
The Boys Group Chat

Have you ever wondered what boys do with just boys? I bet you can’t fathom the weirdest, craziest, and most awkward things that are said in a group chat full of boys. In the university world, REMEMBER girls can be illogical but men can be trash too. There is no winner. But that’s why it’s called the ‘GAME’. The story is set on Lucky, Dai, Genkei, Nerdy & Kaito who all have their eyes set on their target. Each target is a girl they’re after. Enjoy the romantic-comedic adventures of cringe pick-up lines, funny-relatable dates, and awkward heartbreaks that the boys will have to get through to win their targets. Will the boys know how to play the game or will they be outplayed by the girls? P.S. Anything that is said in the group chat, stays in the group chat… especially if it’s about the girl you like. WARNING: Everything is purely comdey so please don't be offended... I REPEAT IT'S JUST A JOKE!

Nana5ifth_ · 現実
17 Chs

Chapter 1: Introducing the weirdos… I guess (1)

"Oops not her, she looks like she eats a lot so who's forcing her to eat apples- no- my bad- that's apple pie, that counts."

While at a university campus party, first-year student Lucky Itsuki examines the girls but not one has caught his eye.

"Not her too, she eats too little, so how come she's eating a burg- never mind is just a veggie burger."

You may think Lucky is rude but is kind of far from that. The boy is too innocent and honest that he just says what he sees.


Oho? something has caught Lucky's attention.

"Ooouuu who's that girl?"

He seems to be interested in what he's seeing, as his eyes gaze at-at… at a boy?

"That's a TRA-"

O-OKAY! THAT'S ENOUGH OF LUCKY, HEHE, maybe he has a bit of a vulgar tongue but I promise you he's sweet and looks adorable… on the inside.

While he continues to look for other girls, four other boys at the party are doing the same thing as Lucky.

"Kyyaaahhh! Ohhh my gyasshh! U serious gyalfriend!? If I was u gyal I would've just dumped his ass!"

Smacking his lips which are flooded with red lipstick as he waves his fake, long acrylic nails to the group of girls, Dai Hagimoto is dressed up as a girl himself.


Please don't ask me why he's done this…I'm just the narrator.

"' So waz your name gyalfriend?' My name is Daisume and I feel like I will become your new BFF!!! 'boyfriend- I MEAN BEST FRIEND FOREVER!!'"

Breaking a cold sweat as he almost mumbled the wrong words, Dai was able to still keep his composure, and his mumble of words worked in his favour as the pretty girl within the group whom he was trying to please; Asuka Nishikawa who has long, curly violet hair which the left side is braided and cute black eyes giggled, finding Dai funny.

"You're really funny and nice to meet you Daisume. My name is Asuka Nishikawa and I also feel like there is potential for us to be best friends too." Asuka shows a friendly gesture to Dai.

"G to the U to the R to the L, what's that spelt… GUUURLPOWER!!!!" Dai chants with a high-pitch tone like a sassy cheerleader snapping its fingers around.


Sorry readers, I had to spit after Dai leaving a bad taste in my mouth…

Now onto the next boy…

A man who embodied the term "dapper" stood out among the crowd. He was surrounded by dozens of dudes who looked up to him because he radiated an air of badassness and wealth. You may know him as Genkei Watanabe. Don't forget it!

"Hey Genkei, please tell us more of your stories." A random guy asks in awe.

"Don't just ask, but beg me to tell you as your life depends on it." Genkei arrogantly flaunts.

"Aww come on man!" another random guy whines.

"What's going on here?" a guy with a hat comes by.

"HUH?! Don't tell me you came here without knowing who this man is?" another random guy replies in shock.

"He's Genkei, the man who dated a hundred girls without even getting caught once!" the fifth random guy yells.

"He also slept with a 35-year-old woman and got so far as to get her to divorce from her 15-year marriage. The woman had 11 kids and to make it even worse… he did it with her when she was pregnant with her ex-husband!"

The supporting cast of strange guys yells out Genkei's name, causing the other men in the room to gasp.

"Not only that but he's soo smooth with his words that one time, a guy nearly fell in love with him-

"I NEVER SAID THAT!" Genkei quickly rebuked such a comment.

"Woahh, he's such a legend!" a random guy said with amazement.

"He's the definition of 'The Game'." Mentioned by a random guy.

"What do you mean? He is 'The Game?'." The random guy with the hat replied.

"Huh? Are we all just gonna pretend that we didn't hear that statement about Genkei making guys fall for him?" as one unimportant individual remembered the last thing uttered about Genkei.

" 'The Game' according to the urban dictionary is a term which means attracting the opposite sex, usually perpetrated by men, in which they must convince girls they desire to like, date, or sleep with them. Once this is achieved, 'The Game' is implemented." A random guy explained.

"Wow... but doesn't that make Genkei a bad guy for treating women like a game or hurting other guys by taking their girls?" The random guy with the hat asks further questions because he wants to learn more.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game" a random guy butts in.

"But I'm afraid all his legendary stories have come to an end." A random guy's head hung low in sadness.

"Huh?! Why?! Did he finally get a true girlfriend?!" the guy with the hat was feeling worried.

"No… no one knows the real reason but Genkei has retired from 'The Game' in other words, he has hung his boots." The random guy explains.


As they stated together, all the boys in the crowd got down on one knee. Tears slowly fell from the guy with the hat, as hearing such a legend meeting such a twisted fate.

"What a legend man! I wish I knew him from before! His stories must live on! How do you guys know of all this stuff about him!" the guy with the hat is filled with last hope.

"No one else but Genkei himself." Someone else randomly responds.

The boys' eyes were shining with admiration as they looked up to Genkei, whom they all stared at.

"Hey, Gen- I mean Master Genkei, do you really have to retire?!" the random guy in the hat stresses.

Genkei glares back at him but chooses not to answer.


O…kay? Erm… this just got weird… erm… see you in the next chapter I guess?