand. "Marcus, forming a superhero agency is an ambitious move, but isn't it risky? We're directly challenging Vought and every other power structure that depends on controlling superheroes. How do we ensure they don't retaliate against us, or worse, our heroes?"

Marcus smiled, anticipating the question. "That's precisely why we're doing this. Vought and others like them have had a monopoly on power for far too long. Their system is corrupt and flawed, built on lies and manipulation. By creating Sentinel Force, we're providing an alternative—a better way. And as for retaliation," he added, his smile fading, "we're ready for it. Neotech isn't just a tech company anymore. We have resources, allies, and most importantly, we have vision. They can come at us if they want, but they'll find we're not so easy to bring down."

Wang Ling interjected, backing Marcus up. "And don't forget, we've got the VR Capsule 3000. The government and the military are practically banging down our doors to get their hands on it. They need us now more than ever. It's leverage, and we're going to use it."

Elena nodded, satisfied for the moment. The rest of the board seemed to follow suit, though Marcus could sense their nervous energy. It wasn't every day a company transitioned from tech innovation to global power player.

Marcus rose from his seat, signaling the end of the meeting. "We'll move forward immediately. I want recruitment underway by the end of the week. Use our existing contacts, and don't be afraid to reach out to those who have been marginalized or overlooked. Sentinel Force will be a diverse team, representing the best of what humanity—and superhumanity—has to offer."

As the board members filed out, Marcus turned to Wang. "How's the press conference coming along? I want this to hit the world like a tidal wave."

Wang grinned. "Already in motion. We've got all the major networks lined up, and I've arranged for a few surprises. By the time we're done, everyone will know Neotech isn't just another tech company."

Marcus nodded, satisfied. "Good. And make sure the government gets a special briefing on the VR Capsule's military applications. I want them so invested in us that they can't afford to turn against us, no matter what Vought tries."

"Consider it done," Wang replied. "And what about the heroes we're recruiting? Any specific qualities you're looking for?"

Marcus thought for a moment. "Loyalty, above all. But also a willingness to challenge the status quo. We don't need a bunch of yes-men. We need people who believe in what we're doing and who aren't afraid to stand up for it."

Wang nodded, understanding. "I'll get the word out. We'll find the right people."

As Wang left the room to make preparations, Marcus turned his gaze to the large window overlooking the city. New York was a battleground, a place where power and ambition collided daily. But it was also a city of opportunity, a city that thrived on reinvention. He felt a surge of determination. Vought had controlled the narrative for far too long. It was time for a new story—a new order.


The news of Neotech's new superhero agency spread like wildfire, dominating headlines and social media feeds. The reaction was mixed—some hailed it as a bold move toward a brighter future, while others questioned the motivations behind it. But one thing was clear: Marcus had captured the world's attention.

In Washington, the military brass was buzzing with discussions. The VR Capsule 3000 was revolutionary, offering training simulations that were lifelike and incredibly effective. The possibilities for preparing soldiers for combat without risking lives were enormous. And Marcus's timing was impeccable. He had strategically tied the capsule's release to the announcement of Sentinel Force, creating a situation where the government's desire for the tech outweighed any reservations they might have about a new superhero agency.

Meanwhile, at Vought Tower, the atmosphere was tense. Homelander's fury was palpable as he paced back and forth in a private conference room, his blue eyes flashing with anger. The announcement had blindsided them. Vought had always been the premier authority on superheroes, and now Marcus was threatening to undermine everything they had built.

Ashley, the PR manager, was frantically scribbling notes, trying to keep up with Homelander's rapid-fire demands. "We need to discredit him, now!" Homelander shouted, his voice echoing off the walls. "We need to show the world that Sentinel Force is a joke, a cheap knockoff of the Seven."

Ashley nodded, trying to keep her composure. "We're already working on it. We've got a few hit pieces lined up, suggesting that Neotech is overstepping its bounds, trying to become a global police force without any oversight."

Homelander glared at her, unimpressed. "Not good enough. I want people scared of them. I want them to think Marcus is just another power-hungry freak, using his powers to control people. And I want it now!"

Ashley gulped, nodding again. "Understood, sir. We'll ramp up the efforts."

As Ashley hurried out of the room to execute the new orders, Homelander turned to the screen on the wall, which displayed a live feed of Marcus addressing the press in New York. He watched as Marcus spoke confidently, laying out his vision for a world where superheroes weren't just tools of corporate interests but true protectors of humanity.

Homelander's fists clenched, his knuckles turning white. "You think you can just waltz in and take over, huh? We'll see about that."

Back in New York, Marcus wrapped up his press conference, a smile playing on his lips as the crowd applauded. He knew this was only the beginning. Sentinel Force was a bold move, one that would undoubtedly draw fire from all sides. But he was ready. The old rules didn't apply anymore, and he was going to make sure everyone knew it.

As the applause died down, Marcus felt a familiar twinge in the back of his mind, a sign that his powers were still evolving. His telekinesis had grown stronger since his last battle with Homelander, and he had been training relentlessly to master it. He knew he would need every advantage in the battles to come.

He glanced at Wang, who gave him a nod of approval. They had done it. They had taken the first step toward a new world order, one where power was not wielded by a select few but shared among those who had the courage to stand up for what was right.

As he left the stage, Marcus felt a sense of purpose like never before. The path ahead was dangerous, but he was no longer afraid. He was ready to face whatever challenges lay in his way, and he would not be stopped. Not by Vought, not by Homelander, not by anyone.

The game had changed, and Marcus was playing to win.