Rosa didn't know what's going on, Leo said that he prepared a surprise for her, But her birthday is after two weeks from now, So what the surprise for?
Hearing a door opening got her attention, Then she felt Leo urging her to walk forward, and she did, fearing that she might trip over something she walked slowly holding his hand tightly which he didn't seem to mind it.
"You can stop here." She heard Leo say and moved to stand behind her, She felt him remove the tie from her eyes and blinked her eyes a few times to get used to the light. "Here, let me help you." He helped her to put back her glasses.
Rosa was shocked when she saw the small apartment decorated in a birthday party decorations, Her eyes moved to the table that the birthday cake was placed on it, Different kinds of feelings started to build up inside her.
"I'm going to be out of the country for a month, I didn't want to miss your birthday, So I thought of doing this as a surprise, do you like it." Leo said hugging her from behind as he placed his chin on her shoulder.
"Thank you." She replied softly, a small smile forming on her lips.
"Come" He walked towards the table, and she followed him, taking the lighter Leo light up the candles on the cake, With the lights that were already off only the light from the back of the room that was on. Everything was perfect.
Rosa looked up at him, Before she bent down and blow out all the candles, When she stood up straight she saw him holding a small black box.
"Happy birthday Rosa." He said, opening the box he took out what looked like a bracelet, walking towards her, He took her hand and put the bracelet on her wrist.
"Leo, This is too much, I can't..." He cut her off by placing his finger on her lips gently silencing her.
"Ross, You still don't know what you mean to me, You might think that this all just a game, I love you, Rosa, I don't want just to love and take care of you from afar, I want to marry, I want you to be my wife, But before all of this I want to live your life and complete your study, live your life as you should." Kissing the top of her head he pulled her into his arms.
On the other hand, Rosa was blushing forcefully from his confusion, She felt that her head is spinning, and she will pass out any minute now.
Pulling back he walked towards the bed he pulled her with him, He could feel her hand shaking as he held it.
Making her sit on the bed he sat down beside her. "I brought you here today because I wanted to stay with you and nothing more Rosa, So please relax, I will never force you into anything you don't want." Placing his finger under her chin making her look at him. "You changed Rosa, I'm starting to feel that you don't love me."
His words made her eyes widened, That it's not true she just doesn't know what is happening to her when she sees him.
"I... It's just that I don't know how to express my feelings, Before you were the big brother that I never had, But with the time you became something different, And it was hard to imagine someone like you would look at a girl like me." Rosa paused taking a deep breath, Leo didn't interrupt her, He wanted to hear everything she wants to say.
"Someone like me, Who is most likely an illegitimate child and no one knows how I came to this life, it does bother me that I don't know who I am, So how it does not bother you?" She asked looking into his eyes hoping to see some hesitation, But she saw the warm look of his eyes.
Cupping her face with both of his hands, He placed his forehead on hers still looking into his eyes. "Never again repeat that word Rosa, I don't care about anything else except for you, I don't care if you have family or not, It's only you that it matters to me and nothing else, I understand that you are feeling in insecure because of this. Let me be the one to be free you of these feelings." His voice came out in a whisper, Gentle, As he was speaking to her heart.
Rosa didn't know what was happening, She felt like there was something shattered within her heart, It felt so unrealistic to her yet her heart wants to believe in this beautiful lie.
Rosa didn't know what to say at this moment, She looked up at him her eyes saying everything he needs to hear, Still holding her face between his hands, He kissed her lips gently at first but the kiss soon turned into a passionate one, Rosa let her guard down this time letting him do as he wanted.
When she sighed into the kiss he found the opportunity to push his tongue inside her mouth teasing her sweetness.
Rosa wasn't good at him, but she tried to follow his lead as her small tongue reached out for his.
"No... Huh... No more." Rosa pulled away from the kiss as she couldn't breathe anymore, If he could kiss for that long that what about...? The thought of him not stopping terrified her.
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John mansion.
"Keep her parents away from everything, also pay the money that they owe to them, I don't want Anna to feel anything, do you understand?" John said to his personal lawyer.
"Yes sir, I will take my leave now." The old man said before he left.
Just after the lawyer left, Anna entered John office." Do you still have work?" She asked as she walked towards him.
Pulling her close he made her sit on his lap. "And even if I have, I will delay it." John said as he hugged her close to him, Anna is the only one who could make his heart be at ease.
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