
The Blood Luna

***Prologue*** A royal Ravenwood pup, born under a celestial blood moon is abandoned at birth. Dahila an orphan, who spends majority of her life alone bouncing from foster family to foster family, is finally saved by the Johnson's. Little did she know that her whole life would change forever and enter the world of the supernatural. With her friends and family in tow, they band together and help her overcome the challenges she must face in her new life, which seems to be nothing short of a hellish nightmare. Thanks in advance for giving my book your attention and support. -Tru

Trublood_3 · ファンタジー
81 Chs

Celestial Wolf

I slowly desend down the light beam onto all fours inside the bloody battlefield, that was once the mansion garden. Everyone that was around me was sent flying. I take in what I've become. My paws are black my tail is black, it looks like my ears are black. I see our lineage crest on what would be considered my hip in my human form. The crest is made of black fur: The Cresent moon and star. The rest of my fur is white? I thought our lineage consisted of all black wolves? I see my reflection in the fountain, my eyes are amethyst. I can see Raven Stars black and red aura surrounds my begin. I make eye contact where my mother was still laying and I rushed over to her side. I nuzzle her with my nose and her eyes slowly open. "Dahlia, you are beautiful. You were blessed by the moon goddess herself. Remember, whatever happens, I love you dearly and never change" My mom said with her last dying breath. My mom was gone and her wolf appeared right before my eyes. I didn't realize I could cry in my wolf form. My moms spirit wolf jumped inside me. I saw my wolf guardians and they jumped inside me too. I could feel their presence and strength. I let out an ominous howl of pain. My dad must have understood what had happened, he woke up after my concussion wave sent him flying. He came running over to where I stood beside my moms body. "Emma, No!" My dad said crying as he held my mother's lifeless body. "Her spirit is within me dad" I told him through mindlink. "She's...She's with you?!" my dad asked. I nod my head yes. "Dahlia, You're...You're a white wolf. that's really rare and usually a wolf of pure royal blood, or the moon goddess herself. Is the moon goddess within you too?" my dad asked with tears still in his eyes. I nod my head again. My royal guards make their way back to me after they too, went flying during my transformation. "Luna!" They say with a bow. "Dahlia, you're gigantic! and white?!" Paige said. "Paige, Mavis and Phoebe, stay by my dad's side. The guys transform now and follow me to clean up this mess" Dahlia said through mindlink. "As you wish!" They echoed. I watched as the 9 male soliders shift. "Stay safe dad, I'll take care of this!" Dahlia once again said through mindlink. "Please, Be safe Dahlia!" My dad yells, as I take off, letting out a skin crawling howl to command my troops into battle. Rage and grief must be taking over, the power inside me is swelling. "Luna, we are with you, please don't do anything rash" Jackson says through mindlink. I turn to look at him while running. "Luna, your eyes are Crimson again" Jackson said with a whimper. I don't reply to him as my decision has already been made to rid our Island of these hellish invaders. I reach my first underling that cornered a handful of the pack pups. I grab it with my mouth and rip it to shreds. My beautiful white fur, is already stained with blood. I kill, underling after underling. Their limbs being tossed; in this direction or that direction. The ground was now covered in underling body parts and blood. This seems to go on forever. There's so many underlings, I'm not sure how more of the pack didn't die. Upon seeing me, they automatically shift into their wolves and join my murderous rampage. I thought regular wolves didn't stand a chance against underlings, however my pack tears through them with ease. Seeing them fearlessly fighting with me, sheds some light on the dark cloud haunting me. After we killed the last of the underlings, I sniff out Tobias and Caroline's location. "I will handle the rest" I snarled at the pack. The pack instantly backed off and left me to my bidding. I race over to where I smell them. The rage is still building inside of me, I feel ready to burst. When I reach The Vampire King and his trusty witch, they are barely managing to get to their feet. I growl at them and they fixate their eyes on me. I would say I was lying, but I enjoyed watching the fear creep up on their faces. "A white wolf!" Tobias yells. "How can you be white" He said again. Tobias must have been taken by suprise because I was able to manage to speak to him in his mind as well. "I told you I wasn't anything like my parents" I snarled. Caroline was quick to react and she sent an energy blast right at me. I didn't even bother to dodge it. I needed to see where my strength and tolerance was at. The engery blast was reflected. I didn't even realize I could do that. Caroline's face grew even more afraid and scared of the creature that was standing before her. "Tobias, there hasn't been a white wolf since..." "Danica!" I growled at her cutting her off. "How can you talk to me inside my head?!" Caroline asked panicked. "You can thank my lineage and spirit wolves for that" I snap back at her. "Spirit... wolves, as in more than one!?" They both asked completely stunned by what's happening. I do not answer them and just nod my giant wolf head yes. "You killed my mom!" I snarled at Caroline. I never thought I'd have it in me, but I charged Caroline and hit Caroline as hard as I could. From the blow, I knew she had died. I heard all of her bones break on impact, from my paw. I watched as she bounced off the floor. When she finally was still, you could see, the side I hit her was complete crushed in, she laid their lifeless with cuts on her face and blood coming out of her mouth. I turned without any further concern and now focused my attention on the Vampire King.