
Our little secret

"Kids! Wake up!" my momma yelled. It's been a couple months now since everything went down. Momma had actually gone to Earfulla with me a couple times now, but it still shocks her every time.

You could say Reili and are a couple…. We are a couple, or as he calls it a meriknep. Things were a bit awkward at first, and he's even come to Earth with me. There has been a time or two where he has punched Will in the face a couple times. "Can't that asshole take a hint?" I said walking off with Reili as Will cried like a baby. "I will pikrit him as many times as it takes to get him to understand."

Reili's words never cease to amaze me. Even though they're so bizarre, I somehow know exactly what he means. "Hey… I have somewhere to show you." I told him, as we snuck off to a desecrated spot and I teleported us to a cemetery. "What is this place?" He asked. "This is where my baby rests." He had a confused look on his face. I went into more detail about what it is as we walked to her grave.