
the Boy That Smiles

There was a boy who saw a world full of sadness, a world where everyone was the same. However, this boy wanted to be different. To be something that others would think is unique. And so he smiled. This is the story of a boy who never stops smiling, no matter the circumstances. A wish granted. A different world with a story to be told. Find out what happens when a sadistic boy with the power of manipulation enters a world filled with peace and balance in this novel, The Boy That Smiles.

Inflameous · ファンタジー
14 Chs

The Wish?

Chapter 2

** The Boy POV**

Going into my school five days after the gang suspicion, there were no new things to try. Everyone was nervous or scared that they would get taken in, and the teachers were worried that they were falsely accusing students of being in a gang. The only thing that could satisfy me through the days were books.

Walking into the school's library before the classes started, I said hello to the librarian, checking in and looking for more books to read. So far I have read much psychological non-fiction, fiction, and other types of books that hint at psychology and the manipulation of human interaction.

Booking through the psychological section, I found one book that looked different from the others. It was called 'Minds of Monsters'. Contrary to how it sounds, it does not reference killers or sociopaths. It had actual monsters in it. This surprised me, as there are no such things as monsters, as far as I know.

Intrigued, I cracked open this book and read the first few pages. What I read had my mind blown. These monsters that the book talked about were like us, but mythological creatures. I guess the author did some research on some old myths and monsters and compared their actions to ours.

Of course, their actions were different from ours. They may have the same appearance, but their brain capacity and social life are much different from what our brain and social life are like. Some examples that the book shows are the way they interact with each other, how they get tasks completed, and, my favorite part, their emotional reactions.

This made my heart skip a beat, as the manipulation of humans in this generation is way too easy, as was proved by my biggest project yet. Yearning for something new, I thought of my wish, which I promised myself I would not use. I am now 18 years of age, my big plan taking about 3 years to complete. Although people are easy to manipulate, that does not mean that it is quick.

Flipping through the book to see everything that there is to see about each monster, I was intrigued about whether this information has research to back it up. Putting the book back into place, I rushed over to the light novel section. Looking through all of the options, I found psychology, fantasy, and Isekai.

Skimming through the covers, I found that the average genre with the most monsters is the Isekai novels. Not knowing what they were, I went to the librarian and checked this book out. With a sideways glance from the librarian, he let me take the book. Now all that was left is to finish this dreadfully boring school day and learn more about these monsters.

Going back to my dorm, I left off all of the books and other things that I did not need for my classes. After finishing this, I went off to my classes.


After the awful hours of my college school life were done, I rushed back to my dorm, which was not shared by anyone, as there was a new rule that no one could be put in a dorm room with anyone else. Feeling the familiar throb of the 'Wish' in the back of my mind, I immediately set my homework down on my desk and jumped into bed, grabbing the book and reading fervently.

Reading through the first few pages with curiosity, I found that the genre itself was pretty self-explanatory. Someone died, got reincarnated into a different world or reality, or brought aliens or monsters to their current world. What interested me were the monsters specifically. In this book, the monsters had their societies, languages, and even their own rules and laws.

Spending hours on finishing up this book, the ending of it was the conclusion that the main character's team and himself defeated a supreme evil, known as the demon lord, and lived happily ever after. Although it was a great read, one thing eluded me. What happened to the monsters?! Do the heroes just go around slaughtering them as soon as the humans decide that they should be exterminated just because they are different.

Not liking the ending, I decided that I would make my ending. Only, I would use my wish to make myself an empire through manipulation. Now, time to brainstorm. Walking over to my desk, I reached into a drawer under my desktop and pulled out two pieces of paper, putting what I would like to happen once I used my Wish.

After one more hour of brainstorming, I came up with a list that would make my Wish the most effective. It is as follows:

Brainstorm list:

Wish for the integration of monster races.

Integrate a system.

Give me two skills called Memory Manipulation and species change/evolution

Amass a following of monsters.

Fight against humanity

Those Who survive can work under me

Rule the world.

Looking over this list, I thought that the process of events would unfold in my favor, should this go well. Over the 6 years of amassing more possibilities and strength of the Wish, I had enough power to change the entire world. Which is exactly what I am going to do.

Probing around in my mind space, I found that if I moved my consciousness to feel what that throbbing is, I found that if I focus even more intently on it, the more reactive it got. Well, here we go! Reading the list inside my head, I put as much concentration into making the Wish 'activate'!

After a lot of pushing, the air around me seemed to spin and push, making all the objects in the room spin. After a couple of minutes, I had to hide under my desk, which was the only thing that was not lifted off the ground. A couple of minutes after hiding, the familiar throbbing in my head started to grow uncomfortable.

Minutes passed, turning into hours. The light fell and the night rose outside. However, the pain only grew. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally felt my consciousness fade, bliss and peace coming to take me away from the pain.


Eyes opening, I found myself in the same spot that I was before. "What the hell happened? I was making my Wish and suddenly a pain knocked me out. I wonder if anyone else was affected by that. Anyways, that is not the important thing to worry about right now. I need to get this mess cleaned up." I said, looking around my dorm. Books, bottles, and every paper I could have possibly had were strewn across the floor.

"Just my luck. My Wish did not work. If it had, then I would have gotten a system, just like I wished for." I said, moping. But, after a few paper pickups, A screen popped up, a robotic feminine voice going along with it.

[System activated: Protocol 1.0-Integrate authorized.]

[Processing Host's data…]

[Generating random Starter skill…]


[ {Wish} granted. Skills <Memory Manipulation> and <Evolution> have been given.]

[Creating Statistics sheet…]

[Sheet completed. Pop up phrase 'Status'. Can be used out loud or in the mind.]

[Welcome to the System 1.0]

"Is this what the Wish granted me because I wanted a system? Wait for a second, it said generating a random Starter skill. That must mean that not only was I given a system, but others as well. How is it possible that my potency could pile up this much?!" I said to myself, a huge grin on my face.

"Well, let's start with what I have just gotten. Status!" I said out loud, smiling. Seeing something materialize in the air, reminded me of those blueprints that you see in movies. Scrolling up and down it, all the information I could gather from it was very simple but could get very complicated.

Status 1.0

<Name: Colin Graves>

<Species: Human (Evolution at LV 10)>

<Titles: None.>


<Strength: 10>

<Agility: 11>

<Vitality: 11>

<Mana: 0>


Skills: 2

[Memory Manipulation|Mythical|Active]

This skill allows the user to reach into the memories of allies or enemies, changing, adding, or getting rid of memories at the whim of the user. [Becomes more powerful as the host levels up. No Mana required.]


This skill allows the host to evolve into different species, each one more powerful than the previous ones. [Can choose between three choices of evolutions. Each choice has a different path, which cannot be accessed by the other choices. No Mana required.]

This is a pretty great product of the Wish. Now, let's see if my other part of the Wish came true. Walking towards the door, looking over the stats sheet, I opened it and was greeted by a sight that made me feel both shocked and elated. All along the sky, there are portal-like holes, ships, and creatures coming out of them, each one different from the other.

Looking out onto the campus, I found something that interested me even more than the holes in the sky. There was a group of monsters, which looked like humanoid lizards. They looked very muscular, creating cracks in the ground wherever they went. Seeing these terrifying creatures, I couldn't help but smile.

It seems like the time to use my new Skills has come, sooner than expected.