
Unsafed number

Mattia looked at the girl who was lying on the bed and smiled, He couldn't help himself from patting her head gently."Don't worry everything will be alright." 

Liliana didn't know what happened to her when he patted her head, For the first in a long time she felt familiar warmth emanating from this strange man. 

He took the hospital sheet and covered her with it, Liliana who was familiar with this particular test and she hates it so much.

She pulled up her hospital gown from underneath the sheets."I will turn off the lights so you can be more comfortable." He said and walked towards the light key and turned it off, Now there was only the light of the computer screen.

Mattia walked back to her."I will lift this up a little." He said before he pulled

Liliana was now less nervous than earlier, She noticed how he was very gentle and didn't turn his head to look, He only moved the medical device on her chest making sure that he was not hurting her.