
The Blade Of The Marines

The swordsman at the cusp of the world, the anti-hero of the marines, the Lord of hell, Asura's reincarnation, demon souled monster.

SMMCLIPS · アニメ·コミックス
57 Chs

Chapter 33- Crocodile Tears

The mist-choked battlefield on Banished Isle became the canvas for an otherworldly dance—a dance between reality and illusion, between the relentless pursuit of justice and the enigmatic powers of a Warlord. Crocodile, master of deception, wielded his Devil Fruit abilities with an unsettling finesse, evading our blades with an almost supernatural ease.

My swords sliced through the air, each stroke meeting only the ethereal resistance of sand manipulated by Crocodile's power. The Mirage's that had tested our spirits now manifested in the very fabric of the battlefield, distorting our attempts to land a decisive blow.

Tashigi, her blade flashing in the mist, lunged at Crocodile. The Warlord, however, dissolved into sand, slipping through her strike like a phantom. Frustration etched her features, a testament to the elusive nature of our adversary.

"He's not just using illusions; he's bending reality itself," Tashigi grunted, parrying a counterattack from the ever-shifting form of Crocodile.

Smoker, his jitte wreathed in Haki, attempted to grapple with the sand-formed Warlord. But even the intangibility of Crocodile's Mirage's seemed to render our Haki-imbued strikes ineffective.

"This is like fighting a specter," Smoker growled, his frustration mirrored in the grit of his teeth. "We need to find a way to break through his defenses."

Crocodile, his laughter echoing through the mist, materialized behind us. "You dance with the Mirage, yet your steps falter. The Grand Line is a stage, and I am the choreographer of your downfall."

The Warlord's words hung in the air, a taunting symphony that fueled the determination within us. We regrouped, each exchanging glances that spoke of a shared resolve to overcome the treacherous dance with the Mirage.

As the confrontation intensified, Crocodile's limited mastery of Haki became apparent. The tingling sensation of Haki-imbued strikes grazed against his form, revealing chinks in the otherwise impervious armor of sand. It was a glimmer of hope—a vulnerability to exploit in our struggle against the relentless Warlord.

Tashigi, her determination unwavering, adapted her sword techniques to incorporate Haki. Her strikes, now imbued with the invisible force, met with a more substantial resistance against Crocodile's sand-form.

"I won't let your illusions dictate the outcome," Tashigi declared, her blade a beacon of determination in the mist.

Smoker, too, adjusted his tactics, utilizing the penetrating power of Haki to disrupt Crocodile's intangibility. The Warlord, momentarily caught off guard, staggered under the impact of Smoker's enhanced jitte.

"This is how we'll break through," Smoker grunted, his eyes focused on the elusive Warlord. "Haki disrupts his control over the Mirage."

The mist began to churn with an ethereal energy as the dance between reality and illusion escalated. Crocodile, though formidable, found himself pressured by our newfound understanding of his weaknesses. The Mirage's, once impenetrable, began to waver under the onslaught of Haki-infused strikes.

Yet, Crocodile's laughter persisted—a haunting echo that reverberated through the mist. "You may dance with the Mirage, but the finale is yet to come."

As the battle reached a critical juncture, the very fabric of Banished Isle seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. Crocodile, undeterred by our tactics, unleashed a surge of sand that obscured our vision.

The mist thickened, and the Mirage's intensified, creating a disorienting tableau of distorted realities. It became a struggle not only against Crocodile's powers but also against the psychological toll of the Mirage that sought to undermine our cohesion.

The misty battlefield transformed into a chaotic dance, where illusions and reality merged into a surreal tapestry. We pressed on, navigating through the Mirages with a resilience forged in the crucible of the Grand Line.

The chaotic dance with the Mirage escalated, the misty battlefield twisting into a surreal nightmare. Crocodile's powers, a maddening blend of reality manipulation and illusion, tested the limits of our endurance. Haki-infused strikes disrupted his control, but the Warlord remained a relentless force, adapting to the ebb and flow of the battle.

In the midst of the Mirage's, Crocodile's sand-formed attacks struck with an unnerving precision. Tashigi parried and countered, her movements graceful yet tenacious. Smoker, wielding his Haki-infused jitte, sought to grapple with the elusive Warlord. Yet, with each attempt, Crocodile slipped through their defenses like grains of sand slipping through fingers.

A surge of sand engulfed us, obscuring our vision. The Mirage's intensified, each illusion blurring the line between friend and foe. As we navigated through the disorienting landscape, Crocodile materialized behind me with a sand-formed blade, delivering a sweeping strike that sent me sprawling.

The impact reverberated through my body, pain blossoming with each heartbeat. Tashigi and Smoker, their resolve unbroken, rushed to my aid, but Crocodile's relentless assault continued. Mirage's of potential outcomes played out—a twisted kaleidoscope of victories and defeats that fueled the Warlord's sadistic pleasure.

"Your struggles are futile," Crocodile's voice echoed, a mocking laughter underscoring his words. "The Mirage's are the threads of destiny, and I control the tapestry of your demise."

Despite the onslaught, Tashigi and Smoker fought on, their determination unyielding. The misty battlefield became a surreal arena of pain and perseverance. Crocodile, ever elusive, exploited the psychological toll of the Mirage's, leaving us teetering on the brink of exhaustion.

As the mist cleared, revealing the battered landscape, Crocodile stood amidst the chaos—a spectral figure with sand swirling around him like a malevolent aura. The Mirage's, a distorted reflection of our struggles, continued to play out, leaving us uncertain of our own reality.

Tashigi, her breath ragged, addressed Crocodile with unwavering defiance. "This ends now, Warlord. Your illusions won't break us."

Smoker, though battered, echoed her sentiment. "You can manipulate reality, but you can't erase our determination."

Crocodile, a silhouette in the mist, chuckled darkly. "Determination, you say? Let's see how determined you truly are."

The mist thickened once more, the battlefield descending into an ominous stillness. Mirage's of potential futures cast shadows on our resolve. The ground beneath us seemed to shift, and the very air became a palpable force, charged with an impending climax.

As the mist settled, Crocodile stood at the center of the battlefield, a harbinger of uncertainty. The Mirage's, a symphony of distorted destinies, played on, leaving us trapped in a tapestry of our own making.