

When I made it to her gravestone, I crouched down in front of it. "Hi, Remi... Mommy's here." I say as I pull Reili towards me. "And I brought somebody with me." I nudge my head in the direction of the gravestone. "Um… hi, Remi. It's nice to meet you... I'm sorry. I can't do this." With that, he placed his hands on the ground as it started to shake. "Reili! What are you doing?!"

The tiny coffin rose from the dirt as the ground slowly stopped shaking. "Look," Reili said as he softly grabbed my hand, pulling me closer. "No! What do you think you are doing?!" I fought him but caved in. He was too strong. "Open it. So she can breathe."

"What do you mean by breath, Reili? She past away right after she was born."

"Just open it, love."

As I opened up the little coffin, I heard a coo that turned into a small cry. I picked Remi up, and held her in my arms. "How-?"

"I just felt something and acted on it." Reili had looked at Remi smiling as she stretched and fell asleep.